Remember Kendra? I introduced her back in May. She is Darius' sister and is married to Dr. Burke. You can read a little about her here. She and Nikki are meeting for lunch at a nice little Japanese restaurant to discuss their upcoming ski trip.
"This is one of my favorite little restaurants. Darius and I usually come at dinner time/"
"Nate loves sushi, so I will have to bring him here soon."
They continue chit chatting, while waiting for their drinks.
"So I just secured our lodging at a place called Chateau Eau Claire. I just can't wait to hit the slopes. I desperately need a vacation and Aspen, CO is calling my name. Darius won't admit it but he is running on fumes these days."
"I'm surprised you got Mr. Workaholic to go away for a week. You know he thinks everything will fall apart if he isn't running things. I don't know what I'm saying, Nate is exactly the same way."
"It wasn't easy. It involved some major coaxing, if you know what I mean."
"Well I'm hoping that Nate and I will leave as a couple, and return as a family. My doctor thinks we are too stressed out and that's why I can't get pregnant."
"Nothing like cold snow and a roaring fire to bring a couple closer together."
"How are you doing over there Dr. Anderson?"
"Just fine, Kimoko."
"Can I get you something to eat?"
"I'm waiting for my wife. We have a lunch date."
"That is so sweet that you two still have dates. One second. I will be right back."
"Here are your drinks. Your bento boxes will be out soon."
Ayami and Sunni are enjoying their lunch.
"Here's to a wonderful, romantic weekend in Aspen, Co!"
"Here, here."
"Are you sure you aren't being stood up?"
"She wouldn't dare. She's notorious for being late."
"Oh, there's my gorgeous wife, now."
"Honey, this is Kimoko. She's been keeping me company."
"Hi Kimoko. I hope my husband hasn't been talking your ear off."
"No. He's a real sweetheart."
"Ladies, lunch is served. Can I get you anything else?"
"No. That will be it for now. Thanks."
Nikki and Kendra end up taking a little longer than an hour for lunch. Dr. Anderson heads back to his dentist office for a few afternoon appointments. The Coopers (they were first seen in the Pediatrician video), finally sit down for lunch. With three little ones under the age of two, Mrs. Cooper is just happy to get an afternoon away from the chaos. Sunni goes to pick up the girls from daycare. Kimoko readies the restaurant for the evening crowd.