Sunday, November 30, 2014

Upcoming Church Story

Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone.  Hope you all enjoyed your families and some good food.  I cooked more this year than I ever have.  I have been crazy busy and the dolls have taken a back seat, but I will be getting back to them soon.  There's so much going on over here at the moment, it's hard to focus.  Just to give you an idea of my real life drama....... Remember my house guest?  Well she fell and hit her head the first night she was here, and she's been down and out ever since.   There have been a couple visits to the hospital, but luckily there's no real damage.  So I've been playing nurse maid.  Tomorrow I start two straight weeks of radiation.  It's just to remove some lesions in my arm, my leg, and my back.  It will also help rebuild my bones.  Did I tell you that I now tutor math three times a week?  I love math and I love tutoring when I don't have to deal with a lot of drama.  Most of my tutoring jobs are riddled with parent drama.  This is no exception.  

On to the dolls.  I will be doing a church story in the next couple of days.  We have met the pastor and two of her children.  I want to introduce you to her father (principal Reed), and her teenage daughter Shelley.

Initially I thought about making the principal her husband, but I got more of a father vibe.  It's always nice to have another grandpa in town.

I've already started setting up the church story.  Now one is dressed yet,  When I do a big scene like this, I usually put everyone in their seats, then I dress them.  Makes things a lot easier.

We will see you guys real soon!


  1. Sorry to hear about your house guest's fall. Like the additions to the pastor's family. I laughed when I saw the naked guy sitting in church! Take care of yourself.

    1. Phyllis - In my life, there is always something that keeps me on my toes. Thank goodness I am able to keep my head up and keep it moving. They always says come as you are. I guess naked man took it literally.

  2. Hi Vanessa, you're such a great girl! Hope your guest will be fine soon!
    I look forward for the church story, I was wondering about the naked guy, it gave a twist to the scene.....LOL.
    Big Kisses

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. My guest is getting better, so that is a blessing. So are you saying you have never gone to church naked? lol.

  3. Hi Vanessa. Great to hear from you! I hope that your houseguest is better. I pray that all goes well with your radiation treatments. The church scene looks great! I look forward to seeing more of this environment. Love me some church. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. My houseguest is doing better. She still isn't able to stay up for very long, but she's improving. My dolls love going to church.

  4. Replies
    1. Duke of Swann - Fellowship is a good thing, even in the doll world.

  5. Hi Vanessa! Good to read you! The treatment is probably not pleasant, but I'm glad to read it will help to rebuild your bones. Your church looks awesome!

    1. Night Owl - Thanks. Time has flown by. Radiation doesn't hurt. It's a pain getting everything all set up, but at least there's no pain.

  6. I can't remember if I've told you this before, but I always click through the enlarged versions of your pictures (to better take in all the details) before reading what you've written. Imagine my surprise when I saw that naked gentleman sitting in the pew- LOL! I thought he's taking, "Come as you are," to the extreme. I will be praying that all goes well with the treatments and the restoration of your bones and health.

    1. Jewell - My oh my. I'm sure the naked church guy was quite the surprise. Sorry about that. Thanks for the prayers.

  7. Good to see you posting again. I'm sorry to hear about your guest's accident. I'm glad she's doing better and that she has you there. You are truly a jack of all trades! Math tutoring, nurturing house guests, your treatment, Etsy shop and you still manage to keep us going with photo stories. You're amazing!

    The church looks amazing by the way. I guess somebody in the front row was in a hurry, lol.

    1. Tracy - Thanks. I've been able to work on a couple furniture pieces in between playing nursemaid and everything else I'm doing. I guess I probably needed a small doll break anyway. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

  8. I can't want to see what this story is going to be about. I love having grandparent in Dotsville. They are always so sociable with everyone.I'm over here debating a wedding! Not sure if I can handle the preparations, lol!

    1. Brini - Oooh, who getting married? Make sure you take your vitamins and get lots of rest. You're going to need it for that wedding. lol.

  9. Wow. You've been busy. Like the pews and see that they are already full. Just a reminder...there's a naked guy in the first pew. LOL. Can't wait to read the story.

    1. KMQ - Thanks. I never imagined naked guy would cause such a stir. lol.

  10. I look forward to reading your upcoming church story.

    Take care of yourself (and your house guest). I must have missed the post about that.


    1. DBG - I just need to make it through the next two weeks and then I can rest. These next two weeks are going to be crazy. Luckily my houseguest is coming around. She's a lot better tonight.

  11. Hey Vanessa, wishing you and your house guest a speedy recovery. Remember to take care of yourself sometimes. :)

    1. AG Lanc - Thanks. I told my boyfriend he has to treat me extra special while I'm getting radiation. Hopefully that will help speed up the process.

  12. Praying that the radiation treatments restore you to full health!

  13. LOL, I'm like Jewell and I always look at the large photos first, so the nekkid guy gave me quite a start!

    Hope you and your guest get into tip top shape.

    1. Muff - That will teach you to not to look at the big picture. LOL. (pun intented). I'm tired just thinking of all the stuff I agreed to do the next two weeks. On top of the things I mentioned above, I agreed to get two girls dressed and fed and off to school, which means I have to be at their house at 6am for the next two weeks. I also agreed to dog sit for two different dogs. I'm tired just thinking about it all.

  14. I'm glad you explained the naked guy. That was really throwing me! It seems we all got a good laugh from it! Hope the radiation goes well.

    1. Tam - That is soooo funny. I never really thought about the naked guy. Normally there would have been even more naked people sitting there. I have to redress just about everyone who is there.

  15. So sorry you are going thru so much Vanessa. Prayers going out for you - I think sometimes prayers are needed for the stress of our hectic lives more than anything. The new family is so lovely- I love your church scenes. I have been wanting to do one myself and have not found the time to make the benches yet.

  16. Well, I guess church should cater for everyone. LOL. I'm not sure how the parents with young children will feel about it though. You sound as though you are going to be very busy for the next few weeks so he may be naked in church for a while. I'm praying your radiation treatment goes well.

  17. Wishing you the best with your treatments. Looking forward to the story.

  18. Hello from Spain: I wish that your guest is better of the fall. You do a great job with math classes. I love the church. I look forward to more pictures. Good luck with your therapy. Keep in touch

  19. my prayers are with you and your guest. hope everything goes well. can't wait for the next story!

  20. Hey, I recognize that nude Power Team guy! Oh wait, that's not Wilson ;-)

    I wish and pray all goes well with your treatment. Hope your guest mends, too.

    Best wishes for tutoring joy with minimum parent drama.

    Looking forward to seeing more of the new pastor.

  21. Vanessa, I hope everything will be OK with you and your guest.
    It's nice to see an AA Skipper in one of your doll families. I love AA Skipper dolls and have all nine of them.

  22. Bonjour Vanessa, je suis contente de voir que tu continue de publier sur ton blog. Moi, ce n'est pas le cas. Ma santé me joue des tours. Je reviens d'une petite opération aujourd'hui, ... mais je suis toujours ravie de voir que tu continues ton blog. À bientôt !

  23. I really love that church scene. The naked Peacekeeper is really a hoot! The fact that he's on the front pew truly takes the cake! One picture is worth 1,000 words.

    My prayers are with you and your house guest. Get some rest and be kind to yourself during this Holiday Season. God bless

  24. The naked Peacekeeper! Now you know you were being provocative! I know your church is a box but I never see it when you are showing your houses. Also have you decorated the outside like My Froggy boxes? I am looking forward to your story!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Been away too long! I know I've missed a lot of doll drama. Hoping & praying radiation treatment goes well. Those pesky house guest Don't let them stress you. blog name has changed... Artist - Sonya M. Jones...Reflections of My Art and Soul.

  27. I'm here to caught up. See what happens when you look at the pictures first is you wonder why somebody is naked at church. LOL!! I need to stop doing that. I already looked at all the pictures that we in my email box then I said I just need to pick up where I left off.

  28. Just realized I never replied to the here goes ....

    Lisa Neault - Thanks so much for your prayers. I'm doing much better, so I'm going to say the prayers helped.

    Carrickters - I got the naked man dressed, even though I have yet to do the story. I really need to move the church, so I can do a proper story.

    Male Doll World - Thanks for the well wishes. I am doing much better.

    Marta - Thanks for your wonderful comments and your well wishes.

    shirley - Thanks for your prayers. Me and my houseguest both recovered from our ailments.

    D7ana - Thanks for the prayers. I made it through December, even though it was pretty tough. Still planning to do the church story.

    Dukasha - Thanks for the well wishes. I am so excited to finally get this teen Skipper in a family. She is the only one I have like her.

    Shasarignis - Bonjour! Tellement heureux de vous entendre à nouveau. Désolé pour la réponse tardive. Je suis aussi désolé d'apprendre que vous rencontrez des problèmes de santé. Je espère que vous êtes déjà mieux, mais je vais dire une prière pour vous ce soir. Soyez bien, mon ami.

    Ollie's Dollies - You know how they always say picture your audience naked.....maybe the guy wasn't really naked. Maybe the preacher was just picturing him naked. lol! Thanks for your well wishes. I am much better now.

    Ms. Leo - My church is not a box. It is on a shelf, with foamcore walls like the majority of my dios. Makes for easy dio changing, which is crucial for cutting down my time. I promise to get that church story done soon.

    Sonya - Thanks for stopping by. All is much better now. Let's hope it stays that way.

    Kenya - The Lord said come as you are. But naked man is now dressed.


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