Today I visited Toy's R Us. I always like to visit and look for Barbie Toys R Us exclusives. They had a really good sale going. I also ran across a couple of new Barbies that I really liked.

There is a new line out called So In Style, S.I.S for short. There are 3 diferent sets that feature African American Barbies with their younger sisters. S.I.S dolls have more African American features; fuller lips, wider noses, curly hair (some of them) and distinctive cheek bones. They were designed by Stacey McBride-Irby, an African American designer for Mattel. The sets were running $22.99. I hear they will be at Target soon, and probably cheaper.
They also have a new Skipper out. She is very pretty. In the same line they have a combo set with Stacey and Kelly. The price was $12.99 for Skipper and $12.99 for the combo set.
So what do you think?

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