Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Time at the Taylors (Photostory)

It's Christmas Day at Danielle and Rod's house.  They decided to host the Christmas dinner.  

Danielle has brought up the food and set the table.  Not sure where all her help is.

Well here are three of them, all doting over Zoé.  So happy to see Ian and Sharmaine.  Ian has been out of the country doing an internship, which just finished.  Sharmaine has also been traveling for her job.  This is the first time they are both meeting the baby.

"Come on, Ian.  You have been holding her long enough.  Let me hold her."  (Sharmaine)

"Zoé said she needs a little more time with her favorite uncle."  (Ian)
"You are her only uncle, dufus."  (Sharmaine)

Jacob is playing with his new dinosaur.  Santa also brought him a new train set.

Rod and JT (Roberta's man) are hanging out on the back porch.

Look who else is here!  Nicole.  She got to spend Christmas at her dad's house.  I would love to say Melanie just offered this wonderful gesture, but it actually took an injunction from the court.  More on that later.  Anyway, Nicole is playing Julian some tunes on her new guitar Santa brought her.

"Okay guys, dinner is ready.  You can make your way to the table."  (Danielle)

"Can you please tell Ian to stop hogging the baby."  (Sharmaine)
"Sharmaine, why don't you take her to the nursery and change her diaper.  I'm sure she can use one now.  Ian, there is a bassinet in my bedroom.  Can you bring that down for me?  Thanks."  (Danielle)

"Ha, ha, haha, ha.  Now hand her over."  (Sharmaine)
"Gladly.  I'll pass on diaper changing any day."  (Ian)

"What do you need me to do?"  (Roberta)
"Nothing, mom.  It's all done.  I'm going to go get the rest of the gang.  Just make your way to the table."  (Danielle)

Danielle gathers everyone else.  Sharmaine returns with a clean baby and Ian returns with the bassinet. 

The family is finally seated.

"So is everyone comfortable."  (Danielle)
Various forms of 'yes' can be heard.  Danielle places the baby in the bassinet and takes her seat.

"Honey, can you please say the blessing?"  (Danielle)

"Yes, but before I do, I just wanted to say a few words."  (Rod)
"Okay, but make it quick, we don't want the food to get cold."  (Danielle)

"I just want to thank everyone for spending this time with us.  

"It's been a blessed year as we welcomed our new little angel."

"It's also been a very sad year as I was away from my first angel, due to circumstances beyond my control.  Please know that daddy loves you more than he can possibly express.  Always remember that."

"And to my beautiful wife, who helps keep me grounded.  Thanks for all you do for me, this family, and the community."  (Rod)

Danielle blinks back the tears that are quickly forming.

"Thanks so much, honey.  You make it so easy for me to love you.  I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life."  (Danielle)

"Alright everyone, join hands so we can bless the meal."  (Danielle)

"Dear heavenly Father......"  Rod blesses the meal and the family enjoys the dinner.  Ian and Sharmaine catch everyone up on their busy lives.  Plans for 2017 are discussed by all.  It was a wonderful Christmas day.

Hope you all had a joyous holiday!  Happy early New Year!


  1. Lovely story, I'm glad Rod was able to have Nicole for the holiday. I pray the taylors have a wonderful new year and many many more

    1. Brittney - Thanks! The family is really happy to have Nicole for the holidays.

  2. Beautiful story! Rod had me blinking back tears, too. I was kind of hoping his brother's family was coming, too so Sharmaine could apologize to Ian for calling him a dufus as he is actually not Zoe's only uncle. Lol

    1. Jewell - Thanks. That table couldn't fit any more people, so the other Taylors are enjoying their Christmas with other family members. Sharmaine and Ian argue like brothers and sisters. I'm not sure she would have apologized.

  3. First, lovely dinner set up. Second, I'm glad Nicole got to be included for dinner, despite her evil mother.

    Last, I just noticed Ian is a on a 'hybrid' body. What body does he have?

    1. Jaye - Thanks. Yes, Ian has been returned to an articulated body. I'm not sure which one it is. I have a storage box full of bodies to chose from when needed. Chances are I bought it at Monkey Depot. I just popped over to their site, but I don't see the ones I normally buy.

  4. Are Ian and Sharmaine close in age? I imagine they argued quite often as kids.

    1. AG Lanc - Yes, they are a couple years apart. They have an interesting love/hate cousin relationship.

  5. Also, very glad to see Nicole with the family. Ugh Melanie is a miserable little creature! Careful or Nicole may turn on her and request to live with her dad.

    1. AG Lanc - Yes, Nicole was very happy to be reunited with her family.

  6. Very nice dinner setting and they actually did fit a lot of folks around that table! Rod's comments were very touching and I felt a bit of a tug at my heartstrings for him and Daniel! I am so glad Nicole was able to spend Christmas with them. Too bad it took court intervention to make it happen. Melanie is such a miserable sort of person that she has to make others suffer to feel better about herself. Looking forward to seeing what is in store for Morristown in 2017!

    1. Phyllis - I had to turn the table around to fit everyone in. I plan to lots more stories in 2017. I miss playing with my dollies.

  7. Beautiful Christmas gathering. It's good Nicole was able to join in the festivities.


    1. DBG - Thanks. I was really happy to get a nw story posted before the new year arrived.

  8. Awe! So glad to see Nicole there.

    Have an awesome Holiday!

    1. Muff - Thanks. I was happy Ian was back. He was missing mainly due to his stiff body. Now that he got his articulation back, we can see a lot more of him.

  9. You keep doing a very nice work with your stories and dioramas.Congratulations,Vanessa!!
    HAPPY 2017! With Love Health and Fun!!

    1. Jorge - Thanks! I'm going to do more doll stories in 2017. I have so many new dolls that need to be seen. Happy new year!

  10. Very nice history and beautiful dioramas ! Happy New Year! Hugs

    1. Maria - Thanks! I appreciate you stopping by. Happy new year!!!

  11. Hi Vanessa!
    What a wonderful holiday dinner you set up! I'm glad Nicole could be there to share it with everyone. I'm hoping Rod will get full custody of her and Melanie can stew in her own juices! LOL Happy Holidays to you my friend, and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! I wasn't sure everyone was going to fit in their dining room, but they made it happen. That is the first big dinner party they have had since moving in. Danielle is happy to be getting back to a bit of normalcy. Happy new year to you and the rest of the family!!!

  12. Glad to see Ian. Is he still with Valencia? Stay safe and Happy New Year!

    1. Jaiden - I was determined to get Ian back in the mix. As far as I know he and Valencia are still together. Happy New Year!

  13. Wonderful story and just seeing Nicole there makes me smile. I hope the new year brings Rod and Danielle some peace in there lives.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Brini - Thanks. Funny, Danielle had that same hope of peace in 2017. Let's hope they get some. Happy New Year!

  14. Rod had me crying too! I love that dinnerware set. I have a few pieces, but I want the whole set with the butter dish and everything.Great Christopher & Banks sweaters. They fit so well. I didn't manage to get any unfortunately. i miss the best sweaters every year! I had my eye on the pink and white one,but I couldn't justify the money.Glad Nicole is there too. Happy New Year Vanessa!

    1. Tam - Thanks. I didn't know there was a butter dish. Now that I think about it, there are a few butter dishes around here. I tried to notify people of the CB sweater sale as soon as I found out. $3 each was such a bargain. Much better than the $7.95 retail price. Be on the lookout in Nov. I'm sure they are going to offer them again. They really are a perfect fit. Happy New Year! Hope your 2017 is better than you expect.

  15. Don't know how missed this earlier. Fun to see Danielle and Rod and their family.

    love the warm and cosy vibe in the photos.

    1. D7ana - I'm happy I was able to get this one done. I'd been wanting Ian and Sharmaine to meet the baby. I'd also wanted to get Ian back on his articulated body so I can do more stories with him. I'd also wanted them to finally have a family dinner in the big dining room. Lots accomplished with this one story. Thanks for stopping by.


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