Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome 2017!

Happy New Year!!!  I had planned a doll story with a fancy party, but as luck would have it, I had a minor setback on Christmas Day.  More on that later.  So I'm sharing a painting my niece did for me as my Christmas present.  It is a very special gift because a few months ago was the first time she had spoken to me in about four years.  She had distanced herself from the whole family, but she made amends this year.  It was a prayer answered.  

I have to admit 2016 was an awesome year for me.  Maybe it was the vision board I did at the beginning of the year.  I just felt more focused and got a lot done.  Of course, Dasia kept me busy with the sewing.  I started sewing for Lammily, but really haven't found my stride on her clothes yet.  She isn't as fun to sew for, but hopefully that will change.  I learned to crochet and knit, after a life long desire to do so.   I also did a lot of baking, reading, and line dancing.  The biggest project accomplished was the new deck.  And the big surprise at the end of the year was the cardmaking.  I absolutely love it.  It's so nice to be able to customize a card and send it to someone.   

The saddest thing that happened this year was losing Buttercup.  The dogs and I have since adjusted, but I still miss her.  Healthwise, I started back on chemo at the beginning of the year.  Unless a miracle happens, I will not be taking any more breaks from chemo.  I've learned to accept that.  So back to the setback I had on Christmas day....... I got shingles!  Oh my goodness!  It is as bad as they say.  Luckily my doctors think they caught it in time where the medicine will take care of it within 7 - 10 days.  If you don't start medicine quickly enough, shingles can last for months.  Before I knew what it was, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.  Then I felt like lumps were growing in my chest.  It was horrible.  I couldn't even breath right.  When people think of shingles, I think they think of the sores and blisters that develop, but it was what it was doing internally which made it almost unbearable.   Without the strong pain meds they prescribed, I don't know that I would have made it.  Yesterday I was feeling really good.  It was the first day I didn't need pain meds, so I thought for sure I was on the mend.  However, today, I have taken a step backward.  Hopefully, I will be completely healed in the next few days.  I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

Looking ahead to 2017.......  I'm deeming this year, the year of the house.  My house and the doll houses.  I plan to finally get the KidKraft houses decorated.  I've decided to redo all the walls with removable wallpaper so I can change it for different families.  There will also be standalone rooms.  I got one of those done this past week.  More are planned.  This also means more stories and getting back to some of the families I've missed seeing.  We didn't get to see a lot of the husbands this year.  I will bring them back into the fold.  Of course, I will continue sewing for the diva, Ms. Dasia.  She is still my muse.  My Etsy store will reopen within the next couple of weeks.  Not sure what else the year will bring, but I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks again to all who read my blog and follow my shenanigans.  I really appreciate the love.  Hope your 2017 is a blessed one.


  1. What a wonderful update and I'm so sorry to hear you've had the shingles! My brother had it a few years ago out of the blue and he also said it was horrible. Hopefully you will be fully healed soon! It's great to hear about all the wonderful things you accomplished this year and your hope for the year to come. Best wishes!!

    1. Farrah - Thanks. Yes, shingles sucks. Mine was due to the prolonged chemo. Hope 2017 is a prosperous one for you.

  2. What a nice re-cap of your year. It's nice that you and your family were able to re-connect with your niece.

    I'm sorry to hear about your shingles, it sounds very painful. I wish you a quick recovery.

    I'm looking forward to seeing more stories and how you change the houses for each family. That sounds so cool. Happy New Year!

    1. Jaye - I forgot to mention all the time spent refreshing my French. Did you ever have chicken pox? Remember just wanting to scratch all your skin off? That's the stage I'm in right now. I'm trying to distract myself making walls and room boxes. I'm not used to being confined for so long. At least this way I won't feel like it's completely wasted time.

      I'm also looking forward to your new creations in 2017. Especially the baby items.

  3. Shingles? Shudder. My Mom had them a year or so ago. Nightmare time for her. Hope I NEVER get them. Glad to read that the pain meds may shorten the duration of that agony. Crossing my fingers and praying for the shortest bout for you.

    I've been off chemo for a while. Might have to start again in 3 months, depending on how my next scan goes. Hoping that I do NOT have to return to it. Hate the pins 'n needles sensations still present in my hands and feet. Hate the hair thinning and the dark circles under my eyes ... grr....

    BUT I am glad to hear that you have some neat projects to look forward to. You are inspiring. I admire how you do so many things - woodworking, sewing, writing, etc. - you're my role model.

    Always a joy to visit your site and read whatever you share. Thanks for your many contributions.

    1. D7ana - Your poor mom. It's not the pain meds that will make me heal quicker. It's the shingles medicine I'm taking that will hopefully help there.

      I'm glad to hear you are off chemo. I pray you never have to do it again. If you do have to do it again, you may want to ask your doc if you are more susceptible to getting shingles and ask if you should be taking an antiviral med like Acyclovir. I was supposed to be taking it every day for the past 5 years, but as time went on I got a little lax about it. I hate taking pills.

      Thanks for the wonderful comments. I look forward to the day when you get back to blogging.

  4. Once Again HAPPY NEW YEAR,My Friend!
    I think you have nice reasons to belive in 2017 as another awesome year to you and all the family.This painting is a lovely symbol of peace love and happiness.
    All My Best Wishes From Here!

    1. Jorge -Happy New Year! The world is so wide open to us that it excites me every time I think about it. Every day can be a new adventure and I'm always ready to explore. Hugs and kisses to you. I wish you a very prosperous and happy 2017.

    2. This is truly the spirit of a prosperous person: excited every day by the possibilities to explore new opportunities.I'm proud of you!!
      Kisses My Friend!!

  5. Happy New Year Vanessa!

    The picture is lovely!! That is great that she has decided to make it right. There is power in prayers!

    Thanks for sharing your recap of 2016. I pray that the shingles go away just as fast as it came. I am not very familiar with it, but the little that I do know is that it is extremely painful. My supervisor suffers with it and she is in pain most days.

    Vanessa, you are such a trooper. The energizer bunny has nothing on you! Lol!! I admire your strength and courage to keep moving on to the next thing. You are not afraid to "live out loud" as they say. I wish you many blessings throughout 2017.

    1. Georgia Girl - Happy New Year! It was hard when my niece walked away from us. She is the only biological child from me and my brothers. I knew I just had to wait it out and pray along the way.

      Shingles is from the same virus as chicken pox. So if you ever had chicken pox, it's similar, but so much worse. Mine is directly related to getting chemo. They say stress is a major contributor for people who aren't on chemo. Sounds like your boss may need to consider a life change if she deals with this on a regular basis. I can't even imagine.

      I've been getting quite a bit done from my bed, so that is a plus. It's hard for me to just rest and do nothing, so I'm trying to make the most of it.

      Hope your 2017 is a prosperous and happy one!

  6. Happy new year Vanessa! I admire you for all the things you manage to accomplish! Have a great year.

    1. Tam - Happy New Year! Thanks. Hope you have a wonderful 2017.

  7. Vanessa, eres muy valiente! Espero que en 2017 ganaras todas las batallas y las bendiciones de tu angel, te acompañaran dia tras dia. Un beso

    1. Maria - Awww, muchas gracias. Me encantaría que mis batallas desaparecieran. Estoy seguro de que este ángel se unirá a los otros ángeles que me vigilan. Muchos besos y esperanzas 2017 es un año maravilloso para ti.

  8. Hi Vanessa!
    OMG! Shingles?? That stuff's horrible from what I've heard. But I admire your strength and courage regardless of what's happening to you. I admire your positive attitude! You taught me that it really does make a difference. Thank you for that! You are truly an inspiration for all. :-)

    1. Cindi - You heard right! Shingles is horrible. I think mine is better than others because of my strong meds, and it's still bad. I'm trying to make the most of being in my bed. I can't wait to show the new rooms I'm creating. 2017 is going to be an awesome year for you. I'm putting it in the atmosphere.

  9. Hey Vanessa!!!

    Wow, it was great to read about your 2016, and your plans for 2017. It made me realize that I too would somehow want to look back a bit at all the things I did, and give myself a pat or two on the back. Truly, I am so inspired by your post. THanks so much, dear...

    To more awesome dolly adventures this year!

    1. Shasha - It's nice to look back. Sometimes we forget all the things we accomplish in a years time. I'm glad my post inspired you! You deserve those pats on the back. Here's to a lot more pats on the back for us next year! Hope 2017 is better than you even imagined.

  10. Thank God you were able to accomplish so much in 2016. I've enjoyed your blog. Shingles is not easy to deal with . I pray that you have a full recovery.

    1. simsgrl - Thanks! The crocheting, knitting, reading and baking made chemo much better. It not only helped the time go quicker, but it gave me something to look forward to each week. The chemo nurses and doctors were happy to get my baked treats. Hope you have a wonderful 2017.

  11. Happy New Year and my goodness! I'm just glad you are on the right track to getting better. As for the chemo, well, your strong so I will continue to pray for you. I too will be venturing into creating backdrops and rooms. I do want to do a fold away home because I just don't want to my space to be cluttered to much. Between dolls, accessories, sewing machines, fabric, I am running out of room, lol.

    1. Brini - Happy New Year and thanks for your prayers. Yes, the doll stuff can easily take over all your space. Let's not even talk about fabric. I've limited myself with the fabric buying. Now I try to buy the fabric and sew what I buy almost immediately. Hope your 2017 is everything you hope for.

  12. Happy New Year. So sorry to hear about your condition. But God is the healer of all healers. May This year bring many blessings to you.

    1. Rebekah - Happy New Year! Yes, God is the ultimate healer. At least he is letting me get some things done other than just sleeping. Many blessings to you, too, in 2017.

  13. Happy New Year! I hope your meds are working to stop the nasty shingles virus. Sorry your Christmas Day was interrupted but I love the painting. Best wishes as you continue the journey planned for you. I love your stories, especially when Dasia has you creating for her.

    1. Sharon - Happy New Year! The meds appear to be working. I just need them to work a little faster. I think my niece did a wonderful job on the painting. She just started painting again in October of this year. Before that, she hadn't painted since she was a teenager. She's 26 now. If she sticks with it, I think she will be an amazing painter. Thanks for supporting my blog. We will see more of Dasia in 2017. Hope you have a wonderful 2017.

  14. Oh no, shingles! I feel so bad for you. I have not had them, but my Dr. wants me to get the vaccine. You are making me think I should. I am glad you had such a good 2016 and that 2017 is looking bright for you too. I plan to also focus on building dios and decorating my homes for 2017 so I can start telling some stories. I have so many in my head and outlined on the computer. I did a lot of major doll purchasing in 2016, so I have to slow that down a bit! Can't wait to see how you are decorating your homes! I have begun a big organizing and purging campaign here and am making some pretty good progress. Here's to a good 2017 for all!

    1. Phyllis - I'm not big on vaccines, but this is one I highly recommend. I couldn't get the vaccine because of my cancer, but my advice is "run, don't walk, and get this vaccine as soon as you can". You will be so mad at yourself if you get shingles knowing you could have prevented it.

      I got another standalone room started today and living room walls done for three of the families that will share the Uptown house. Way to go on the organizing and the purging! I started that process in my basement last week. Such a good feeling. May you continue to have a productive and prosperous 2017.

  15. You are the best at "Keep on keeping on," as the saying goes. Wishing you all good things for 2017!

    1. Muff - Thanks. The alternative to not 'keeping on' is much worse. All the best to you in 2017, too!

  16. Happy New Year, Vanessa. I think it's great that you stop to take the time to look back at your blessings and challenges, and then forward with such a positive attitude. I'm so sorry to hear about your bout with the shingles. It's a lesson for all of us (who had chicken pox as kids) to get that vaccination. I look forward to seeing the adventures of your doll family and all your beautiful fashions for Dasha & friends in 2017, my dear friend.

    1. april - Happy New Year! This is the closest I get to journaling, so it's a way for me to be able to look back over the years to see how I was doing. Yes, for anyone who can get the vaccine, I highly recommend it. I couldn't get it because of the chemo. I would have immediately gotten shingles if I had. I have to admit I'm pleased with the things I've been able to accomplish, but still wish I didn't have it.

  17. OMG, that sounds terrible! I hope from now on your health only improves, so you can enjoy your dolls and blog and dollhouses, and, of course, sew for Dasia (you really musn't disappoint her, right?).

    1. IHime - It is horrible! Thanks for the well wishes. I can really use them.

  18. Oh my! Well dang you did have an awesome year - Christmas Day Shingles though that sucks! Yeah you described it in a way that I didn't know it could be. Sorry you had to go through that and hoping you are better now. I've gotta work my way back to before Thanksgiving in Morristown. I wanted to stop here first and tell you Happy New Year!

    1. Kenya - Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by. I'm still not 100% recovered yet, but I'm getting there. I still have pain, but I can tell I'm mending. I've gotten quite a few things done since being sick, but I haven't made it back to my work room yet, and I need to get back to sewing soon.

  19. Vanessa, So amazing - talk aboat working through the pain. Wow! Your positive spirit is so inspiring! I plan to make a vision board to help me focus on creating a wonderful 2017. Sending you healing thoughts and wishes for a fun and adventuresome year!

    1. DeMari - Thanks! Being productive really helps with the pain. Good luck with your vision board. I think you will be surprised at how helpful they can be. Keep sending those healing thoughts. I really need them.


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