Friday, September 30, 2016

Back to Dasia

Now that the Taylor baby is here, and now that I've gotten started with (and sold a few) Lammily designs, I can get back to my favorite muse, Dasia.  I started designing a new fall wardrobe for her last week.  I'm hoping to get some new items in the store by the end of next week.  

Dasia is now working at her husband's school as a guidance counselor.  Of course, that means a new wardrobe.  As my mom used to say, "Any excuse is better than none."  

I finished this two-piece belted suede pantsuit with a cape style collar (what a mouthful!), yesterday.  This was a fun challenge because I was creating on the fly.  

The collar can set up for a totally different look.

A back view.  I told her this outfit is probably a little too involved to wear to school.  She agreed.

This is the outfit she wore earlier this week.  Nice and sensible.  Black and white pinstriped, wide legged pants with a black cardigan and a white button down.

The perfect guidance counselor look.

This dress was a custom request from one of my customers.  It was made a few weeks ago.

After the last church service story,  Dasia brought her grandchildren to her house and cooked them dinner.  This gave Carmelia and husband, Emmitt, a chance to have a quiet dinner together.

Dasia is checking the ham in the oven.

These are pictures of another customer requested order for food.  This is the customer's ham, which is a little fattier and much bigger than the one Dasia has in the oven.  

Here is a picture of four of the items ordered.  There was one more dish, for a total of five items, but I forgot to take a picture of it.  

We will be checking in on the Taylor family soon.  Mom and baby have made it home from the hospital.  


  1. Good to see Dasia back in the spotlight! That is a beautiful suit you made her! I do agree that it might be to fancy for school. That ham looks delish!

  2. I'm still jelly over Dasia's wardrobe. She always looks good, thanks to her designer.

  3. Really beautiful.The wardrobe should be a famous clothing line lol!

  4. It is good to see Dasia again. I simply LOVE her suede suit!! I love the rest of her wardrobe as well. Each outfit is really flattering and the color palette is stunning! Great collection.

  5. That food looks delicious! I am always amazed at tiny doll-sized food, and yours is truly beautiful!

  6. Gorgeous suit! That food looks delicious! Awesome job on it all!

  7. Daisa's new outfits are lovely. I especially like the shawl collar suede suit & the red dress looks so cosy for your cooler weather-it'd be a nice Christmas dress I think.

  8. Love Love Love!!! Just pick Mother up off of the floor! Dasia's wardrobe is fierce (as usual) and I want to eat that meal!!! Great work!!!!

  9. I love Dasia's new clothes! And that meal looks awesome. I'm getting hungry just looking at it. LOL I've never tried making doll food, but I don't think I'd have the patience to do it. I admire you for doing it. The detail is amazing! :-)

  10. The clothes are beautiful. My favorite is the suede outfit.

  11. Dasia coat is to die for! She really looks good in all the outfit you have showcased.


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