Tuesday, September 20, 2016

And Her Name Is.... (Photostory)

Danielle would like to thank everyone for their suggestions.  She really appreciated the help since Rod was no help at all with the naming.  At the end of the story, she explains her thought process on the name she chose.

When the baby was brought back to the room, it was clear that she was hungry.  Danielle quickly breastfed her then threw on a little dress to prepare for her pending visitors.

"So do you like that name?"  (Danielle)
"I do.  It really suits her.  How did you come up with that name?  It wasn't even on the list."  (Rod)
"It just came to me as I was looking into her eyes while she ate."  (Danielle)

"Come in!"  (Danielle)
"Hello, we're finally here."  (Roberta)
"Come on in.  The baby has been waiting to meet everyone."  (Rod)

"Hi, Mommy!  We brought the baby a present."  (Julian)
"Awww, that's so sweet of you."  (Danielle)
"That's why we're so late.  We stopped by the hospital gift shop.  So many things to choose from."  (Roberta)

"Hi, Jacob.  Did you come to meet your new sister?"
"No."  (Jacob)
"What do you mean no?  I thought you came to let her meet one of her new big brothers."  (Danielle)

"Jacob, I think you are going to like being a big brother.  You and Julian will make sure that she is safe and well taken care of."  (Roberta)
"Do you want to come closer?  She won't bite."  (Danielle)
"Ummm, no."  (Jacob)

"Jacob you have to be nice to her like I was nice to you when you were the baby."  (Julian)
"I'm sure he will come around.  Let's give him some time."  (Roberta)

"Roberta, would you like me to take him, so you can meet the baby?"  (Rod)
"No.  Mom just put him down on the floor to see if he will come meet her."  (Danielle)
"Okay, but don't force the issue, dear."  (Roberta)
"I know.  I know."  (Danielle)

"So how is the new papa doing?"  (Roberta)
"I'm good.  No matter how much you think you are prepared, seeing a life enter the world will always be amazing."  (Rod)
"God's greatest miracle for sure."  (Roberta)

"You know you are still my baby, too, right?  You are also my big boy.  You have the best of both worlds.  You have a big brother and a little sister."  (Danielle)
Jacob just stands there looking at the baby.  He's not moving closer, but at least he's not moving away either.

"Jacob, when you were a baby, Mommy had a big brother party for me."  (Julian)
"That's right!  I totally forgot about your big brother party.  Maybe we should have another small party to help Jacob with his new big brother role."  (Danielle)

"So how long before I can scoop her up and hold her?"  (Roberta)
"You are welcome to do that right now."  (Danielle)

"You got her?"  (Danielle)
"Oh don't be a nervous nelly.  I've held far more babies in my day than I can count."  (Roberta)
"Why don't you take her to the rocking chair and relax."  (Danielle)

You know who follows Roberta and the baby to the chair.  He is so enthralled with his new baby sister.
"So what do you think of your new sister, Julian?"  (Roberta)

"I like her.  She's small but kind of pretty.  She has big cheeks like me and Jacob."  (Julian)
"Oh, you saw that, too.  You are so observant."  (Roberta)

"Mommy?"  (Jacob)
"Yes, sweetie?"  (Danielle)
"Can you hold me like a baby?"  (Jacob)
His words weren't as clear as that, but Danielle understood what he was saying.

Rod, overhearing the conversation, gently reminds Danielle not to over do it.
"Honey, please be careful.  You did just give birth today."  (Rod)
"I am feeling a little tired.  Come take him for a minute, please."  (Danielle)

Danielle straightens the sheets before she lays down.

She scoots back on the bed and stops.
"Are you okay?"  (Rod)
"Yes.  Just a minor pain.  It has passed."  (Danielle)
"Maybe I should call the nurse."  (Rod)
"No, not yet.  She will make the boys leave, and I want a little more time with them."  (Danielle)

"Here, let me have him."  (Danielle)

"I will put him where you want him.  You shouldn't be lifting him and moving him around."  (Rod)
Jacob is staring in the direction of the baby.  This could be a good sign.

"Mommie's big little man.  I think Julian is right about having a big brother party.  Would you like that?"  (Danielle)
"A party?"  (Jacob)
"Yes, we are going to celebrate your new role as big brother."  (Danielle)

Rod watches as Roberta and Julian talk to the baby.  Overall he's happy, but seeing his new daughter makes him miss Nicole even more.  He wishes she was here to celebrate with them.

"By the way, we are tired of saying 'baby'.  Have you two given her a name yet?"  (Roberta)

"As a matter of fact, we have.  Her name is Zoé Noelle Taylor."  (Danielle)
"What a pretty name."  (Roberta)
"Mom, can you bring her over here?  I'd like one more try with Jacob before they have to leave."  (Danielle) 

"So can Zoé come to your party?  You can introduce everyone to your new little sister."  (Danielle)
"Will Ciyana be there?"  (Jacob)
"We will definitely invite your best friend, Ciana.  Do you think she is going to like your new little sister?"
"Maybe, but not like she like me."  (Jacob)
"Of course not."  (Danielle)

"Mommy, can I come up?"  (Julian)
"Yes.  Kick off your shoes, real quick and join your siblings."  (Danielle)

Roberta is telling Rod the meaning behind the elephant.
"Danielle may not remember this, but she had a stuffed elephant when she was a little girl.  The minute I saw it in the shop, it brought back those memories and I wanted her daughter to have an elephant, too."  (Roberta)

"Wow, that's a really special gesture."  (Rod)
"I have several pictures of her with her elephant.  When you guys return home, I'll show her the pictures to refresh her memory.  I'm kind of surprised she didn't remember, but not really.  The memory is quite challenged after giving birth."  (Roberta) 
"Well, I think you should remind her today when it's just the three of you."  (Rod)
"I think I will."  (Roberta)

Soon after that Rod gathers up the boys, kisses the ladies goodbye, and heads out.  Danielle is happy to have alone time with her mom and her daughter.  

When I saw that mini stuffed elephant at Hobby Lobby, in the miniature section, I almost flipped.  They had a cool giraffe, a cute monkey, and a cuddly dog.  I had to have that elephant right away.  I didn't want to risk him selling out.  The following week, I purchased the giraffe and the monkey, and lots of other mini items for 30% off.  I had a stuffed elephant when I was a little girl.  It is one of only two childhood items I still have.

Here is my personal stuffed elephant that I had as a child.  He is almost 40 years old.  My mom didn't even know that I still had him.

He is still in great shape, and still brings me so much joy when I look at him.

Now, I'm sure some of you are wondering, where the heck Danielle came up with that name.  She was all ready to name her Jasmine Grace, but all of a sudden she was reminded of two little girls she recently saw on tv.  One was a little French girl, named Zoé and the second was a young African American girl named Noelle, who started a charity to help kids understand what breast cancer was all about.  Her mom had won a battle against breast cancer, and she wanted to help other kids who may be dealing with a parent battling cancer.  

Again Danielle thanks everyone for their input.  There were some good ones.  In all honesty, the boys had J names because of their father.  She wasn't sure a J name was appropriate.  She really wasn't too keen on most of the R names, except the ones people in Morristown already have.  A first name with an N would have been nice, but there are so many N named ladies in Morristown, she didn't feel it was unique enough for her little princess.  

Danielle will rest in the hospital another day, and will be discharged on day three.  She's looking forward to getting Zoé home with the family.


  1. I'm so happy for them. That is such a pretty name. Jacob will soon get adjusted to being a big brother. I can't wait for Zoe to meet her big sister and her uncle and aunt.

    1. Rebekah - Thanks. It will be nice to get Zoé home so she can meet everyone.

  2. I love the name Zoe Noelle and I love how you chose it! Jacob may be worried about not being the baby anymore. He may revert back to his "baby" ways as some kids do when a new sibling arrives, however, I am sure it won't take him long to fall in love with her and be her protector. The "big brother" party sounds like a good idea! BTW, love the story behind the elephant.

    1. Phyllis - Thanks. I really think the name suits her. I think Julian will be a great help with Jacob. His dear friend, Ciana, may be a big help, too.

  3. Beautiful baby, beautiful name! Danielle looks so cute with her kids. It's a shame Nicole can't be there to share in this as well. She needs to adjust to a new girl in her dad's life too!

    1. AG Lanc - Thanks! Hopefully Nicole can be back with the family soon. Would have been nice for her to meet her new sister on day one. It will be interesting to see how everything plays out.

  4. Awwwww... beautiful name! And excellent elephant find. My mom had a plush elephant that I adopted as my elephant, so I am pro-elephant.

    1. Smaller Places - Thanks! I love that the elephant has movable arms and legs. I really don't know how my personal elephant survived all these years. I must have taken him to college with me.

  5. Nice story, and I love the name you chose. I hope that Jacob gets used to having a little sister soon.


    1. monstercrafts - Thanks. It may take Jacob a minute, but I think Danielle will make a concerted effort to make sure he doesn't feel left out. Those middle children can get overlooked at times. I was a middle child.

  6. I think the names are fabulous, and the reason behind them is sweet and encouraging. It will also make a great story to share with their Princess, when she is older. I also glad that Danielle share with us the reason for not going with a J name after all it makes sense. I'm glad a N name was included. I feel sorry that Nicole didn't really get to share in more of the pregnancy she seemed so excited. It is a shame to see what a lack of acceptance by Melanie and family stress or discord can do.

    1. Tammy - Thanks. I agree that it will be nice to have a story about how she was named. Hopefully it won't be long before Rod's visitation rights are restored.

  7. Sometimes the name isn't right for the baby. My brother was named after a little boy on the Art Linklater show who blurted out his mom was pregnant. It won't be long until Jacob & little Zoe will be partners, like my sister & brother. I love this blog & the stories. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Sharon - Thanks! That's why Danielle wanted to wait to name the baby after she saw her instead of having a name already picked out. I think it worked out perfectly. I'm glad she allowed herself to stray from the list.

  8. That is really a great name kinda better than jasmine

    1. Jaiden - Thanks. I do like the name Jasmine, but I think this baby looks more like a Zoé.

  9. I LOVE IT!!!!! I also love the big brother party idea, I know Jacob will be a great big brother like Julian.

    1. Brittney - Thanks! I think both Jacob and Nicole will require a little more attention in the beginning, but then they will be fine. I hope.

  10. Pretty name. And I wish I'd known you needed/wanted one of those Hobby Lobby elephants. I have an extra one that I don't need. I would have happily gifted it to the new baby.

    1. Jewell - Thanks. I didn't know I needed/wanted the elephant until I saw it in the store. It was the first time I had seen them there. Did you get any of the other animals. The giraffe is really nice, too. The monkey isn't as cute, but I had to have him, too. Thanks for the offer!

  11. I love the big brother party idea, what a fun way to make the new big brother feel special when everyone's all caught up in new baby excitement. I love your childhood elephant, and how cute is that miniature one!

    1. Presto - Thanks. It's so easy for the other kids to get lost in the excitement of the new baby. It will be nice for Jacob to still feel the love.

  12. Awww, Zoe Noelle is the perfect name for her! I love it!! Very sweet photo story!

    1. Georgia Girl - I'm so happy you like the name. I know you had your heart set on Rochelle. I do like that name, but she just didn't look like a Rochelle to me.

  13. I like her name. Good choice and very touching reason. I like how Danielle kept trying to help Jacob open up to having a little sister. Julian is a good big brother. Cool party idea.

    1. Jaye - Thanks. Danielle knows how important it is for Jacob to get on board with his little sister. I think she will be successful. He seemed to be warming up to the idea.


    1. Ladonna - Thanks! It's nice to have a little time to devote to story telling.

  15. That's a very pretty name, Vanessa. I totally understand how you came about the name. Most of my dolls are named after famous models, a few after pop stars. I have a database for my dolls where I noticed there were letters in the alphabet I had missed. So, in an effort to have a diversity of names, I do a search of names for lesser used letters to come up with ideas. I must say, Danielle looks wonderful just after giving birth! Oh the benefits of being a doll!

    1. April - Thanks. Naming dolls are not my fortay. I like to name my dolls after someone they remind me of. It helps me remember their names without always having to look them up. Danielle still has a little pouch, like most women. We will probably see her at the gym or yoga class soon.

  16. lol, I too have a "database"/list of doll names with all the alphabet & add names in the same way as you do Vanessa.
    I really like the name for little baby girl (one of my Kelly dolls is named Zoe :))).

    1. Fiona - I don't have a database or list of my doll names. I started this blog so I would have a place to look up what I named my dolls. Lol. I had never considered the name Zoe, but it really grew on me the more I watched the French show.

  17. It's good that Jacob finally seemed to come around to the baby. I'm an only child, and every time my parents had a pregnancy scare I through a fit, so I understand a little how Jacob probably feels. Julian being the oldest is obviously taking it better. I just hope Jacob doesn't develop the "middle child" syndrome that happens so often. I also hope Danielle's pains are nothing serious.

    1. Champagne Star - Thanks. I really think Jacob will come around. My younger brother and I are really close, so I'm hoping he will have a wonderful experience with his little sister. I'm a middle child, and no offense to my brothers, I'm the best of the lot. I think Danielle will do a great job at making sure he doesn't feel like a middle child. Technically with four children (we can't forget about Nicole), both the boys are middle children.

  18. Bonjour Vanessa,
    C'est toujours un plaisir de lire la suite de tes histoires. Merci de continuer pour tes fidèles fans. J'avoue que de mon coté je devrai reprendre mes films, mais j'ai du mal à m'y mettre. Again thank you !

    1. Shasarignis - Merci beaucoup pour le message en français. J'etudie sérieusement mon français. Les histories continueront. J'éspere que tu tu sentes mieux à faire tes films bientôt.

  19. I love the name Zoé! I certain I would have suggest it because it was on my baby name list for if I had a girl. Zoé Denise or Zoé Nikkia Johnson. Wow!

    LOL to Jacob saying, "No" to seeing his baby sister. Love this post!

    1. Kenya - You have a French keyboard! You got the accent. That is wow that I chose a name on your baby list. Denise was my fake middle name growing up. My mom didn't give any of her kids middle names because she was always called by her middle name and she wanted to be called by her first name.

    2. LOL it's a regular keyboard (for Mac) as far as I know. I have no idea how I know this but if you hold down the vowels you get an options of symbols to use. Like âãàá etc. Denise was my fake FIRST name. Like if when my friends and i went to the mall my name was always Denise and I was always 16. Denise is my mom's middle name for real. Nikkia was my middle name before I got married. I dropped it and kept Gallion as my middle name.

    3. Kenya - So that's similar to how it's done on the cell phones, even the android ones. Sometimes I would use Denise as my fake first name, too! Too funny.

  20. That a good name for her. The boys are really going to be busy little helpers now. I'm sure Nicole will meet her soon.

    1. Brini - Thanks. Julian will be a big helper. Hopefully he can convince Jacob to be a good helper, too. I'm just glad they don't have a dog. That's always another interesting dynamic when a new baby enters the house.

  21. Great Story. Lovely name for the baby.

    1. Male Doll World - Thanks! It wasn't even on my radar, but I love it.

  22. Love this story and where did you get the baby from

    1. Jay - Thanks. The original baby was white and I bought her off of ebay. I customized her to make her an AA baby.



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