Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My Georgia Peach and More Shoes

 Sunday is the one day of the week I practice my crocheting or knitting.  This past Sunday I crocheted Ellowyne a peach strapless dress.  I'm really happy with the progress I'm making.  Just two months ago I couldn't crochet an outfit if my life depended on it.

Now I need to make her some shoes.  The task list is never ending. 

This is another pair of shoes I made for Dasia.   They close on the sides with velcro.

Today is the day that I list Dasia shoes in my Etsy store.  I'm headed over there now.


  1. It's good the task list never ends. It gives you something to look forward to and enjoy. You are so skilled. I love the shoes.

    1. Janainah - Thanks! I'm pretty sure I would enjoy a smaller task list, too.

  2. Lizette is beautiful and her dress is nicely done.

    I was in your shop earlier today and carted a couple of things, but removed them based on how much money I have been spending when I am not supposed to be spending. If they are still there in August, I will make the purchase then.


    1. DBG - Thanks. Chances are the items will be there. If there is something you wanted that isn't, send me a message. It might still be available.

  3. I hadn't realized that you were so new to crocheting outfits - that makes it doubly impressive that everything looks so good!

    1. jSarie - Yes, crocheting and knitting were the bane of my existence for a long time. I had the desire but just couldn't do it. A couple months ago I attended a meetup with crocheters and knitters and they helped to make it click for me.

  4. Lovely outfit and so sweet dolls. I don't see that kind of dolls here in Finland.

    1. Taia - Thanks and thanks for visiting my blog. This is a Lizette doll from the Wilde Imagination series by Robert Tonner. She is 16".

  5. Loving them all.... shirts & shoes

  6. Vanessa, I really admire you for being disciplined enough to put time aside for learning crochet and knitting! I have patience for a lot of things but those two skills are not among them. You are coming along really nicely with those crocheted items and the shoes look really good as well.

    1. april - Thanks! I completely understand. It took me a long time to make the commitment to learn. I had the same viewpoint as you. I could have gone to my grave not learning it, but I'm glad I figured it out.

  7. I love that you make your own shoes. All of that tiny work is so impressive!

    1. Erin - Thanks and I appreciate you stopping by my blog. My shoe making is new, but I'm really starting to enjoy it.

  8. Your hook skills are coming along quite well. The shoes are really nice too. I hope to create some soon.

    1. Brini - Thanks! I think you will enjoy making shoes. You can be so creative with them.

  9. Great job on the crochet dress. It's really cute! You picked up the skill quite rapidly. Congrats! I wonder - do you think you could make shoes for my CI guys? :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. I next want to get better at making my own crochet patterns. So far none of the ones I've used turn out right, so I end up adapting them. I need to be more diligent at making a gauge.

    2. Cindi - I already responded about the CI shoes on another post..... I think I said, since I don't have a CI guy it would be difficult to make shoes. I mentioned something about buying just a pair of feet, but now I remember that CI dolls don't have removeable feet like some of the others.

  10. Loving the dress you made for Ellowyne. You have definitely come a long way. It seems you can master anything if you put your mind to it.

    1. Phyllis - Thanks. It's a simple dress to help me get started with creating other patterns for her.

  11. Replies
    1. Mariangeles - Thanks and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  12. Peach dress is lovely & the colour really flattering. Looks like Daisa is about to become a shoe diva:)

    1. Fiona - Thanks. I may crochet a little jacket to go with the dress. Dasia wants a pair of shoes for almost every outfit. She's such a diva. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. Sorry I did'nt put my name on that last post - Fiona

  14. Everything looks wonderful - the dress is pretty and the shoes get a round of applause.

    1. Roville - Thanks so much. I'm looking forward to getting better at this shoe making thing. So many possibilities and who doesn't love shoes.

  15. Vanessa I'm really enjoying your blog & dolly stories :) Fiona

  16. the dress is so cute!!! LOVE it. and this wilde doll is on my wishlist... hope to get Nice and Easy Pink Ellowyne Wilde soon :D

    do visit and follow my blog back if u have some time... :D

    1. AiS Toys - Thanks for visiting. I will have to check out those other Elloyne Wilde dolls you mentioned. I am now a follower of your blog and looking forward to your future posts.


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