Tuesday, August 9, 2016

There Goes the Dolly Budget!

Hey guys.  Just wanted to give a quick update and explain why doll play has ceased momentarily.  I was planning to have that church story up by now.  Unfortunately my car stopped working without warning.  It's way too expensive to fix, which means I've been car shopping.  I hate car shopping!  The thought of having a car payment after about 3 yrs without one is daunting.  Not to mention double what I was paying for insurance.  There goes the dolly budget.  It also means more time will be spent on my Etsy shop than on my doll play. 

It is what it is.  I just wanted to give you guys a heads up.  If I'm lucky I will secure a vehicle today and life can get back to some normalcy and not the stressed version I've been experiencing the past week. 

Since it is a doll blog, I will leave you with at least one dolly picture of, who else, Dasia.  It was the last picture I took.

She is wearing a sheer blouse I was designing, but never listed because of it's sheerness.  I also need to revamp that collar.  It is just too large for the sheer fabric.  Needs something a little more delicate.

Well I found a vehicle the same day I wrote the first part of this post.   Everything went pretty smoothly, although it took all day to get the transaction completed.  I sold my old car to a company that buys "junk" cars for parts.  Very sad to see my baby go.  So I was anxious to get back to life as I knew it and get back to catching up on orders and designing.  Not so fast.....  Would you believe the day after I sold my old car, my mom's car broke down, almost to the point of being irreparable?  Drama, I tell you!  Luckily they are going to be able to repair it, but in the meantime, I have to take her to all of her doctor appointments that were scheduled this week.   But I do see light at the end of the tunnel.  Probably won't happen until the end of this week, but I will be back to dolly world soon! 


  1. Really sorry this happened. In my head I was thinking,when is she going to post again? I checked everyday! I am so glad you are back and ok.

  2. Just roll with it Lovely Lady....it's all in God's plans for you. Trust me - it's all for your good! Blessings Livee!!

  3. I'm sorry to hear that about the car, Vanessa. But at least you have one now, which is good because you are there for your mother in her time of need. Things will get back to normal.

  4. Hello this is my first post here. I love your blog and it apart of my little nightly ritual. I was totally worried glad to hear everything worked itself out.

  5. Wow, that's some drama! I'm glad to hear that things are working out. I'll be keeping an eye on your etsy, as always. Love the clothes that you make, although I sadly do not have a Dasia.

  6. Glad things are working out! I had my old ride for 15 years before it finally broke down on me. I feel your pain at having to make auto payments after so many years of not doing it!

  7. Really sorry to hear your car broke down. I hope you've used up all bad luck and you'll be happy with your new car. :)

  8. Glad things are working themselves out, even though slowly. Car issues are always a pain.

  9. Car shopping is a pain! I used to always get new cars because the company I worked for gave us company cars for evaluation. However, after the company went bankrupt, I had to buy my own car. So I did have payments for a while. I passed my small Saturn on to my eldest daughter after it was paid off. We do our best to keep it in good repair. I then purchased a previously owned mini van and managed to pay it off within a year of buying it. It had really low mileage and was in excellent shape. Thanks to a very large lump sum my youngest received because of my SSD, we were able to pay cash for a good used car for her. So now we all have cars without any car payments. It is such a good feeling! I dread the day when we have to replace any of the cars, but as long as we take good care of them, that should be a while.

  10. Thanks for the well wishes. I like the new car, but I still miss the old one. I know it's all part of the master plan. I just hate being away from the dolls and having people wait for etsy items longer than they have to. Life goes on.

    Big welcome to the new commentors on my blog. I appreciate you stopping by. New dolly posts coming soon.

  11. Sorry to hear that. It's always a disappointment when you have to give up your doll fund for more urgent purchases, but sometimes you don't have a choice.

    As usual, I love Dasia's blouse. I've been trying to make something similar, but those sheer fabrics are pretty difficult to handle for a novice seamstress like me.

  12. Bummer about the old one going phlat! Good to hear that you have a new car. Bad to have a new bill ;-P

    Hope your Etsy sales help.

  13. I hope you're managing to de-stress a bit now!The blouse would be fine with a black tank top underneath.People wear things like that.

  14. I feel ya Vanessa! I had to do that earlier this year. The great thing is that you are a blessing to your Mom. :-)

  15. Hi Vanessa,
    Geez, I haven't shopped for a car in a long time. I'm glad you were able to find something that would work for you and to be there for your mom. Perhaps now you can relax a bit. :-)

  16. Sometimes life gets in the way of doll play!!! Sorry to hear about your series of unfortunate incidents. Glad you were able to get a new car fairly quickly.
    I agree with Tam. The sheer blouse can go over anything. I used to wear them over dresses, camisoles, T-shirts....

  17. Hey Vanessa, I know the car thing was a big hit for your dolly budget, but you were the lucky first place winner of my 2016 Birthday Giveaway! I have sent you an email with how to claim your prize!

  18. Don't worry this too will pass. My budget was over the minute I sat in the dentist chair, this is a two year process. I so glad you were able to get another car quickly.

  19. Ack! So sorry to hear this. Hope things soon get back to smooth sailing. Best wishes!

  20. When it rains it pours. I'm glad you found a new car. I haven't had a car note in years and don't wish to have one anytime soon. I probably do far less driving than you do, however. It's good that you were able to stand in the gap during the time your mother's car was being repaired. That's what good daughters are for, right?



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