Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Danielle Shares the New Goodies

Yesterday I stopped by Hobby Lobby.  I always peruse their Christmas ornaments.  You never know what you will find.  They are also 50% off this week.  I lucked up on a 1:6 sized kitchen mixer.  It came in three colors; pink, black, and red.  The red one was broken so I just got the two colors.   I stopped by the Dollar Tree after that and found the cutest gingerbread house.

"Hey guys.  As you can see from the chaos in my kitchen, Rod just couldn't live with the pink.  He's out in the garage painting the cabinet doors white.  I think it's his goal to get rid of all the pink in here."

"So I was happy to see this new mixer.  It may be the only pink thing in here after my husband has finished.   Isn't it cute?  I think it retails for $5.99 and was on sale for $3.  Not bad.  It doesn't have any moving parts, but in the doll world that's okay." 

"Sadly, Vanessa dropped the black mixer this morning when she was reaching for the camera.  It broke in half and the bowl popped off."

"Might be a blessing in disguise.  Now the bowl can be put on and taken off.  She's hoping the glue will hold it together."

"Last, but not least, the gingerbread house.  It's a real edible cookie she found for a $1 at Dollar Tree.  It is the perfect size for our dolly world.  This will come in handy at Christmas time.  One less thing I have to make and I think the boys will enjoy it."

"It is nicely decorated on all sides."

"Awww, look at the cute little tree.  Well, that's all for now.  She bought a few things I can use in the boys' room, but you will have to wait for that.  Don't forget.  Now is a great time to find some great dolly things in the form of ornaments.  Happy shopping. " (Danielle)

"Honey, who are you talking to?"  (Rod yelling from the garage)
"No one.  That must be the tv you are hearing."  (Danielle)

"See you guys next time."  (Danielle whispering)


  1. LOL at Rod!!! Danielle's response was great! I love those mixers and hopefully, the glue will work. You have inspired me with the gb houses. I never thought of that!! That's why you are my "Dolly Shero"! Guess I'm hitting the stores today but I don't know of a Hobby Lobby around me....guess it's Google time. Blessings

    1. Brenova - Awww, you're so sweet. Hope you were able to find the goodies you were looking for.

  2. Oh, what fun you (and Danielle) must of had at Hobby Lobby. I love that place! I also have those mixer ornaments in black and red. They are adorable. I got them a couple of years ago. I love the little gingerbread house too. Looks like a trip to Hobby Lobby is in my near future! Good thing you have Rod there to do the painting of the cabinets. Always good to have a man around that is handy (LOL!). Can't wait to see what else you got!

    1. Phyllis - I sure am glad they brought the mixers back this year. I have a few different style mixers already, but somehow I just can't seem to get enough. Ironically, the inside of their garage looks very similar to mine. Maybe he's doing the painting in my garage. Lol.

  3. Very cute. We finally have two Hobby Lobby's in my area but I didn't find any of these types of ornaments. It's still early though...I'll keep trying

    1. Tracy - Congrats! Hobby Lobbys are the best. Did you check both Hobby Lobbys? It's not early when it comes to ornaments. They may not even get any more. But keep looking. I used to work there part time when I was getting my doll business started.

    2. I'm gonna try to get to the other location on Friday...:-) Hope I get lucky.

  4. LOL, so Rod couldn't resist to repaint the pink kitchen....my dolls are not so lucky, I can't repaint a thing so they have to live with their pink kitchen.....
    I have one of those mixers, they look wonderful!

    1. billa's dolls - Rod was so over the pink. He had to sweet talk Danielle in order to paint them now. The 2X Krylon spray paint makes painting the plastic very easy. Add a few coats, then spray a sealer on top and your done.

  5. Great finds, the gingerbread house is perfect for the Holidays. And after the doll stories are finished, you can eat it yourself! Cute post :-).

    1. Linda - Thanks. No telling what that house will taste like after the holidays. I don't know if I will be that brave to try it.

  6. I love those mixers, they are so cute:)

    1. Natalia - A woman can never have too many kitchen gadgets.

  7. The mixers are a good deal. I love Hobby Lobby! I also think the gingerbread house is pretty cool and the perfect size. Is there a way to preserve it or will you have to dispose of it after Christmas?

    1. Janainah - Don't know where I would be without Hobby Lobby. That gingerbread house would probably last a really long time as long as I kept it away from any little creatures. I could probably stick it in the fridge or freezer. I wonder if I could shellac it since I have no intentions on ever eating it? Hmmm?

    2. Vanessa: I am pretty sure you can shellac it. My SIL made the awesome ornaments with dough and she preserved them with a sealer or shellac. Anyway, I still have mine and it is probably 20 years old!

  8. Great post Vanessa! I have seen those at HL for awhile now, but passed on them because I thought they were too big. Now, thanks to Danielle, I need to make a HL run. Lol! I also need to find the gingerbread house. I will check with my friends at Google to see how to keep/store it.

    1. Georgia Girl - I thought they were going to be a little big, but they are perfect. I got two more yesterday. I'm thinking about painting the second pink one a different color. I really think the shellac is going to work. As soon as I open it, I'm going to spray it.

  9. I didn't think doll sized mixers would be at Hobby Lobby.The blacks nice.And the ginger bread house is neat.It's so detailed.

    1. Val - I always find the best doll stuff in the ornament section of stores. I will probably paint one of my pink ones another color. Maybe red or turquoise.

  10. Love those mixers!

    Note to self: pay more attention to the ornament section...

    1. jSarie - Aren't the mixers great! They add so much to a dolly kitchen.

  11. The gingerbread house is a great find! Now I want to build one - a regular size house is too much work, but a 1/6 scale one shouldn't be too difficult.
    Also, I can easily see Danielle having one of those youtube shopping show&tell channels!

    1. Anderson's AP - Making one would be fun. Much easier than a real one. With a baby on the way and a new house to get decorated, I don't think Danielle has the time right now for a new task, but she will keep it in mind.

  12. You can always find the greatest Christmas ornaments in America. We never get anything like mixers in the Christmas decoration area of our shops. The only thing I've found with dolly potential this year is crowns and they would be too big for Barbie. However, I'll keep looking.

    1. Carrickters - And that's just Hobby Lobby. There are stores that sell mostly ornaments and they have the best stores. The Hallmark store is another great one. I should check them out soon. There's are more expensive, but still worth a look.

  13. They are so cute!Danielle is definitely happy about getting all that goodies.The black one looks also really cute,too bad it got damaged but it can still be used.Congrats on getting them.

    1. My doll stuff - Thanks. She was really excited about that mixer. Now she just needs to find a place to put it. I bought another black one yesterday. Hopefully I won't drop that one.

  14. Hello from Spain: I love your purchases. The machines are perfect for the kitchen. The mini waffle house is cute. I like your pics. Keep in touch

  15. Thanks for the info...Hobby Lobby here I come!

  16. Too Cute! I wish there was a Hobby Lobby near me! I going to look in dollar tree today.

    1. Ms. Leo - Try Michael's. Sometimes they have similar inventory.

  17. I will have to see what I can find at Hobby Lobby. I love the mixer. I was in the dollar store today but didn't linger to much so now il going to have to go back, lol.

    1. Brini - Good luck finding the mixers. They look so great in the kitchens. I love when Dollar Tree puts out the new seasonal stuff.

  18. The most exciting thing about your art doll work and your postings, it's exactly how it can often bring us a nice surprise!So lovely this inventory of lovely objects of your amazing doll world.Always a pleasure come for a visit on here.Hugs my friend!!

    1. Jorge - Thanks. I feel I'm helping the economy with these posts. Lol. Thanks for visiting!

  19. Wow, I'm so envious of the mixer... sigh... but, hey, congrats, Vanessa!

    1. Shasha - Thanks. I take it from your tone, your stores don't sell cute ornaments that can be used in the doll world?

  20. LOL cute! I said ut, oh when I saw the pink mixer then laughed that Rod is outside painting the cabinets.

    1. Kenya - Rod was happy to see the mixer. He didn't feel too bad about taking away her pink kitchen. He still has one cabinet left to paint. He took a little break for the holidays.


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