Thursday, October 29, 2015

Master Bedroom Done

This morning as I was looking through my fabrics, I ran across a pretty floral that worked perfectly in Danielle's master bedroom.  After that the room just fell into place.  There will be little changes, like a new lamp on Danielle's side of the bed.  I may also add mirror acetate to the large wall mirror. She's hoping Rod won't think it's too feminine.


Here she is enjoying the fruits of her labor.

She also decided on horizontal stripes for the boys' room.  I have to redo these walls.  I painted these lines just to get an idea.  I had a few problems with the painter's tape sticking to the paper.  

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Country Estate Progress (Photostory)

 Danielle's been a busy bee.  The house is not done, but she is making progress.  Rod and the boys are seeing the updates for the first time.

Danielle is explaining the pink kitchen to Rod.
"The markdown was just too good to walk away from.  It doesn't have to stay pink forever, but it allows us to move in quicker.  Not to mention with a new baby on the way, we will need the extra money."  (Danielle)

"How long before we can change the color?"  (Rod)
"Can you hang in there until after the baby comes?  The smell of paint fumes does not mix well with morning sickness."  (Danielle)
"Alright, alright."  (Rod)
"Let's go out on the patio.  I have something new out there for the boys."  (Danielle)

Danielle directs the boys to try out their new patio chairs that are just their size.  She takes a seat on a patio lounger.  She's excited about the chairs for the boys.  She will be able to watch them playing out there while she's in the kitchen.

"Alright, that's enough.  If we stay out here much longer, I'm going to fall asleep.  Help me up, please, so I can show you the rest of the house."  (Danielle)

"Yay!  Let's go see my room."  (Julian)

Much to Julian's dismay, Danielle starts in the living room.
"I got them to change out that checked floor and add in hardwood so the living room and the sitting room flows better.  I'm still fiddling with this room.  Not sure what it will be in the end, but I wanted to see if there was enough space for two sofas."  (Danielle)
"What happened to the idea of getting a sectional?"  (Rod)
"That's still on the table.  Like I said, I'm still fiddling.  Come see the dining room."  (Danielle)

"I'm testing out this translucent table.  It gives the appearance of more space.  I'm thinking of adding a more elegant table with parson chairs later.  For now this is the economical choice.  I'm also going to change out that wallpaper.  I know you aren't a fan of pink."  (Danielle)

"I like the table.  It might be nice to get a rectangle one in the future, so we can have larger family gatherings."  (Rod)
"I did think of that.  This table can seat eight."  (Danielle)

"Mom, can we go see my room, now?"  (Julian)
"Yes, but I have to warn you, it's not done.  I still have some work to do in there."  (Danielle)

They make their way to the third floor.  As you can see the new walls are up, but not wallpapered.  I also finally made Jacob's car bed yesterday.  I was planning to paint it the same red, but I think it will be interesting to have two different cars.  I laid the checked flooring this morning.

"Jacob's getting a car bed, too?"  (Julian)
"Yes.  Is that okay with you?"  (Danielle)
"Yeah.  That's cool.  We can race while we're sleeping."  (Julian)
"You are so silly."  (Danielle)
Julian climbs into his bed, and Jacob decides to follow suit.

"Oh no you don't.  That's not a good idea.  Let's wait until it's finished."  (Rod)

"I need to get this room finished next.  I'm gong shopping for wallpaper tomorrow.  I wish there was a little more space in here."  (Danielle)
"Why don't you turn them into bunkbeds?  They would have a lot more space to move around."  (Rod)
"I'll think about it.  Now are you ready to see our room?"  (Danielle)
"I'm going to stay here and rest mommy."  (Julian)
"Oh you are?  Okay."  (Danielle)

I'll show you the progress on the room before they get here.  She's ultimately going for a French inspired look.  I covered up the walls with beige and lilac.  I'm not finished with the beige.  I need to get one more piece of scrapbook paper.  Then tidy it up.  The nightstands will be different.  I just wanted to make sure I had space for two of them.  The green pillow is just a placeholder.  There will be some other colored pillows added.  That back wall may have fabric draped across the whole thing.  Lots still left to do, but happy with the progress.

Rod is taking it all in.

"I'm not finished, but do you like the direction I'm going?  Is it too feminine for you?"  (Danielle)
"No.  I like it.  It's serene and peaceful.  Just what you want a bedroom to be."  (Rod)

"What do you think of the new wrought iron bed?"  (Danielle)
"Jacob seems to like it.  I like it, too.  It doesn't squeak does it?"  (Rod)
"No.  I made sure I tested out the potential noise level."  (Danielle)
They both laugh.

"Hey pumpkin.  You decided to join us."  (Danielle)
"Yeah, it's no fun without my toys."  (Julian)
"You know we brought the lincoln logs for you and Jacob to play with.  They are still down in the kitchen.  Want me to go get them?"  (Danielle)
"Are we staying here long?"  (Julian)
"Not too long.  We'll have to leave to go get dinner soon."  (Danielle)
"I don't want to start playing then have to stop."  (Julian)
"Why don't we leave now and have an early dinner, then you guys can play after that?" (Rod)
They gather their things, lock up and head to dinner.  Rod makes sure he praises Danielle for the work she's done so far.

Here is a quick look at the boys room with the cars side by side.  Once we get the wallpaper installed, I think things will fall into place.

Friday, October 23, 2015

New Barbie Video

Have you seen the new Barbie video?  This was posted on YouTube a couple weeks ago and it already has over 7 million views.  So there's a good chance you've seen it already.  I didn't see it until this morning, so I thought I would share it.  

Just in case you missed my post yesterday, I finally got the country estate house built.  Make sure you take a look.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Country Estate is Up!

 Today I decided to tackle the country estate house that's been sitting at my front door for a couple of weeks.  Last week I found a black wooden coffee table at the Goodwill to sit the house on.  I didn't measure the table but it is a perfect fit!  The table is 48 in long and the house is 46 in long.  I put the house in my craft room where Roberta's and Dasia's homes are.   The third picture below shows a full picture of it.

Danielle is happy to have a garage.

The doors can't completely close with the car inside, but that's okay.

The house, almost completely put together, sits between two bookcases that will be organized soon.  I didn't put the roof on the house yet, because I will be altering the two floors upstairs to accommodate the height of a regular sized doll.

Rod and Danielle have stopped by to do a walk-through.  They are starting in the kitchen.  
"Look how big this kitchen is!  Momma is going to be so jealous."  (Danielle)
"Come, let's look at the back porch."  (Rod)
"You go ahead, I'm going to check out some of these cabinets."  (Danielle)

 Rod doesn't waste any time  heading to the back porch.
"Honey, just imagine all the entertaining we will be able to do out here."  (Rod)
"Are you ready to go upstairs?  I'm anxious to see the rest of the house."  (Danielle) 

"So what's this room going to be?"  (Rod)
"I think we will make this the family room.  Plenty of space for a sectional."  (Danielle)

"And this will be more of a formal area.  I'll put a couple of comfy chairs and maybe a couple of side tables in here."  (Danielle)

"This is a nice sized dining room."  (Rod)
"Yes, plenty of space for the buffet and the dining table." (Danielle)
"On to the bedrooms."  (Rod)

"Is this the master?  It sure is small."  (Rod)
"We might have to get a little creative.  Let's take a look at the room next door."  (Danielle)

"Maybe we could make this our bedroom, and turn the room next door into a nursery."  (Danielle)
"But the nursery is upstairs."  (Rod)
"I' don't think I want the baby that far away.  (pause) But I guess that's why they make baby monitors."  (Danielle)
"Come on let's keep it moving."  (Rod)
"Go ahead, I just want to gather my thoughts for a minute."  (Danielle)

Danielle starts thinking about this room for the boys.  She envisions their beds in place.  Poor thing.  Has she forgotten that Julian has a car bed now?  I will be covering up the elevator hole.

Bunk beds would give them more space, she thinks.
"Hon, come look at the bathroom."  (Rod)
"Coming."  (Danielle)

"Very, very nice.  It has a spa-like feel to it."  (Danielle)
They continue their tour, and move on to the forth floor.

"I thought we could fix this up as Nicole's room."  (Danielle)
"She would love that.  (pause)  Are you feeling okay?  You look a little flushed."  (Rod)

"I'm fine.  I think I'm a little tired from all those stairs."  (Danielle)
"Well let's go to the nursery, there's a little surprise in there."  (Rod)

When they get to the nursery, Danielle is surprised to see a rocking chair.
"When did you put this here?"  (Danielle)
"I snuck it in a couple days ago.  Can you believe in a few months this room will be filled with baby sounds."  (Rod)
"Six months, honey.  Not a few months."  (Danielle)
"It's going to go by so fast, it will feel like a few months."  (Rod)
"I'll remind you of that when I'm waddling and can't see my feet."  (Danielle)

"Does someone think we are having a girl?  This room is mighty pink."  (Danielle)
Rod chuckles.  "I think that is the standard they put in the model homes.  Once we find out what we are having, I will decorate it however you like."

"Come on, let's get you home and off your feet."  (Rod)
"Just think, if we were moved in already, I would only have to climb one flight of stairs"  (Danielle)
"Won't be long.  A couple more weeks and we will be all moved in and barbecuing on the back porch."  (Rod)
"There's no way we are going to be ready to entertain in a couple weeks.  It will take me months to get this house ready for company."  (Danielle)
"Well I'll just barbecue for you and the boys."  (Rod)


This house is all of that and a bag of chips.  It is huge!  It was fairly easy to put together.  I was able to do it by myself.   They will start moving in sometime this weekend.  Danielle will be ordering a couple of new furniture pieces that won't be delivered for about six weeks.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Dasia's New Skirt

Dasia has left Harold in the warm bed.  She's meeting friends for brunch.

She checks out her outfit in the mirror.  She's not quite happy with it yet.  She loves her new skirt, which she has paired with her white button down, but something is missing.
"Babe, I thought we were going to spend the day together."  (Harold)

"Isn't it funny how you only want to spend the day with me after I make plans with my friends?"  (Dasia)
"That's not true."  (Harold)
"I won't be out long.  We can do something together later."  (Dasia)
"I guess Benji and I will watch some college football."  (Harold)
Dasia returns her attention back to her outfit.  She decides a belt and a scarf will help.

Her final look with her new checked skirt.   She's made a note to add more scarves to her wardrobe.  She just didn't have enough options.  She would have preferred a pop of color.  This will work fine for her brunch with the ladies.  She also needs to work on getting some black heels.  
Time to go.  Don't want to keep Roberta and the other ladies waiting.

There are NO plans to offer this skirt in my store.  However, there is enough material for one more skirt if someone is interested.  I will be making a black top to go with this skirt.  My original thought was a turtleneck.  I'm not completely sure of the style, yet.

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Reeds and Decor Ideas

I passed Dasia's house on my way to the basement.  Her house is still in my craft room.  I decided to check in on her and Harold.  They were both still in the bed, but sort of awake.  Their eyes were open, but neither one of them were moving.

Dasia can tell Harold is awake.  She finally breaks the ice.
"Goodness, why is it so cold in here?  Didn't you turn the heat up before we went to sleep last night?"  (Dasia)
"I didn't know I was supposed to?"  (Harold)
"I thought I asked you to, but maybe that conversation only happened in my head."  (Dasia)

Benji is sprawled out on the sofa, sound asleep.

Harold turns onto his back.
"Don't move too much I need your body heat."  (Dasia)
"I was going to get up and turn up the heat."  (Harold)
"Not yet."  (Dasia)

Harold turns over to face his wife.
"If you are really that cold, I could help with that."  (Harold)
Dasia just rolls her eyes.
"I'm too cold to move.  And that requires the cover leaving my body.  Not going to happen."  (Dasia)

That was my cue to leave.  I continued on to the basement.  I wanted to play around a bit with the new houses and gather some potential decorating ideas. 

I changed out the kitchen in the Glamorous house.  The Sears kitchen was just too big.  The white shelf to the right will hold small appliances.

I will be extending the dining room.  The walls and the floor will be covered.  The blue chairs and table are from the Uptown house.  It works so well here.  It just might stay.

The Sears kitchen is now in the Uptown house.  I will be covering up the hole in the floor and adding a little table.

To continue the theme of moving furniture between houses....look how nice the black sofa from the Uptown house goes in the Glamorous house.  I used the two fushia chairs from the dining set to create a sofa table.  These chairs would make great night stands in the bedroom or end tables in the living room. 

Just another layout using an old Mattel chair I spray painted black many years ago.  The keyboard is from the Uptown house.

I spotted my zebra chairs and got another idea.  The Ikea white sofa is a little too short for these chairs, so I will have to make a taller white sofa.  I put a white cabinet over in the corner.  It will make a great little bar.  The hole in this floor will also be covered up.

These two beds are from the house I bought for Dasia.  They make the perfect teen beds.  I may turn them into bunkbeds by drilling holes in the wood and adding a wooden dowel.

As you can see, I was having way too much fun.  It was nice to get a few ideas.  I will start working on temporary walls soon.\