Sunday, March 22, 2015

Roberta's Interior Plans (Photostory)

 Roberta arrived in town yesterday and a lot has happened since then.  She and Danielle went straight to Chang Realty to close on the new house and to get possession of the keys.  They left there and went straight to the house where the movers were waiting.

It's the following day and Danielle, Rod, and the boys are over visiting.

"So how did you sleep, Mom?"  (Danielle)
"Like a baby.  I was finally able to release all the stress of closing on the house and moving."  (Roberta)

"So Grandma, you live here now?"  (Julian)
"Yes.  We talked about that yesterday.  Remember?"  (Roberta)

"So Mom, what were you saying about the furniture?"  (Danielle)
"I was saying how much I wanted to buy all new furniture and have it delivered when the house closed, but Sunni made me promise I wouldn't buy anything new until after the closing."  (Roberta)
"That's because the bank underwriters are evaluating your loan right up until the closing."  (Rod)
"Well I'm thinking of having these pieces reupholstered.  I wanted to make sure they fit in the space first."  (Roberta)

"Where do you think you're going?"  (Rod)

"I have a sample of the fabric upstairs." (Roberta)
"You want me to go get it?"  (Danielle)
"This will give me more time to admire my new home."  (Roberta)

Julian follows his grandma upstairs.

"Grandma, what's out here?"  (Julian)
"That's my little courtyard."  (Roberta)
"Courtyard?  What's that?"  (Julian)

Back downstairs Rod tries to wrangle Jacob as he chats with Danielle.
"Honey, I am so excited to have my mom living in the same town.  It will be so nice for Jacob, Julian, and Nicole to spend more time with her."  (Danielle) 

"I'm just as happy as you are.  Now maybe we can revisit the idea of expanding our family."  (Rod)
"You're not wasting any time, are you?"  (Danielle)
"It will be three years in a couple months and there's nothing I'd like more than to have a baby with you."  (Rod) 

Back upstairs, Roberta and Julian are chillin' in the courtyard.
"Sweetie, Grandma is so excited about being able to see you as often as she likes."  (Roberta)
"What happened to your other house?"  (Julian)
"Oh, Grandma sold it.  I only need one house.  (pause)  Come on.  We better get back downstairs, before they come looking for us."  (Roberta)

"Ahem."  (Roberta clearing her throat)

"I think we have an audience."  (Danielle)

"Sorry, Mom."  (Danielle)

"Oh you never have to apologize for being in love.  I'm happy to see that you guys still enjoy each other.  Here's the material I was talking about."  (Roberta)

"It's very pretty and very blue."  (Danielle)

"Are you thinking about this for the chair and the sofa?"  (Roberta)
"I'm not sure.  I may have to get some help.   Now that I've closed, I could just go out and buy something new."  (Roberta) 

"Reupholstering furniture is kind of expensive."  (Danielle)
"Oh no you don't."  (Rod to Jacob)
"Jacob is keeping you busy, Rod.  I will have to get a baby gate so Jacob can just roam.  Come here, Jacob."  (Roberta)
"Go see your grandma."  (Rod)
"Speaking of babies......"  (Roberta)

Danielle quickly looks at Rod.  She's wondering if her mother heard what they were talking about while she was upstairs.

"Now that's a good boy.  Grandma has missed you."  (Roberta)

"So where were we?  Oh yes, babies.  When are you guys planning to give me more grandkids?  I'm not getting any younger."  (Roberta)
"Mom, you've been in town a day and a half and already you are causing trouble."  (Danielle)

The House
I decided to remove the stairs to give Roberta more space.  Those stairs will come in handy in some other house.


  1. Hi Vanessa, the house photographs very well indeed. I like Danielle's idea, it looks like you'll have a lot of interior decorating to do!

    1. billa's dolls - Luckily this house doesn't take a lot of furniture, so that's less work for her interior design team.

  2. Roberta looks like she is settling in nicely. Did the bed come with the house? Sounds like Roberta and Rod are scheming together about adding to the family!

    1. Phyllis - Roberta loves it. Yes the bed came with it. I was happy to see the Gloria nightstand fit, too.

  3. That house is just perfect for her. Yay, my favorite couple are contemplating having a baby. Yes, now is the time.

    1. Georgia Girl - Roberta thinks it's perfect, too. Nothing like having mom nearby to inspire more grandkids.

  4. the house looks nice! And can't wait to see what you do with it!

    1. Lisa - I'm very happy with the new house. All the graphics will make the decorating much easier.

  5. It looks lovely, want to see more. Yeah Grandma! :-)

  6. Hello from Spain: Danielle has a great idea. I love the decor. I adore this house. The stairs take up much space. I like your idea of removing the stairs. Nice pictures. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I'm glad they made the house so you could remove the stairs and not notice at all.

  7. So Danielle will be pregnant next week? LOL!

    Those stairs are nice, but with the elevator, she probably doesn't need them. I'd like an elevator in my house too. Moving things up and down the stairs will be a breeze.

    I like the blue for the new furniture. Are you going to redo the walls too or leave as is and make the furniture fit the rooms?

    1. Janainah - For all we know, she could already be pregnant. I have no plans to redo the walls. I specifically picked this house because I thought it was perfect for Roberta just the way it is. I can't even come close to making the graphics on the walls better than what they are. I will get her some furniture that fits into the decor.

  8. I LOVE THIS GRANDMA WHERE CAN I FIND HER I LOVE HOW YOU ARE BRINGING UP THE DRAMA! Vanessa we need some more drama from Melanie plus that cloth looks pretty and the house this grandma here has some taste love you #1

    1. Ruby - This is Happy Family Grandma and the only place you can probably get her is on ebay, where she is crazy expensive. We will see Melanie again soon. The more organized I get, the more stories we will be able to see.

  9. Que chicas más guapas el diorama estupendo me gustan los vuelta al es muy guapa, bessosss

    1. carmen - Gracias. Tengo muchas ganas de hacer más con esta casa.

  10. Is Danielle really ready to have a baby? I'm not sure how enthused I would be in that situation with Jacob still needing to be closely monitored. Unless you plan to age him quickly like they do on the soaps?

    That house looks very "Grandma" now. It's a perfect fit for her.

    1. Muff - If she's waiting for Jacob to age, she will be waiting a long time. I decided a long time ago that the kids here will never get older. I don't know if she will ever really be ready, but she has Rod. He will be a big help, I'm sure.

  11. Good to see Grandma settling in and getting a new home. My Grandma over here has so much going on you need an appointment to keep up with her.

    1. Brini - I'm looking forward to seeing her more around Morristown. Your Grandma and Grandpa are just too much for me. I wouldn't be able to keep up.

  12. Is Rod sure he can handle an addition.Jacob seems to be giving him a go for it.Ya know running around restaurants and beating on tables an all(lol).But I must agree with him and Grandma.I like the idea of a pregnant Danielle.And I think its sweet that Rod wants babies with Danielle.This couple has really grown on me.I thought I liked the Nikki/Darius paring best,but it might be a tie now.

    1. Val - Rod is probably thinking he better hurry up and get any more kids out the way while he still has the stamina to run after them. Jacob has been giving him a run for his money. Poor thing. He was used to raising girls. Didn't know he was getting into with these rambunctious little boys.

  13. Looks like Grandma has settled in really quickly and her house suits her down to the ground. And she will be a great support if Rod and Danielle do have another baby.

    1. Carrickters - She's just so happy to be with the family. She loved living in Fl, but nothing beats seeing those little ones on a regular basis.

  14. Excellent job decorating so far. I had to click back to the other two photos to look at the before. Nice!

  15. Love the photo-story! That house is soooooo cool! I just wanted to tell you that I just published a free printable Barbie-sized magazine (on my blog), called the Glittabomb Magazine. It could be a cool prop to use in future photo-stories!

  16. Yay, Roberta aka Grandma now in the same town.


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