Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine Love (Photostory)

It's the morning of February 14th.   Rod and Danielle have had a wonderful night, if you know what I mean.  When they awoke that morning, Rod presented Danielle with her first Valentine present, a dozen roses. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, honey.  Thanks again for my roses."  (Danielle)
"You're welcome.  You were incredible last night."  (Rod)
"You always say that."  (Danielle)
"And I always mean it.  (Rod)
They lay silent for a few minutes.  Danielle listens to Rods heart, as she lays on his chest.

"So I was thinking, we'd take a shower together, then I'd fix you breakfast..." 
Before Rod can finish, Danielle chimes in.
"Honey, I can't take a shower with you, I just got my hair done."  (Danielle)
"It's just hair, we haven't taken a shower together in ages, and I miss it."  (Rod)
"But I just spent hours in the salon... "  (Danielle)
Before Danielle can finish, Rod butts in."
"Well, maybe I can help you change your mind."  (Rod)

Rod bends over and fishes under the bed for something.
"What are you doing?"  (Danielle)

He pulls out a Tiffany bag.
"This is your second Valentine day gift, that I will give to you after our shower."  (Rod) 

"Are you seriously holding my Valentine gift hostage for a shower?"  (Danielle)
"When you say it like that, it sounds kind of blackmailish."  (Rod)

"But we will sit it right here for now."  (Rod)
Danielle lets out a sigh.  

"Can I trade that shower in for a bath together?  That way my hair won't get messed up."  (Danielle)

"It's not the same, but if you give me a kiss, I'll think about it."  (Rod)

Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Ssshhh.  Maybe they will go away."  (Rod)
"They know we're in here.  Besides it might be an emergency."  (Danielle)
"It's never an emergency."  (Rod)

"Who is it?"  (Danielle)
"Me!"  (Julian)
Danielle covers up before saying,
"Come in, Me."

"Good morning, son.  Happy Valentine's day."  (Danielle)
"It's Valentine's day?"  (Julian)
"Sure is, what can we do for you?"  (Danielle)
Julian runs and jumps on the bed.

"Why don't you give your mother a hug and a kiss and tell her Happy Valentine's day?"  (Rod)
"Okay."  (Julian)

"Happy Valentine's day, Mommy."  (Julian)
"Thank you, sweetie."  (Danielle)
They hug and kiss....and kiss....and kiss.

"Alright, that's enough.  There won't be any left for me."  (Rod)
Julian starts giggling as Rod pulls him away from Danielle.

"Son, why don't you go wake up Sharmaine and ask her if she can fix you and Jacob some breakfast.  Your mom and I need some time alone, so I can give her a couple more gifts for Valentine's day."  (Rod)
"Okay."  (Julian)

Julian gets distracted by the big mirror near the door.

"Son!"  (Rod)
"Okay.  Okay.  I'm going."  (Julian)

With Julian gone, Rod turns to Danielle.
"Now you know that little interruption is going to cost you."  (Rod)
"It really could have been an emergency."  (Danielle)
"Speaking of emergency, I have one right now."  (Rod)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine Day.  Rod and Danielle did.  Rod even got his shower with his wife and Danielle got the gift in the little blue bag.  Julian and Jacob.....they got Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes, thanks to cousin Sharmaine.


  1. What?! Wait, I want to know what was in the bag! LOL! Very cute story. Good thing Sharmaine was there to take care of the boys!

    1. Phyllis - It was killing Danielle, too. I had plans to show what was in the bag, but the story didn't go that route. He had something else under the bed, too. I can only go where the story takes me. As a matter of fact, I spent most of my time putting the bathroom together because the story was going to take place there. I only started putting the bedroom together so you could see it from the bathroom door. They saw that bed, and it was all over.

  2. Love it! Men never understand us not wanting to mess up a fresh hairdo. Oh well, I'm glad Danielle gave in. Gotta make the most of those moments with the ones we love. And ditto what Phyllis said- I wanna see what was in the bag, lol

    1. Jewell - Thanks! And the time associated with getting that fresh do. And the thought of having to do something with frizzy hair. Rod may be doing her hair after wards. As for the bag, read what I wrote Phyllis.

  3. This was a sweet V Day story especially since it involved my favorite couple. I'm happy that Danielle decided to take the shower, she can always get her hair redone. Lol! Julian is so adorable. I knew that he was going to be the one outside the door. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - Danielle said you are welcome to come do her hair any time. That is one of your specialties. Kara may have to add a new hairstylist and name her after you.

  4. Replies
    1. Cindi - LOL! I may show what was in the bag in another story.

  5. That was so sweet! It's always great seeing my favorite couple. Were there handcuffs in the bag? Edible undies? What?

    1. Muff - Thanks! Handcuffs...undies from Tiffany's??? Tiffany's is all about the jewelry. I think he's taking her to see Fifty Shades of Grey, so they may be getting some handcuffs later. Lol!

  6. Wonderful and realistic story! :-)
    Love your props, so well done!

  7. Julian.Mom and Dad need some alone time.Julian in the mirror while Rod and his Lady wait patiently for him to go was funny.And Rod telling Julian that if he didn't stop kissing Danielle that there 'won't be any left for me',was cute.By the way,thanks for considering the Maya story.

    1. Val - So glad you enjoyed the story. We will probably see Maya within the next couple of stories.

  8. Another good story,awaiting the next all ready :-)

    1. Thanks Ladonna! I already have 3 new stories in mind.

  9. Is there an art gallery in Morristown? Your dolls seem to be acquiring a lot of nice paintings. Great story!

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. Funny you should mention art gallery. I've had in mind to do an art gallery story with Shantavia for over 3 years now. I may finally get to do it with the recent change in the basement.

    2. Yes, me too. I want to do an art gallery haven't had the time or he space!

  10. Yes !!!!! Danielle and Rod last night must have been MMMHHH!!! 1 more request can we see Leslie and her family stay lovely and that painting REALLY GREAT LOVE IT!

    1. Ruby - Your favorite couple. Leslie and her family are sitting in church waiting for me to do that story. I'll be getting back to them soon.

  11. LOL to Rod's emergency. When I first started reading the post I said they looked too comfy. I was pretty sure Julian was going to bust in. LOL!

    1. Kenya - If Rod was smart, he would have gotten Sharmaine on the j-o-b before his emergency arose. LOL. Pun intended.

  12. Okay, Shonda Rhimes Jr! Inquiring minds want to know what was in the bag. You can't just leave us hanging like that! lol Especially, after Danielle got her hairdo all messed up for hanky panky in the shower. I'll be waiting....tap, tap, tap... :)

    1. Sonya - I didn't intentionally leave you guys hanging. But you guys are worse than Danielle and it was HER gift. The gift will be revealed.

  13. This was a great Valentine's Day post. I had an equally romantic V-Day. We went away. All my couples here had a great Valentine's Day too. WOW, hair is always an issue with us.

    1. Ms. Leo - That's so sweet that you guys went away on a romantic escapade. Go on with your bad self. Hair keeps us from doing a lot of great things. Lol!

  14. I would of been in the shower without a second thought, lol. Damn my hair, lol!! So nice to see one of my favorite couples but you know I'm still need to know what's going on with Darius! Besides the bag show Tiffany which puts me already in the shower.

    1. Brini - I'm with you. With the man I love in the shower? Bet! I'm there. You know Darius is getting his groove on. We will check in on him later.

  15. Ohhh al final que decidiera darle el regalo aunque tuviera que cambiar el baño por una ducha, besosss

  16. Rod knows how to get what he wants, and I love the romantic way he does it.

  17. Hello from Spain: I love jewels Tiny & co. I'm looking forward to seeing the gift. Fabulous bag. They are a very romantic couple. Children always want to be in bed of parents. Nice pictures and Happy Valentine's Day. Keep in touch

  18. LOL Vanessa, I love this story, so true!
    Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day
    Kisses Billa

  19. Rod did have it all planned out, didn't he? I also want to see what was in the bag (and what the other present/s are). And Julian coming in - yes, Rod should have planned for that as well.

  20. Go Danielle and Rod! Good to see them make time for themselves.

    Julian is my favorite little guy, but I think he was in danger of losing adorable points with Rod. Just a bit, lol.


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