Monday, February 9, 2015

My Addiction to How-To Books

Today I decided to reorganize my reference books.  They were in perfect order before I got the floors redone last year.  Having to move everything left them in a state of disarray.  I have diligently collected how-to books as long as I've been collecting dolls.  My recent goal of fashion illustration, fashion design, and sewing, stemmed in part from the number of books I have collected on each topic, but haven't used yet.  I've done quite well not adding too many books to the collection over the past five years.

This is the majority of them, but there are still quite a few more around the house.  This of course doesn't include the hundreds of how-to magazines (mostly doll related) that I have.

These are the sewing books.  On the left are the general sewing books.  There are 18 here.  On the right are all doll related sewing books, complete with patterns.  There are 17 of those.

These four piles are all my interior design books.  They have gotten the most use over the years.  I actually worked in this field after I left Kodak.

I have 4 gardening books and I have NEVER done any gardening.  Probably never will.

Woodworking and carpentry books.  If I had the time and money, and didn't love dolls so much, I would strive to be a top-notch carpenter.  

This is the drawing pile on the left and the fashion design books on the right. 

Do you see this?  I had no idea I had so many drawing books.  Sad to say I haven't used any of these books.  Even with my recent attempts at drawing, I didn't refer to any of these.  This will change going forward.  Now that I have them all together again, I have no excuse.  Let's take a closer look at the drawing book.

Are you shaking your head like I was?  Absolutely crazy.  I should be a drawing whiz by now.  If only I had opened a book over these past 20+ years.  Better late than never.

Here are two of the fashion drawing books. 

 If you weren't shaking your head before, you are really going to shake them now.  I went to JoAnns yesterday to buy markers.  Guess what else I left the store with?  Yep, two more drawing books.  Maybe I should have organized the books before I went to the store.  Oh well.  I could return them, but that would be like an alcoholic taking liquor back to the store.  Not going to happen.

There were quite a few more piles of books on the floor.  The majority of them are about dolls, sculpting and 1:12 scale.


  1. LOL Vanessa, you have quite a bit of them, but there are never enough books in a house IMHO!

    1. billa's dolls - That sounds like advice from a fellow addict. I'm not sure I should be listening to you.

  2. You do have a lot of How to books girl! I do have a few myself. I have books on sewing, knitting, crocheting, making doll clothes, home repair and decorating. A lot of cook books too. I make cut-out cakes for my kids birthdays so I have books for making fancy cakes and I even design some myself. I have a whole lot of magazines too! I actually have books on organizing too, but since my books aren't organized - - - well, you get the picture!

    1. Phyllis - Don't even get me started on the cookbooks! Luckily, I am able to part with those more easier than I am with the rest of this stuff. That is awesome that you design your own cakes. I LOVE to bake and I used to do cake decorating, but stopped years ago. Never designed my own, though. We would love to see pictures one day.

  3. There was an article on ApartmentTherapy today about buying things that are aspirational... they belong not to the person you are now, but to the person you hope to be later.

    The article was not terribly positive, but I think in any artistic or crafty or educational pursuit, there has to be space for some aspirational possessions, since a big point is to learn and develop.

    1. Smaller Places - I didn't read the article, but I can guess why it's not terribly positive. If all you are ever doing is hoping and not doing, it really is just a waste of space and money. Hence my new goal of DOING. Even if I don't become a great drawing artist, I will be able to say I put some effort into learning. I guess that's what life is really all about. Learning and doing. Thanks for your encouraging words.

  4. LOL, this so looks like my book collection. Better Homes and Gardens used to produce these relatively inexpensive "books" about patio designs, bathrooms, home offices, stuff like that and I would buy them all and do nothing with them. Now they cost way too much. Heck, a regular old magazine cost too much to me.

    I'm about to pull a "Kids today just don't understand," but holding a book in your hand is so embracing and engaging on a level that a computer cant compete with. Or maybe that just my love of real books talking. Kids also don't seem to understand having a variety of something or embracing multiple interests. I have a book on "Knots and How To Tie Them." My niece was being her snoopy self, looking through my stuff, and asked why on earth did I have that book? I'm like, "So I can tie any kind of knot, duh?!" She was all, "BUT WHY?! Why would you need to know that?" OMG, Why not? Little turd.

    1. Muff - I think I have some of the BH and Garden books. Did you know the real estate company I work for is Better Homes and Garden Realty? They bought out the company I originally signed up with. And yes, magazines are too expensive for my blood. You really could buy a book for what they cost. It is quite sad that some kids don't get to enjoy books like we used to. It doesn't help that most of the school textbooks are only available on-line. Try tutoring a child who only has an online textbook. Made me realize why some of our students are doing so poorly in school. Heaven forbid you don't have internet access at home, you can't do your homework. Bunch of BS. Anyhow, it really is sad that a lot of kids don't branch out beyond things they can do on a computer. That's what impressed me about my stepgranddaughter. When I met her at age 14, she could cook, bake, crochet, sew, etc. A girl after my own heart.

  5. It's impossible to withstand the temptation to always buy other books! xD

    1. Nyu - Welcome to my blog! Sounds like you, too, are addicted to books. On a positive note, we could have worse addictions.

  6. Hello from Spain: I really like your wide collection of magazines. I also collected journals but one of my removals from home I threw all. They take up too much space. I see that you have all publications very well organized. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - There are times when I want to throw it all away. I've always loved the homes that had dedicated libraries. I thought about turning one of my rooms into a library. That would be awesome.

  7. LOL..This was me and I finally said enough. I had tons and tons of miniature magazines- Dollhouse Miniature Magazine, american miniaturist, Miniature Collector, as well as biographies, and books on history, I am a big history nut. I finally put some on and was able to swap some for books I hadn't read for credits and get rid of some of my magazines at yard sales with some of my miniature supplies to some happy miniaturists in the area advertised on craig's list. Took a while. Even so, I still have a ton of books left as well as magazines I just can't let go. They fill a mini van that doesn't start in my back yard behind the barn (I live in the country no on can see it) lol...we use it for storage . so I understand why you collect books more than you know! I use mine for storage. Worse, I've inherited alot of my mom's!

    1. Lisa - I already knew you would be a book/magazine hoarder. LOL! And what were you thinking, sending me a link to paperback swap. I don't need to swap books....I need to get rid of them. You guys really aren't helping the addict in me. Lol. I really should sell off some of the magazines I have....right after I look through them one more time. (Yeah, right)

  8. It's easy to become a book addict. No shame in that. Books teach and add to our intellect; you have some nice books. ツ

    1. Roville - Well the shame creeps in when you forget to open the books. I'm seriously trying to rectify that. I slept with about 5 books last night. I read through one of them.

  9. Books? OMG. We got so many around here. I think Marianne has over 200 cookbooks, several woodworking books, craft books, knitting books, etc. Geez! Of course, I have alot of fiction books, so I can't complain. LOL And none of this includes the books and magazines her mother has in her room. Believe me when I say, we have enough to stock an entire library! :-)

    1. Cindi - They closed down the two bookstores that were near my house. Thank goodness! My favorite pastime is visiting the bookstore. Of course I could never come out of there without buying something. Someone must be an awesome cook, unless those cookbooks are just collecting dust.

  10. The cool thing about knowing what you have is that you can use it. Acting with the books you have might quell the urge to get new ones. Might ;-)

    1. D7ana - Exactly! Using them is what makes them worth keeping. I had gone a fairly long time without buying a physical book. I do get books online, but those don't count because they only take up space in my computer.

  11. I have a ton of gardening books. I use them and refer to them when I am giving talks. I use them the most. All my textbooks when after school was over but one.I had a ton of romance novel. I gave them away 4 years ago. I had resorted to read or listening to the electronically. Some one once to me that reading romance novel will make you unhappy in your love life. I don't know about that but we are going away for V-day. The mass amount of books and magazines that we both own are cooking books! We are addicted to cookbooks, shows and magazines. Our first date was a cooking class. Now they need organizing!

    1. Ms. Leo - That is so cool that you and your hubby met in a cooking class! Awwww. It's nice that you guys have that in common. I have a lot of cookbooks, but it's easier for me to get rid of those on occasion because I love getting recipes on line. I think reading romance novels can spice up a relationship if your partner is somewhat romantic.

  12. Trust me I know what you mean. I have lots of books on sewing, calligraphy( which I need to be practicing) and knitting, cooking and baking. I look at is a continue education, just free.

    1. Brini - Maybe this post will encourage some to get back to some of those goals of learning new things. Baking is one of my favorite things to do. There is something so satisfying about being able to create something delicious with very few ingredients. Keep the basic baking items on hand and you can create hundreds of different desserts. Luckily I don't like eating them or I would be in trouble.

  13. Teehee... aren't we soul sisters? although I don't have that much, as I try to do more of the actual thing (drawing, sewing, cooking, baking, etc) instead of just reading. I've learned quite a bit of my lessons :)

    1. Shasha - Did you get the impression that I actually read these books? Lol. I'm going to take a page from your book and do more doing.

  14. Vanessa, I SO understand. I have a ton of magazines. Not as many how-to books as you, but I have enough. Lol! It is nice to revisit them every now and then. Reading was my ultimate hobby before I became a doll collector, so I have a library of books that I now display a mixture of books and dolls....two of my favorite things in one place.

    1. Georgia Girl - I knew you would understand. Books are so awesome. Reading is a good hobby to have. I love seeing a well organized home library.

  15. Ah...I can add you to my world of addiction! I too collect, hardly use any of the stuff I have. Books, material, downloads of inspirational pics, magazines, magazine name it!

    I finally came to the conclusion that if I spent as much time creating as I do collecting I might be a lot further in my art skills than I am. My goal this year is to use what I already have & not purchase, download, cut out anymore stuff. That is unless is absolutely a MUST HAVE. It will be hard, but I'm going to do it. :)

    1. Sonya - That is exactly how I feel. However, I did get two new books in the mail yesterday. Lol. BUT, I took the time and read one cover to cover. I started on the second one, too. I've even started using a couple of the books I showed in this post. So I feel a little better now.

  16. Ever since I learnt to read I have always loved books. My father was a great reader too and my grandfather had a library room in his house. And my french teacher in my final year of high school had the most wonderful house where all the available wall space was covered in shelves full of books. You can never have too many books - but you need to read them, enjoy them and learn from them. (Yes, I am an unreformed addict.)

    1. Carrickters - Those libraries sound heavenly! If the walls in my craft room weren't lined with fabric, they would be lined with books. I wonder what it's like to have one hobby and not 500? lol.


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