Saturday, February 7, 2015

Darius Gets Caught Offguard (Photostory)

Nikki is running a little late so Darius is shooting the breeze with Maya.

"So where are you guys going for lunch?"  (Maya)

"I was thinking about that new Italian restaurant, but I'll wait and see what she has a taste for."  (Darius)

"So I think that's it.  We toured the ballroom, finalized the color scheme, and signed the documents.  The last thing is for you to approve the menu."  (Nikki)

"And I promise I will have that done and turned in by the end of next week."  (Tina)
"Great.  And if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to call."  (Nikki)

"Same goes for you, Celia.  I know the matron of honor job can be quite stressful.  Let us know if we can help."  (Nikki)

"Thanks.  I may take you up on that, since I will be doing everything from out of town."  (Celia)

"Sounds like they are finishing up."  (Maya)

"Thanks again, Nikki.  I will be in touch."  (Tina)
"Okay.  I look forward to it."  (Nikki)

"Nice meeting you, Celia."  (Nikki)
"Likewise."  (Celia)

Nikki finishes up on the computer as the ladies leave the office.

As Celia leaves the office, she is surprised to see Darius sitting in the waiting room.

"Darius?  What are you doing here?  Are you following me?"  (Celia)

Nikki's ears perk up.  "Darius?  How does she know Darius?, she thinks.

"Celia.  Nice to see you again.  Are you enjoying your trip?"  (Darius)

"Yes.  Very much so."  Celia says, seemingly in a trance.
Tina is looking at her friend and wondering how she knows Darius.

Nikki is dying to go out there, but decides not to.  Those are clients and she doesn't want to do anything that will look unprofessional. 

"So what are you doing here?"  (Celia)
"I'm here to see Nikki.  She's the woman I told you about on the plane."  (Darius)
"And here I thought you were tracking me down."  (Celia)

Darius chuckles, then reaches out his hand.
"Well it was nice to see you again.  I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here."  (Darius)
"Thanks. I will do my best."  (Celia, who doesn't seem to want to let go of Darius' hand)

"What in the world is going on here?  Girl, Nikki will hurt you.", thinks Maya.  

Tina notices that Celia is trying to prolong the conversation.
"Darius it is good to see you again.  Celia and I have to get going."  (Tina)
"Nice to see you, too, Tina.  (Darius)

By this time Nikki is standing and trying to make eye contact with Darius.

"Okay, that is your cue to leave.", thinks Maya.

Darius finally locks eyes with Nikki. 

"Well I've kept my lunch date waiting long enough."  (Darius)
"Come on Celia.  Time to go."  (Tina)



  1. Replies
    1. Doll Crazy - I'm sure there will be lots of questions.

  2. Replies
    1. Phyllis - And they just got their relationship back on track. Dang!

  3. Hmmm... I like how Darius handles this smoothly :) By the way, Tina is a cutie :)

    1. Shasha - I agree, Tina is a cutie. Darius handled that pretty well under the circumstances.

  4. Darius was very smooth in this situation! I loved Nikki's expressions, she gave Darius the WTH look! Celia was a little bold, let's keep it moving, he is here to see his woman.

    1. AG Lanc - I'm sure Darius was just as surprised to see Celia as she was to see him. You know those older women do get bold sometimes.

  5. Celia is such a flirt! She is doing it so openly. She was not this mesmerized when she saw him on the plane. I agree with Maya, Nikki will hurt her. Lol! Great story Van!!

    1. Georgia Girl - Yes she is! But in her defense, the whole time I was shooting this story, I was saying "damn he fine." I've had this doll forever and there are times when I swoon over him like he's real. Tsk. Tsk. Somehow he was looking better to her this second time around. I don't think she meant to be so transparent, but in her mind, the only two people there were her and Darius. Nikki who? LOL!

  6. HI Van, I knew that something was going to happen, great story!

    1. billa's dolls - Poor Darius. Poor Nikki. Let's see how he gets out of this one.

    2. Well, now that I've seen Nikki I don't think she has really anything to worry about. Ok Darius is gorgeous, but Nikki is the most beautiful girl in town!!!

  7. Uh oh! If Celia saw Nikki's expression, she'd be moving along a lot faster...

    I think I may become a Maya fan. Maya's expression as she looks from player to player is fab.

    1. Smaller Places - The only person Celia sees is Darius. Nikki who? Yes, Maya is a trip.

  8. I agree with Smaller Places: Maya's expression adds to the tension.

    The heat is on, lol.

    1. D7ana - I'm a little surprised Maya didn't interject. I guess she felt it wasn't her place.

  9. OK, I have one word for Maya...dickie. Girl you're at work! Yeah Nikki was always a little jelly.

    1. Ms. Leo - LOL! She was popping out that dress. I was trying to cover those boobs, but the dress kept shifting. I was NOT redressing her. Lol. Can you blame Nikki for being a little jelly. He's a doll and I think I get a little jelly at times.

  10. Hello from Spain: Poor Dariusª!! wow, wow.. I love your office. You have many perfect furniture. Nice pictures. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! I love doing offices. They are pretty quick to put together.

  11. I feel sad for my Darius it is not going to be a good lunch date

    1. Ruby - Your Darius may get more than he bargained for lunch.

  12. Nikki is just plain ridiculous. She has to stop being so jealous or she'll lose that man she's trying to hold on to. Either she's going to trust him or let him find another woman who will. After all, he is a good looking man. Women will always flirt.

    But he's going home to her every night. Plus she needs to be more worried about Maya showing all her stuff while he's sitting there.

    1. Janainah - You are right, but there are just some people who are just naturally jealous. They really can't help it. (I had a husband like that.) Nikki is better than she was. Before she would have gone out there. At least now she is showing some restraint.

      That's the thing, he's not home with her every night. He travels quite a bit with his job. But I agree, she will drive herself bonkers if she doesn't get a grip. Maybe she should have made an appointment to see Tina. Lol.

  13. MAYA'S BIG BOOBIES!!! Now that I got that out of the way, lol. I think Darius is about to have a very uncomfortable lunch, if they even get that far. Celia is playing with fiyah!

    Maya's boobies.... HUGE!

    1. Muff - Lol! She was trying to hide them behind the computer. I guess it didn't work so well. Sometimes those older ladies don't give a hoot.

  14. *shaking my head* I knew something like this was gonna happen when they were flirting on that plane. Wherever they go for lunch, they're going to need both of their knives to cut through all the tension.

    1. Jewell - Sometimes ish comes back to bite you in the butt. I'm thinking Darius should tell the waiter to keep all the knives in the kitchen.

  15. I loved it!! Mine: Hope you enjoy!

    1. Mary Ellen - Thanks so much for visiting! I've just checked out your channel. Any chance of adding a translation button on your site?

  16. Good Lawd that was tense. I didn't didn't put two and two together from the other post.

    1. Kenya - Not many people did. Be careful who you flirt with.

  17. lol! Darius is going to get an earful! Tina's hair is too cute. Can't wait to continue this story!

    1. Sonya - Yes, poor Darius. But hey, he sort of brought this on himself.


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