Thursday, September 25, 2014

Autumn Has Arrived (Photostory)

The title may suggest this story has something to do with the new fall season some of us are experiencing.  It doesn't.  We are back to check on Lena's get together.  Autumn, Darius' secretary and Juwan Howard's wife, has arrived with their 5 yr old daughter, Juanita.

The ladies are chatting and having a snack and green tea, in the dining area.

Juanita is trying to read to Sydney.  

"So are you and Alan settling in okay?"  (Autumn)
"I've really been focused on getting a job, so I haven't had a chance to explore the area."  (Lena)

"Ohhh, so did you find a job?"  (Autumn)
"Yes.  I'll be working at the bridal shop, altering the dresses.  With any luck, I'll be designing some dresses, too."  (Lena)
"Sweet.  Now we have two seamstresses in town.  Have you met Debbie, yet?  She has a shop right in Olde Towne."  (Autumn)
"No, I haven't.  I'll have to stop in, introduce myself, and check out the competition."  (Lena)

"Wait, where are you going?"  (Juanita)

"You should also check out Ni'Chalet's.  That's the local boutique   The owner, Racquel, would probably be interested in some of your designs."  (Adele)
"Wow, that sounds really good.  Where is her shop located?"  (Lena)

"You have to sit down so I can finish reading to you."  (Juanita)
"No. No."  (Sydney)
Juanita tries to direct Sydney back to the sofa.  Sydney suddenly lets out a loud shriek. 

"Juanita!  What are you doing?"  (Autumn)

"I just want to finish reading to her."  (Juanita)

"You can't make her stay and listen to you.  Why don't you come here and have something to eat?"  (Autumn)
"No. I'm not hungry. I'm going to read my book."  (Juanita)

"Mommy.  Mommy."  (Sydney)
"Come on lil' munchkin.  I'm over here."  (Adele)
"She is so cute."  (Lena)

"Mommy, cheese."  (Sydney)
"Yes, that's cheese.  You can have it."  (Adele)

"Excuse me ladies.  I'm going to put Alan down for a nap.  Help yourself to more tea."  (Lena)

Lena heads upstairs, while the ladies continue chatting.
"So how's your class going?"  (Autumn)

"For the most part, it's going well.  Of course there is always one or two students that make the job harder than it needs to be.  But I love my job."  (Adele)

Upstairs, Lena has put lil' Alan down for his nap.  He stirs a little before falling back to sleep.

"Well look who decided to join us.  Are you hungry?  We have fruit, turkey, roast beef, or cheese."  (Autumn)
"No, I have to go to the bathroom."  (Juanita)
"Okay, head upstairs.  Ms. Lena is up there."  (Autumn)

"Oh there you are.  Can you show Juanita where the bathroom is?"  (Autumn)
"Sure.  Come on sweetie." (Lena)

Lena waits upstairs for Juanita.  

"Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore...."   Juanita singing the song from her new favorite movie, Frozen.

"Dang, I have been smelling this cake all afternoon.  I've been trying to ignore it, because I'm trying to be good, but I may have to indulge today."  (Autumn)

"I may have to indulge, too, especially if she made it herself.

The ladies both have a slice of cake when Lena and Juanita return.  Juanita finally eats something, much to her mother's delight.  It's been a great afternoon, and Lena feels a lot more comfortable.  The ladies have told her about all the hottest spots in town.  Now all she has to do is make time to go check it all out.


  1. I like your set-up. It looks cozy and comfortable. Did you make the couch and the tables? :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. I made most of the items here. The sofa, the chair, the two side tables in the dining area, the crib, and the dining table.

  2. Hi Vanessa, juanita has the same name as me, I feel honored. Well anyway, loved this story as always, Bye!

    1. Juanita - Thanks. Awww, you have a namesake in my story.

  3. LOL@ Juanita's song on the toilet! This is a very cute story.

    1. Roxanne - Okay, that toilet song was unintentional. I just went back and read it and had to laugh. She and I innocently picked that song because of it's popularity.

  4. I can't tell you how many times my six year old has suddenly burst into song with that exact one from Frozen- LOL I'm glad to hear Lena got the job at the bridal shop. That cake certainly does look good...did you make that, too?

    1. Jewell - lol. I haven't seen Frozen, yet, but I just imagined that's what a little girl her age would be into. Yes, I made that cake.

  5. Hello from Spain: I really like the fireplace. The living room is fabulous. The sofa is very elegant. The washer seems real. A great afternoon. Very funny. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! I almost forgot that fireplace was there. They put it in a strange place on this house.

  6. Hahahaha! Next time I'm having issues on the potty, I'm going to sing Let It Go and hope that helps, lol. Oh, how that cracked me up.

    If you ever watch Frozen, let me know your take on it. I saw it long after it came out and for the first 15 minutes I was extremely unimpressed and tired of it. Then Elsa gets upset at the party and I loved everything after that, including her Let It Go song.

    1. Muff - I can't believe I didn't catch what was happening with that song and the toilet. Probably a good thing. I might not have done it had I realized it before hand. I hope Frozen comes to Netflix. I would love to see it.

  7. I loved the "Let It Go" part, that was hilarious! You make amazing sets :)

    1. Glittabomb FeFe - Thanks! I guess that is the perfect toilet song.

  8. Hola, que bonitos dioramas, me gustan tus accesorios, todo tan real y completo.
    Saludos, es un placer estar en tu blog.

    1. londaivette - Gracias! Estoy tan feliz y agradecida de que estás en mi blog, también.

  9. Hi Vanessa....LOL...the song!!! well I like Juanita very much....sweet little brat. she loves to read!
    kisses Billa

    1. billa's dolls - Juanita has her ways, but she can be sweet at times.

  10. I like how neighborly the women are - how they're sharing tips with Lena. Nice people in Morrisville.

    Lena's cake looks good enough to take off the screen, lol.

    I love your kids. They are so kiddish ;-)

    1. D7ana - These basketball wives actually get along. Unlike some of the ones you see on tv. Let's hope they stay that way.

  11. I'm so glad the Frozen song slipped through your radar - it was a very funny moment in a great story. And I'm also glad Lena got the job. Hopefully she will get the chance to do some designing too.

    1. Carrickters - I'm glad the song slipped through, too. I was so keyed in on what song a kid her age might be into. I'm hoping Lena will be able to make herself a new wardrobe. With that body, I don't have a lot of stylish clothes that will fit her.


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