Sunday, September 21, 2014

Headed to Church (Photostory)

It's Sunday morning and the Andersons are headed to church.  It's only a couple blocks away, so they've decided to walk.

"Do you have everything?"  (David)
"Yes.  I was just looking to make sure I turned the stove off.  You can close it."  (Leslie)

When they turn around, they see a very busy Ciana.

"Mommy can I ride my bike to church?"  (Ciana)

"I'm afraid not.  We are going to worship, not to the playground."  (Leslie)
"Pleeeasssse, Mommy."  (Ciana)

"Here, let me take Joseph.  Grab your daughter.  I'm not in the mood this morning for a debate."  (Leslie)

"Let's go Ciana.  You can ride when we get back."  (David)
"Are we going to ride at the park?"  (Ciana)
"You have a million and one questions this morning."  (David)

"I can already tell, church is going to be an interesting experience, today.  Let's go before we are late.  I hate sitting all the way in the back."  (Leslie)

And they are off.

"Bye bye bike."  (Ciana)

Look who else is headed to church.  She just got a new outfit from an Etsy shop called Shades.  If you shop there, read the description carefully.  A lot of the outfits are designed for Model Muse bodies.  I couldn't pass up this outfit.  It's the perfect church outfit with the cross on the skirt.  It came with the necklace and a red pair of shoes.  

Joseph also got a new outfit from ebay.  I'm pretty sure the seller didn't make this.  I think she was just selling off some of her collection.


  1. Your ladies have the best handbags. I like Leslie's dress and Joseph's new outfit, too.

    1. Jewell - Thanks. I can't afford the expensive handbags for myself, so I indulge on my dolls' behalf.

  2. Beautiful outfits! The dress with the cross is great, the handbag is perfect with it. I also like what Leslie is wearing to church very much. I used to live next to Evangelic Church Philadelphia, and every time there was a mass and I was at home, I opened my terrace doors to listen to the beautiful singing :-).

    1. Night Owl - Both the ladies' outfits were bought on Etsy. Hate to admit it, but the singing was always the best part about going to church for me.

  3. Replies
    1. Shirley - Thanks. The ladies love going to church so they can put on their Sunday best.

  4. Cute story. Love the new outfits, especially Joseph's.

    1. :Phyllis - Thanks. I couldn't pass up the little outfit for Joseph. It's so adorable.

  5. Una bonita historia cotidiana.Que guapos van todos los personajes con sus trajes de domingo!!!

    1. Pilar - Gracias. Ellos están esperando que el tiempo de adoración.

  6. Very cute story and I love the new outfits!

    1. Roxanne - Thanks! I didn't mention that one of my dogs got a hold to Camille's outfit and chewed a few pieces out the back. Talk about mad! That's the first doll thing they have almost eaten.

  7. Oh my goodness, the work that must have gone into Joseph's outfit! That is so darn cute with a little hat to boot.

    1. Muff - Isn't that little outfit the cutest? I love that they made the suspenders loose even though the outfit is a one-piece.

  8. Hello from Spain: I love the dress Leslie is wearing. Joseph is lovely. Great clothing. You bought the clothes very well. The story is very real .... you're a great observer of everyday life. Great job. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Leslie's dress is also from Etsy, but I bought it awhile ago.

  9. the outfit is lovely- especially the crocheted outfit for the little one! Your ladies are always beautifully turned out!

    1. Lisa - Thanks. I love crocheted outfits for the little ones. I wish I had the patience to make them.

  10. Love the outfits! I think I'd go blind trying to crochet something that small for Joseph. It's challenging enough to crochet clothes for the adults. LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. I'm sure in time you will master crocheted clothes for the little ones, too. lol.

  11. Love the outside view. Love Leslie's dress ... that's a pretty colored pattern and swishy look.

    Smiled at Leslie's comment that she was not in the mood to debate with Ciara who is cute as usual although I suppose to her mom, that cute can be annoying, lol.

    Love the other fashions ... the church outfit and Joseph's cunning little crocheted one.

    1. D7ana - Thanks. Swishy look...that's a new one, but I like it. Too early on Sunday morn to debate with a 3 yr old.

  12. I love this photostoryand I really appreciate the realistic dialogue. Actually Leslie and Ciana reminded me of my sister and my niece....LOL
    Joseph new outfit is so cute! How small are those stitches?!?!?
    Kisses Billa

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. Those little ones can be quite challenging once they start talking and conniving. They learn so quickly. Those stitches are verryyyy small.

  13. Just like a kid to change the morning mood, lol. I remember when I was in church and all of sudden I hear this game sound and my son was playing his GameBoy. I asked him what in the world are you doing. He told me God said it was ok to play the game because he wanted to thank God for answering his prayers. I didn't have anything else to say after that. That crochet outfit is cute.

    1. Brini - Lol! How can you argue with the voice of the Lord? Hilarious and cute.

  14. I love Joseph's knit ensemble! The cap was the cutest!!!

    1. Shasha - Isn't his outfit adorable? I couldn't pass it up.

  15. Everybody looks nice! With my church you get to sit all the way in the front if you're late. Ooooh I hate that!

    1. Kenya - Thanks. Yes, you can't sneak out of church when you are stuck in the front. lol.


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