Saturday, July 19, 2014

Time to go Bike RIding

Leslie, who lives next door to Danielle, has decided to take advantage of the nice day and take the kids on a bike ride at the park nearby.

"Hello, ladies."  (Leslie)

"Hey neighbor.  Well look at you."  (Danielle)
"Yes.  I promised Ciana she could ride her new bike at the park."  (Leslie)

"By the way, this is my cousin, Sharmaine."  (Danielle)
"Hello.  Nice to meet you."  (Leslie)

"Hello.  Same here."  (Sharmaine)
"How long are you in town visiting?"  (Leslie)
"A few weeks."  (Sharmaine)

Julian comes to check out Ciana's new ride.

She dismounts, so she can show Julian all the bells and whistles.  Literally.
"Look Julian.  My bike has a horn."  (Ciana)

"Let me see."  (Julian)
Julian presses the horn about 3 or 4 times.

"Julian, that's enough.  We don't want to break Ciana's new bike."  (Danielle)

Joseph is getting quite restless just sitting there, so he starts getting fussy.

"What's up, Joseph.  We're leaving soon.  Hang tight."  (Leslie)
Sharmaine hadn't really noticed Joseph until he started fussing.  She hops up to go say hello to him.

"Hello handsome.  What's the matter?"  (Sharmaine)
Sharmaine continues talking to Joseph and pretty soon he is all smiles.

"Are you flirting, Joseph?"  (Leslie)

"Mommy, can I take off my helmet?"  (Ciana)
"No sweetie.  We're leaving in a few minutes."  (Leslie)

Rod emerges from the house carrying a recently awakened Jacob.  He greets the ladies.

"Hi honey. So he finally woke up?"  (Leslie)

"He's still sleepy."  (Leslie)
"Well, I kind of woke him up.  You know what happens when he naps too long.  It's impossible to get him to sleep at night."  (Rod)

"So are you leaving us?"  (Danielle)
"Only for a little while.  I have to run by the barbershop and take care of a few things."  (Rod)
"Can you take Julian with you?  He's a little restless."  (Danielle)

"Julian, would you like to go hang out with Daddy for a little bit?"  (Danielle)
"No. I'm going to the store with cousin Sharmaine."  (Julian)
"Well honey, looks like Sharmaine has left quite an impression on our little boy."  (Danielle)
Rod starts laughing.  He almost slipped and said, "I can't blame him.", but he thought his wife might take that comment the wrong way.  So he says nothing.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Sharmaine.  Hopefully, we will have a girls night out before you leave.  I better get these kids to the park."  (Leslie)
"Sure thing."  (Sharmaine)
Leslie says her good-byes, and heads to the park down the street.  Rod kisses his wife and takes off.  And as promised, Sharmaine takes Julian to the store to get some goodies.


  1. Ciana's bike is so adorable!

    1. queen - Isn't it cute? I ordered a second one after doing this post.

  2. Its so nice seeing you posting stories again! I love the new bikes and sharmaine is definately gorgeous! Im also glad that you are feeling better to. "hugs"

    1. Will - Thanks! It's nice to be posting again. Yes, Sharmaine is making quite an impression on Morristown. I'm really going stir crazy not being able to more about freely, but I'm trying to make the most of it.

  3. Sharmaine is certainly good with children (or at least little boys) and obviously enjoys their company. Does she work with children?And her hair is amazing.

    1. Carrickters - Sharmaine seems to love kids. I don't know where that came from. You may be on to something about little boys. She didn't pay Ciana any attention. lol! She doesn't work with kids. She has a degree in International Studies. Her hair is incredibly soft. It feels real.

  4. You're making me want to debox my doll.

    Your Sharmaine does have beautiful hair and a wonderful way with children.

    I'm glad Rod kept his thoughts to himself.


    1. DBG - You could always buy a second doll to keep boxed. I'm glad Rod didn't say anything either. Sharmaine may have been booted out the house and sent to stay with Ian. lol.

    2. Vanessa I just got a visual of her at Ian's door with her luggage. LOLOLOLO! Did you ever watch the TV show friends. Monica and Ross had a hot cousin (portrayed by Denise Richardson) who ended up having to stay with Phebe.

    3. AG Lanc - Danielle ain't no fool. I used to watch Friends all the time, but I don't remember that episode.

  5. Glad Rod held his tongue. LOL! And I have to say, "No he didn't wake the baby and is getting ready to leave." SMH

    1. Kenya - Oh yes he did! All he was thinking about was his potential (or Danielle's) sleepless night. Rod's a great guy, but sometimes he's just a typical man. lol.

  6. Great photo story! Julian is too precious. A real charmer. Sharmaine seems sweet. It was good to see Rod. Is it time for their anniversary? I would love to see them on a nice couples getaway. Hint, hint. ; )

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. Wow, it is anniversary time! Two years have flown. I guess it's a good thing Sharmaine is there to watch the kids. I will be able to get them out on an overnight stay at a local hotel. Stay tuned.

  7. Cute story. Where did you get the bike?

    1. Phyllis - Thanks. I just revised the post to include a link to where I got the bike. I posted the same link a few weeks ago on my bike post.

  8. Hello from Spain: great photos. I like that park full of children. Great collection of bikes. I like a lot. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I'm glad I got to show two of my newest bikes. I have a few more to show.

  9. There is no right way to take that comment, lol. At least he kept it to himself. Julian is a charmer. He knows he might get away with some stuff if he's with a cute lady instead of his daddy.

    1. Muff - A slip of the tongue and Rod would have been in the dog house. Girl, you know Julian is going to come home with all kinds of crap. lol.

  10. That bike is fab! Lucky mom and baby.

  11. What!!!! I think that patio is getting hot!! Yes, Rod sometime you don't want to think out loud. I pulled my bikes out and the are still sitting on the side of the couch in a zip lock bag! Yes, Madison is mad at me she want to take the kids for a ride. Hopefully I will get there.

  12. I like Charmaine, so I am glad that Rod did NOT make that comment out loud, lol. Rod waking Jacob so that he Rod - and Danielle - can have a more peaceful evening tickled me, too. Made sense to me although I don't know about waking Jacob and then going off, ha ha. Like okay, here, you take him now. But totally understandable ;- D

    Leslie looks great in that hot pink jogging suit; it suits her. I like how Danielle and Charmaine are rocking different blue outfits.

    Thanks for sharing this new story.

  13. danielle cousin is pretty plz tell me she has a man

  14. ça se voit que j'ai manqué plusieurs histoires ! I'm very late !


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