Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bad News

I broke my arm today.  I know.  Unbelievable!   I've decided to suffer through the weekend and go to the hospital on Monday.  My ortho surgeon will have to treat this broken arm the same way he did the leg.  Pretty soon I'll be brand new.

I was all excited to work on a new story today.  Hang in there guys.  I'll be back to doll stuff as soon as humanly possible.  


  1. Please take your time and get well first! Your true loyal readers and dear friends will be here waiting on your triumphant return. I know I have been silent for some time now dealing with my own health issues and chaos of a life but I'm still here and pulling for you. Will try to put time aside to email you in the next week.

    1. Lydia - How are you? Nice to see you are still out there. Sorry to hear about your health challenges.

  2. Oh no Vanessa! I'm so sorry for this news. Why are you going to suffer through the weekend? Do you at least have something for the pain? I broke my arm as a kid and I vividly remember that intense pain to this day! I'm praying for you. Take care, and we will be here when you are able to return!

  3. Ack! Rest and please take it easy! Roxanne is right, we will all be here when you return, just focus on getting healed first! My best wishes to you.

  4. Oh my! My initial reaction was WTF??!! I know I have a potty mouth. Please take care of yourself until then. If this is your way of turning in to the 21st century Bionic Women then I can handle it. lol. Please take it easy over there and I wish you a speedy recovery.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your arm. :-(. I agree with everyone else...please take care of you first. We will definitely be right here.

  6. Oh no! Are you okay? Just rest and don't worry about doll stories. I broke my little finger once, god it hurt. I actually thought what the hell is this life when I first saw this blogpost.

  7. Oh my gosh! Sending good vibes to the doc and your healing process.

  8. Sad with this bad news!!
    But I believe in your soul strenght to overcome this, and be back soon and new. ake good care of yourself! We all will be here waiting for you!!

  9. prayers going out to you Vanessa, take care of yourself and hope it gets better soon. Your blog posts are so inspiring.

  10. Internet ate my first response. Oh no is right. Well, I hope you get pain relief soon and fixed up. Please take care. Rather you well and hale than any amount of doll stories. Even ones with Julian. We can and will wait.

    Best wishes, Bionic Woman 2014.

  11. I'm sorry Vanessa - dang!!! Hopefully your healing time won't take too long but I rather have you 100% well than 100% back here ;-) Take your time we will be here.

  12. Thanks for all the well wishes. 2014 has been quite the year. I did get to speak to my ortho surgeon and he said wrap it tight, and throw it in a sling and come to his office on Monday. He will take care of it. I don't think I will even need the hospital. I will post a follow up comment after my appointment.

  13. Oh no! I hope you are managing your pain well. You have my prayers for a speedy recovery. I pray you will feel better soon.

  14. Oh no! Please take care of yourself. You are truly trying to be the Bionic Woman aren't you! I will keep you in my prayers. I can't believe you are typing with a broken arm, but thanks for keeping us up to date on what is going on with you. You do have an amazing following out here in blogger land.

  15. Hello from Spain: I am very sad to read this bad news. A broken arm!. It's bad luck. I wish that you visit your doctor. You have to get perfect. Best of luck. Keep in touch

  16. We can wait on the stories, please take care of you!!! Prayers for your recovery.

  17. I am sooo sorry about your arm. Get well soon.

  18. Dag nabbit! Hope that you heal up right quick and no more breaks.

  19. Vanessa take your time we will all still be here. Your health comes first I hope you take your time in getting better and relaxing

  20. Dang Vanessa. : ( I hope that you were able to get things taken care of today. Take care of you and we will be right here waiting for you whenever you return.

  21. i'm praying for you please rest and allow your body to heal.

  22. It's way too easy to break bones when you have bone cancer (I know, my mother had bone cancer too). Hopefully by now, you have been treated and are beginning to heal. We can wait - take your time to rest and get better.

  23. Very sorry to hear about your broken arm. I hope that your doctors have been able to treat it and make you as comfortable as possible. Sent you an email a while back -- remember all those angels are watching over you. :-)

  24. I'm so sorry to hear about your arm! You are in constant pain recently, it's so unfair! I hope you will return soon, in good health and great mood.

  25. Oh my, that really is some bad news. I am very sorry to hear about your arm, Vanessa. When I consider that God never puts more on us than we can bear, I am amazed at what a strong woman you must be. Please know that you're in our thoughts and prayers.

  26. Oh no! I guess you're really gonna be the Bionic Woman! That, on the other hand, is really cool! You'll probably be able use your arm even better after the procedure! You're always positive no matter your situation and it keeps me positive. Feel better Vanessa (although I know you already do!)

  27. Sending healing vibes! Get well soon.

  28. Cuidate mucho. Espero mejores muy pronto. Saludos desde Mexico.

  29. In all honesty Vanessa, although I love your dollies, your medical progress is what's more important to me. I am glad to hear that you will be better. :) Hang in there!

  30. Oh no! And when you've had so much going on already too! Best thoughts for quick healing!

  31. Say what? Please get well fast and yes your Dr. looks like Dr. Cullen.

  32. Vanessa ! comment as-tu fait ça ??? Je suis vraiment désolé de l'apprendre. I hope you will be better. Take your time to get some rest ! See you soon !

  33. Get well soon Vanessa! And i thought of something fun you could do while your healing. You could have computer paper and color pencils by your bed and design wall paper.


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