Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Vanessa Checks In (Photostory)

Vanessa is getting ready to take the kids to school.  Then she's off to work until her 2pm doctor's appointment.

"Did you put your homework in your book bag?"  (Vanessa)
"Yesss momm."  (Tyler responds exasperated)
"I'm not sure I like your tone."  (Vanessa)

"Sorry, but you already asked me if my homework was in my bag."  (Tyler)
"I was just making sure because last week you forgot your homework twice."  (Vanessa)

"Here hold your lunchbox.  I have to get our friends caught up on what's happening."  (Vanessa)

"Hey guys, it's the Morrisons.  We've missed you terribly.  I thought I would get you caught up on what's going on.  I know many of you are worried because you haven't heard from me in awhile.  That was partially due to my power supply burning out on my laptop.  I had to order another one which took over a week.  It arrived yesterday and we are back in business."  

"As for my health, I am doing much better.  The beauty of messing up my arm is my doctor had to give me permission to walk more on my leg since I couldn't use two crutches.  So I am walking without the crutches about 15% of the time.  I'm still not trying to overdo it.  I don't think my arm is broken, because I've been able to use it.  I'm no longer wearing the arm sling.  I was supposed to have a cat scan, but there were missteps made by the imaging center and I postponed the cat scan.  I'm in the process of getting it rescheduled at a different facility.  Today I am headed to the oncologist to see how my numbers are."  (Vanessa)
"STOP"  (Tyler)
"Excuse me for a minute."  (Vanessa)

"You can't have it."  (Tyler)

"Excuse me.  I need you two to be quiet a little while longer.  Mommy's almost finished."  (Vanessa)
"She keeps trying to take my lunchbox."  (Tyler)
"Tyler, relax.  You don't have to yell at her.  Stand over there until I finish.  Come here Alicia."  (Vanessa)

"Sorry about that.  As you can see, the kids are still keeping me busy.  Anyway, as I said, I am doing better, and as long as my arm holds up, I will be back to blogging regularly starting this week."  (Vanessa)

"Everyone else in Morristown is anxious to see you guys.  They have all continued with their busy lives, so they will have to get you all caught up soon.  Take care.  I have to get these kids to school before they pluck my last nerve.  Toodles."  (Vanessa)

Hey guys, it feels great to be blogging again.  Also feels great to have my laptop working again.   As mini me said, I am doing better.  I did have sticker shock when I saw how much they charged to put the rod in my leg.  Surgery and four days in the hospital cost $235,291.54.  ISN"T THAT CRAZY?  When my arm saw that, I think it immediately got a little better.  Just think, two rod surgeries and I'll have half a million dollars worth of work done to my body.  And I don't even get any super powers!  Luckily I have good health insurance and the part I have to pay is fairly reasonable, in comparison to the total.   Still pretty criminal in my opinion.  See you guys soon!


  1. hi vanessa i'm glad you are getting better by the day. i can't wait to see more stories. keep up the good health and attitude.

    1. Shirley - Hello. More stories are on the way. Stay tuned.

  2. Yes, Vanessa is blogging. Doing a happy dance complete with back flips and a split. Not really hopefully made you smile. Welcome back.

    1. appreciablegifts - LOL. Thanks so much. You not only brought a smile to my face, but you made me laugh.

  3. Yay, glad to hear you are doing better - in spite of the cost, yikes! - and that the Morristown crew is holding their own. Looking forward to seeing you back here. But do take care. Best wishes!

    1. D7ana - Thanks. The Morristown crew is anxious to get back to work. They were happy to see me back in the basement.

  4. Love your show, you have inspired me to make my own show. I have watched it forever ( since the beginning)
    Btw: hope your feeling better.

    1. Gabbi - Thanks for being such a great fan. I'm always happy to inspire others. And yes, I am feeling better.

  5. Hello from Spain: I'm glad your back to your blog. I read that you're the best of your health. Great news. I really like the facade of this house. The case of the food is very nice. Great pics. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Hello! Thanks. It's so good to be back.

  6. So glad you are doing better and that you are back. I've missed you and have been praying for you. I know what you mean about the hospital bill. At that rate, it won't take long to become the 6 million dollar woman!

    1. Phyllis - Well I guess your prayers are working. Thanks so much! I agree, at these prices I will be the 6 million dollar woman in no time.

  7. Yay so glad to see you back! The Million Dollar Woman Vanessa! I'm not going to lie, when I checked your blog last night and saw how long it's been since you posted anything, I became pure nervous. I'm happy your arm is doing better! Take care!

    1. Doll Crazy - Thanks! It was hard being without my computer for so long. I figured you guys may have been getting a little worried, so I knew I needed to post something as soon as the power supply arrived.

  8. I'm glad your okay. Welcome back.

    1. Mustiwait - Hi! It's so good to be back. I've missed you guys.

  9. You're posting again...what a pleasant surprise! Glad you're feeling better.

    1. Jewell - Hello. Yesterday was particularly a good day. It feels like soon I won't need the crutch at all. I've been on those things since April, so I can't wait to put them in the closet and move on.

  10. So pleased to see a post from you and to get an update! Keep getting better.

    1. Muff - I'm working on it. You know I've been going stir crazy over here without doing stuff with my dolls.

  11. Yay, I'm so happy you're better! Welcome back! The cost of your surgery and hospital stay is really outrageous. This is a cute story and I love Tyler's lunch box. I'd be trying to take it too if I were Alicia.

    1. Roxanne - Yay! Thanks. It's good to be back. I guess Vanessa will have to get Alicia her own cute lunch box.

  12. Hey Vanessa!!! : ) I'm very happy to see you back and posting. I am glad that you are feeling better. The photo story is too cute! That Tyler is something else. Lol! Looking forward to seeing what you have come up with while you were not on here.

    1. Georgia Girl - Hello! If you think Tyler in doll life is something else. You should see Tyler in real life. HE'S A HANDFUL and keeping me quite busy. Sad to say I wasn't working on anything doll related while I was silent. I just didn't have the energy. I really had to stay in bed majority of the time and since I had worked hard to get all the doll stuff out my bedroom months before, I was not bringing it back in. But don't worry. All of my stories to date have been on the fly anyway. I need to get my butt in gear and make new stuff for the Etsy store before I reopen it. Baby steps. I will have 10 days of radiation probably next month. I hope that doesn't knock me back on my butt.

  13. Vanessa, I'm really glad you are back. I was worrying. It's also nice to see you dolls again. I love Tyler. :) My own AA Todd, Brick, is one of my favorite dolls. :)

    1. Dukasha - Hello. So nice to hear from you. I love the name you gave your Todd doll. I am really glad I was able to buy that wedding set when I did. Todd is one of my favorites, too.

    2. Vanessa, it's really a name of the character, who had been in our doll stories several years before I got the Todd doll, so I have several Brick dolls. :) The first Brick was an AA Baby from AA doctor's Barbie set. Later I wanted to have an AA Tommy doll for Brick, but there were no AA Tommy dolls in Russia. I was able to find one only when Brick was already too big to be a Tommy doll, but still I bought him. Later I was happy to learn about eBay and all the dolls there. When I saw the AA wedding sets, I understood, that I could have the perfect version of Brick. But now he is again too big to be Todd. I think now Brick is one of the HSM guys, Zeke, though I don't like this doll, he has too adult face.
      His name is a kind of match for his sister's name Brook. Those names look more alike in Russian.

  14. It is good to hear from you and to know that you are getting better. I hope your numbers were good and that you're on the road to overall recovery. Continue to take it easy.

    The cost of medical care is criminal. Healthcare insurance is an absolute must in this country that focuses on medicinal treatment instead of cures.


    1. DBG - My numbers were decent. I, of course, would have liked to see them even better. That's just me being impatient. Once the numbers get low enough, I can take a break from this treatment.

      I showed one of my doctors the bill from my surgery. She couldn't believe it. I find that some doctors are oblivious to what healthcare costs. I continually remind them, when they suggest something and I ask, "what does that cost?" I learned my lesson after getting that first bill for $10,000 for the bone marrow biopsy. Now I ask questions before they do procedures.

  15. Hi Vanessa,

    Overjoyed to see you posting again. I was getting worried.

    I left my computer in Africa (I sold it but am still waiting to be paid) so I can empathize with your computer hiatus. It took three weeks for my new machine to come in.

    Keep the stories coming!

    1. limbe dolls - Everyone told me to relax and take it easy. I was just listening for a change. As for the computer, luckily I had my tablet, so I could check and respond to email, but I couldn't do a thing with my blog on that thing.

  16. Welcome back Vanessa! You were sorely missed! Sounds like the kiddos are getting a bit impatient. LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! I was so happy to see, touch, and play with my dollies again.

  17. Glad you are feeling better and posting again. I love Tyler! I have been trying to snag me one at a good price. I love the cute little lunch box.

    1. Brinit - Thanks. Tyler is my heart. It' sad that they stopped making little boys his size. Although, with the amount of kids I already have, I couldn't possibly use any more.

  18. So great to see you again! I really hope your bad luck has ended!
    To say that $235,291.54 is crazy price is definitely too kind. Just wow, I can't imagine paying even quarter of this just for 4 days long stay in the hospital + surgery. Good that you don't need to pay it all, if it was me I would be in so much trouble, because I have no insurence. But still, why is something lifesaving so expensive? That's so stupid.

    1. jewel snake - It's good to be back. I have learned to ask what portion I will have to pay, BEFORE they do any work. My doctor's think I'm crazy, because I am always asking, what is that going to cost me. I never would have imagined putting a rod in my leg would cost so much.

  19. So glad to see you posting again! Yikes, that's insane what's charged in healthcare and hospital stay. :-/. Sending good vibes, thoughts and prayers your way and look forward to your next post. :-)

    1. Tracy - Thanks for the good vibes, thoughts, and prayers. I know they are coming from all over, and that is why I am back in business.

  20. Hi Vanessa, I'm happy to see you're recovering fine. I'm truly shocked by the amount of the hospital charges!
    Lots of Kisses

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks! Do you know how many wonderful trips you could take for what they charged to fix my leg? Your dolls would be on cloud nine traveling the world.

  21. Bonjour Vanessa ! I hope you are better. thank you to still take your time to share new post despite of your health !
    Take care !

    1. Shasarignis - Bonjour! I am much better. I can walk without the crutch a little more each day. I just can't wait to wear regular shoes again. Take care.

  22. Every time I see this Black Barbie, I automatically think "Kelly Rowland". Kelly look so much like a Black Barbie doll and she looks like this mold! LOL!

    1. KenyaDoll - You remind me of my granddaughter. She's obsessed with Kelly Rowland.

    2. LOL! Honestly, I'm not a fan of any of the Destiny Child's members but you can't deny Kelly Rowland is beautiful. :}

  23. Wow that amount is absurd! Good LAWD!!! Anyway, so glad to have you back!

    1. Kenya - Isn't that cost ridiculous?! For that price this leg should be able to do a lot more than it used to.


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