Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Down, But Not Out

FYI, I am sick.  This is day 7 of me pretty much being in the bed all day.  I sort of feel like Kendra when she was pregnant.  I'm not seriously ill.  Initially I had a couple muscle strains in my chest, then I was exposed to someone with the flu, and that was all she wrote.  I hear it's a 10 day thing.  I'm hoping to be back to 100% by the end of this week.  On day 4, I decided to tackle a few projects on my to do list.  I put my sewing machine in the bed, and made a few comforters and curtain sets for future "Day in the Life" stories.  I also hand-sewed a couple of sock sweaters, and started a dress for Emerald.  Last but not least, I started on the fish theme bathroom for Julian and Jacob.

Diego is going to need a sweater for the cool nights on the cruise ship.

       This is four different comforters for future bedrooms        

One panel of curtains.  I made a few different sets.

This is my first attempt at making a dress for the Mixis.  It is a sample to help me get an idea of fitting.  This one was hand-sewn.  I need to make a few adjustments, and remake it with a sewing machine. Add a cute little belt, and some jewelry, and she will be ready for her date with Guiren.

This will be in Julian and Jacob's bathroom.  When I bought this fabric a couple of years ago, I immediately thought of a bathroom for the boys.  Nice to finally work on this project.  The green yarn was already near my bed, so I'm using it temporarily. I will change the yarn out for something metal when I can.

So it feels good to get a few projects done that would probably still be on the "to do" list if I hadn't gotten sick.  There's always a bright spot in the midst of turbulence.  But now..... I'm ready for this to be OVER!


  1. Hello from Spain: I read that you feel you are ill with the flu. I wish you best of your health problems. I see you're working hard on sewing. The shower curtains are fabulous. Also the sweaters are very cool. Get well and we keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks for your well wishes. I hope to get a couple more things sewn before the end of this week.

  2. Great sweaters, comforters and curtains! Take good care of yourself Vanessa, and get well soon. I'm waiting for our company to leave so I can get back to my blog! :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. The dogs have tried to comfort me during this time. They just started sleeping longer through the night 2 days ago. What a blessing that has been!

  3. Hi Vanessa. I hope you feel better. :)))

    The sweaters are cute. One thing I love about your dolls is that they are all not just Mattel or designer dolls. They are different brands and types (the Heart dolls, the Kenya minis, The military men dolls, etc.). This is kind of random but I would like to share it with you, I wish they had disabled dolls in fashion dolls sizes. They do have some in wheelchairs but I mean some with Down's Syndrome or the like in fashion doll sizes. They only have them in big baby doll sizes. Same with plus sized dolls. If I was doing what you do with my dolls, I would try to find some. The more diverse the dolls are, the more realistic and fun it is.

    1. KenyaDoll - Thanks! I really enjoy having a diversity of dolls. I like your idea of expanding the diversity with dolls with disabilities. That would be a great avenue for you to pursue.

    2. It would be nice. I do remember when I was a girl, they had a Stacy friend doll who was in a wheelchair. I wanted her but I never got her. I forget why exactly. I guess it wasn't on the shelves long enough for my parents to buy it. I had so many dolls as it was. I had to make a wheelchair for my dolls. :( LOL

    3. KenyaDoll - I didn't know Stacy had a wheelchair bound friend. I did get the Becky doll, who was also in a wheelchair. I finally opened her box when Kendra went to the hospital to have the baby.

    4. Well maybe we are talking about the same doll (Share-A-Smile Becky). I was a while ago so I may have forgot. :P

  4. Hi Vanessa, take good care of yourself, and get well very soon! The clothes and accessories (comforters etc.) you made are awesome, I can picture Diego already under the moonlight on the ship in this sweater :-). The Mixis dolls are so great, I enquired once about shipping to Belgium, but it was very expensive. Still I hope to be able to add some of the girls to my collection one day.

    1. Nymphaea - I'm trying hard not to over due it so I can get better faster. It's miserable being limited. Emerald is one of my new faves. Hopefully a miracle can happen and you can get one in the future.

  5. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling good, Van doll. Even sick, and down but not out, you still accomplish more than most of us can in a day. lol You're amazing. I love all of the things you made. Feel better soon my friend!

    1. Debbie - Hi! I always get excited to see you are still out there in dolly land. I'm feeling better today, my body just hasn't gotten the message yet.

  6. I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you! GET WELL VERY SOON! btw...those sweaters are so cool!

    1. Grandmommy - I'm feeling a lot better. Still need lots of Tylenol to walk around, but at least I'm not coughing and sneezing like I was. I'm glad I took the time to hand sew those sweaters. It helped me get better with my technique.

  7. First, I hope you feel better soon.

    Second, wow. You are so creative and productive, even when you aren't well. I admire that about you. You make beautiful things and create fun stories and share them. Julian and Jacob's bathroom fabric looks adorable. Love that bright, boyish print. Emerald's bright blue dress makes her light up - complexion and colorwise.

    Glad to see you active in spite of the flu. Take care and hope you get better soon ;-)

    1. D7ana - When people ask me what is it that I can't do. My response is rest and relax. It is torture for me to sit and do nothing. It feels like a bonus when I can get something done with dead time.

  8. Feel better Vanessa. : /

    I love the shower curtain. That is so cute. I also like comforters. Ditto to everything that D7ana said. You are so creative. I do not believe you will allow anything to get you down. Get plenty of rest.

    1. Georgia Girl - You like the fish? I like the fish, too. You know how it is with the flu, you can't help but get some rest. I was falling asleep between projects. When the sleepyness hits, there's little you can do to stop it.

  9. Even on your sick bed you cant stop keeping busy, lol. (((feel better)))

    Everything looks great, but I gotta say that the shower curtain is what stands out the most to me. I guess its adorable factor is outshining all the other works.

    1. Muff - Getting sick is such a waste of time and I hate losing time. Normally I stay far away from sick people, but this one caught me a little off guard.

      I immediately thought of a kid's bathroom when I saw this fabric. Isn't it adorable?

  10. You are amazing, Vanessa! Nothing can quell your creative spirit and energy. I love all of your sick bed creations and continue to be amazed by how awesome you are.

    I hope you feel better soon.


    1. Debbie - I will probably be on my death bed talking about, "wait, I have just a couple more projects to finish." LOL! Today is the first day I feel like I can get out of bed. I'll try not to over do it.

  11. Hi Vanessa, I really hope you feel better now. I admire you, I wouldn't be able to do anything if I had the flu, and everything you did looks absolutely perfect. Your strength is awesome!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! I feel like I am coming around today. Hopefully in a couple of days I will feel more normal.

  12. You are so productive even in sickness. Bless your heart, I hope you feel better soon! Remember, rest and hydration.

    1. Doll Crazy - I just hate wasted time, and being sick is the ultimate in wasted time. I guess it's a great time to catch up on sleep. I think I need to drink a lot more fluids. My favorite drink is lemon water, and I just didn't have the energy to make it. I did get plenty of rest though.

  13. Replies
    1. Ashleigh - Thanks! I am feeling a little better today.

  14. Aww Vanessa, I'm glad you found a way to pass the time. I hope you feel better soon. I hate getting sick.

  15. Nice blog ;)


  16. I know how you feel right now. I hope you get well soon! The bathroom curtain is so cute! I dont remember the exact name but there is a baby rememt that has a ducky potty chair. Maybe it would go with it if you want a duck themed potty.

    1. Sorry eyes were playing tricks on me but it is still adorable. ^^

  17. Get well soon, Vanessa!
    (I am also sick but have to work at home with my computer...)
    I like Your new stuffs, especially the sweaters and the bathroom curtain! It is so cute!
    I hope You'll have a much better day today!

  18. It sounds as though you are on the mend, which is great, but try not to overdo it or you will take longer to get better. It is great to see that sickness has not quelled your creativity. I hope you are feeling much better very soon.,

  19. Elsősorban mihamarabbi jobbulást kívánok. Nagyon tetszenek a zokni pulcsik.

  20. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!

  21. Bonjour Vanessa,
    Je suis désolée d'apprendre que tu es malade au lit. Mais je suis contente que tu as pu en profiter pour coudre. c'est magnifique. On a toushâte de les voir dans ton histoire !

  22. Sorry I missed you being sick to wish you a "hope you feel better". That ten days has passed now.

  23. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes! My flu is gone. I just have a little cough, but I still have major body pain, not related to the flu. I'm hoping to be rid of the pain soon. Keep the well wishes coming.

  24. I hope you´re fine. I love your new handmade clothes and accessories, great job!


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