Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sindy's Here!

 I love Sindy furniture, but until now, I haven't owned any.  Thanks to that darn D7ana (love you), and her recent blog post about the Sindy double oven, I have been itching to get my hands on some Sindy kitchen pieces.  You can see a detailed description on her blog of the wall oven.

Here is the four piece set I just purchased on ebay.

The sink is cute with a little rubber stopper.

The knobs for the cooktop range really move.

The double oven is my favorite piece.

 I am looking forward to creating a kitchen with these wonderful pieces.

My flu is just about gone, but I'm still having some challenges which have kept me out of the doll room.  In the meantime, I'm sewing a few clothing pieces for the Mixis ladies.  I will catch up on blog reading within the next three days.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Awww ... you are sooo sweet, Vanessa. After I go waving my Sindy wall oven under your nose, lol. So cool that you got the whole set. Right on, girl. I have the refrigerator with some of the original accessories. I did not get the sink or the stove. (Darn.) But I do have some other room pieces, but they can wait ;-)

    Anyway, I am glad that you got the Sindy kitchen set. It is quality doll furniture even these many years later. Are you going to jazz your up as SuperCoolDollhouse did? I wanna see, I wanna see ;-P

    Glad to hear that you recovering from the flu. Giddy anxious to see what you will post next, BUT I respectfully will wait until you are able to get to the doll room. Promise not to pester you. Take care!

    1. D7ana - Yes, you keep getting in my wallet. Thanks for the link to SuperCoolDollHouse, but this is a classic, and I will be leaving it as is. I have plenty of other kitchen sets here I can alter.

      I will post a story soon. I am having trouble getting my right arm to function right, so taking setting up dios and taking a lot of pictures may be a challenge.

  2. That sink is really, really nice. All the pieces look detailed down to the littlest bit. They don't make 'em like they used to! Glad to hear your'e recovering, and hope you feel 100% soon!

  3. You are lucky to get the whole set cant wait to see it in a story.

    1. Mustiwait - I was really surprised to see them selling the whole set. Now I need to get the washing machine. It is super cute!

  4. Congratulations, Vanessa! I love the details.

    Be well.


    1. DBG - Thanks! I am crazy excited to have it. I didn't even know I wanted it, but it feels like I scored big time.

  5. Hmm, we never had Sindy furniture in our stores, but we had stickers with some photos of it. When I first saw them in 90s, it was some kind of a shock: the furniture was not pink! lol. We dreamed about getting it, but those dreams never came true. Later I saw some furniture sets on eBay, but now I just don't have free space for it...

    I wish you full recovery very soon. I think your dolls are missing you. :)

    1. Dukasha - I only became aware of Sindy furniture a couple of years ago. Now I am in love. Their pieces are so well done. Nothing like what we get these days.

      I am looking forward to getting back into the doll room on a regular basis. It's been too long.

  6. What beautiful little details on the sink and stove. I also want to know if you are going to repaint it or leave it in the original colour. Whatever you do, some dolls are going to be very happy with their new kitchen.

  7. Verona - This is by far one of the best kitchens I own. You should see inside the wall oven. It's just like the real thing.

  8. Carrickters - You should see inside the oven! I couldn't get a good picture of it, but it's quite detailed, too. I am going to leave this in it's original state. Sometimes you just don't mess with a classic. My motto is... if it ain't pink....don't paint it. That's not altogether true, but in this case, it is.

  9. Ah how we love our friend D7ana! She finds cool stuff, posts it on her blog and then we all can't wait to go get them. This kitchen is awesome! I didn't know about any of the Sindy furniture. I wonder if they made other sets? I completely agree with your motto - if it isn't pink, don't paint it! LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - Yes, there are other Sindy sets. There's a living room, a dining room complete with hutch, and the cutest washing machine you would ever want to see.

  10. Hello from Spain: I love Sindy furniture. Congratulation for your new kitchen. It is fabulous. Is it expensive? Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I love Sindy furniture, too. The prices range depending on the ebay seller. This set was very reasonably priced with free shipping.

  11. Congrats on the kitchen. I'm glad you are getting better too.

    1. Brini - Thanks! I am in love with this kitchen.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Vanessa ! I am happy to see you are better. Take care of you !

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks. I am slowly getting back to normal.

  14. Now this is NICE! Love the color and the little details.

    1. Muff - Detail wise, it's the best kitchen I have. The color takes me back to when I was a little girl.

  15. Nice so whose getting the new kitchen? Feel free to you me as a real background story. I was so excited to get the new stove that I read the instruction manual. I've never had a new stove before. And something about the project not being complete has been off my game. I tried to make the easiest cake something I didn't have to sift and I put waaaaay too much glaze on it and I threw it away including the pan. Then I made macaroni and cheese and forgot to boil the noodles first. Girl I baked it an everything. I was wondering why my mac and cheese looked so flat. :-/

    1. Kenya - ROFL! Hilarious. How do you forget to cook the noodles. And to get through the entire baking process. You threw out the pan, too?! Now that's deep. Hopefully your husband hasn't witnessed these issues. If so, I'm sure he's thinking maybe the new kitchen wasn't such a great idea.

    2. Well I have thrown out a real pan of something else I messed up. After that I bought disposables, so that's what the mac & cheese went in. ;-)

  16. I agree with you, I love Sindy´s furnitue I think that it´s very fanastatic and realistic. I hope you enjoy it :)


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