Friday, January 24, 2014

Time to Go Home (Photostory)

Day in the life of Angelica Part VI

 When we last saw Angelica, she was headed to her last class for the day.  She finished that class, then headed to the daycare to pick up Nina.

 At the daycare center, Cassandra has her hands full.  She wasn't able to get a back up for Samantha, so she and Daphne have been handling all the kids.  Daphne is in the infant room with a few babies and a few toddlers.  Here Cassandra is comforting Tatiana, who just fell and got a boo boo.

 The boys are playing with some puzzles.

 Alicia and Kimaya are playing with the doll house, while Nina happily rocks on the rocking horse.

 Uh oh, someone seems to be falling asleep.

 "What's wrong Sydney?  Are you bringing that bottle to Tatiana? You think that will help her feel better?" (Cassandra)

 Out in the lobby, Adele is checking Sydney out before she enters the playroom.

 "Hello, hello."  (Adele)

 "Hello Adele."  (Cassandra)

 As soon as Sydney hears her mother's voice, she turns around, drops the bottle, and starts running towards her.

 "Hi mommy."  (Sydney)
"Hi sweetie.  Did you have a good day?"  (Adele)
Sydney nods.
"Well let's go get your coat so we can go home."  (Adele)
Adele says goodbye to Cassandra, grabs Sydney's coat and heads to the lobby.

 "We have to bundle up, it's chilly out there."  (Adele)

 Angelica appears in the doorway.
"Hello"  (Angelica)
"Hello.  How are you?"  (Adele)
"Great/"  (Angelica)

 Angelica checks Nina out as Adele finishes dressing Sydney.

 "Alright, let's go home and cook dinner."  (Adele)

 Angelica enters the play room just as Cassandra is picking up the sleeping child.
"Hey Cassandra."  (Angelica)
"Hi Angelica.  Your angel is over there on the rocking horse."  (Cassandra)

 Oh no.  Looks like the boys have started fighting.
"Boys!  Cut it out."  (Cassandra)
"Excuse me Angelica.  I need to go get them."  (Cassandra)

 Angelica makes her way over to Nina.
"Hi dumpling.  Are you enjoying your horsey ride?"  (Angelica)
Nina goes about another minute before she tries to get down and go to her mommy.

 "Alright Cassandra.  Thanks.  We'll see you next time."  (Angelica)
"Okay dear.  See you soon."  (Cassandra)

 "Now back to you two.  We have rules and one of them is no fighting.  This is a warning.  If it happens again, you will both be sent to time out."  (Cassandra)

 Angelica arrives back home after taking the short 10 min drive from the daycare.  She is exhausted.

She takes a look into the living room.  She contemplates going and plopping on the sofa.

 She decides against it, and chooses to head to her bedroom instead.

 She sets down her bag,

 kicks off her shoes and plops down on the bed.
"Okay missy.  Let's get your jacket off."  (Angelica)

"Weeee.  You like that?  Are you going to take a little nap with mommy?  Then we'll get up and have a nice dinner.  Then you can play in the tub with all your toys.  How does that sound?"  (Angelica)
Doesn't take long for Angelica and Nina to dose off.


  1. Am I going to have to give Cassandra a ticket for not having enough workers in that daycare, lol. Boys fighting, kids getting boo boos - she needs some help!

    1. Muff - Don't even think about stopping by the daycare today!

  2. Angelica is such a good mommy. ^_^

    That daycare center is a complete and utter madhouse. LOL! What kind of baby doll is that sitting on the daycare worker's lap? The one in the pink ballerina suit? She looks like a rare toy.

    1. KenyaDoll - It's controlled chaos. The doll on her lap is one of the new Kenya doll kids. She's brand new and I was anxious to show her.

  3. The puzzles look good, great how you made them. I hope there will be no trouble for the daycare and they get help soon :-).

    1. Nymphaea - Thanks. When it gets warmer and I can work in my garage, I may make them real puzzles. Right now they are just mock puzzles. Luckily it's the end of the day, so I think she will escape without any problems.

  4. Dang, I wished I looked as good as Adele being a mom. Diva central. I'm more like Angelica. Jean gear. lol The daycare looks great btw.

    1. Sonya - Thanks. Well you know Adele is a teacher, so she tries to represent.

  5. Que guapa es tu Adele me encanta preciosas imágenes super reales, besosss

    1. Carmen - Gracias. Adele acaba de dejar el trabajo en la escuela.

  6. Hello from Spain: I love your wooden puzzles. Great job. Nice pictures. Cassandra is going crazy. Too many children. You have a very nice collection of little children. Very Cute. Adele is very elegant. Great bag. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Yes Cassandra has her hands full, but she is handling it quite well.

  7. I really love the nursery school, so much fun and the kids are great!

    1. Brini - Cassandra said feel free to stop by and help out. lol.

  8. Bonita historia, no les falta detalle a tus dioramas.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Tengo muchos artículos de muñecas. Es bueno darles un uso.

  9. Such a cute daycare and i just realized something in the fifth picture. If the stroller comes in bulk and is super cheap if you minused the top part and painted it grey it would look like a mini shopping cart.

    1. Leandra - Thanks. That's a great idea for the shopping cart. Those little strollers came from the dollar store, so I do have a few more.

    2. Your welcome. Thats great that they're cheap. Now less kids might stop fighting over the mini shopping carts.

  10. O my!!! That daycare dio look so great!!! So many details, so life-like. All those toys, the ABC soft mat, all the toddlers playing everywhere... Awesome job!!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! With all the kids in town, we needed a fully functioning daycare.

  11. The daycare looks fun. The kids look happy. I feel for Cassandra having a rough day, but she's such an expert, you still sense order. Yay Cassandra. Hope you get additional help though and soon.

    1. D7ana - Thanks. There's enough there to keep the crumb snatchers very busy. Samantha is due to return back to work tomorrow.

  12. The daycare is really nice, it has a lot of details and the children seems happy. Angelica is a good mom, she´s very hardworking.

    1. Ana - Thanks. Angelica is exhausted after a long day. She gets to do it all over again tomorrow.

  13. That's an ideal ending right there. If I could have just taken a nap when I first go home in the evening with Christopher. I don't know which evening was harder, if he fell asleep on the way home of if he didn't.

    1. Kenya - I can't even imagine. Just dealing with these puppies is crazy and they are only playing a few hours a day and sleep the rest. Sometimes I just want to give them something to make them sleep all day. LOL!


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