Sunday, January 26, 2014

Christine's Dilemma (Photostory)

Christine's friend Yue Sai has left and Christine is back on the phone.

"I don't think my mom is going to let me go.  She's going to say it's a date.  (pause)  Okay.  Okay.  I will ask her when she gets home from work.  I'll let you know tomorrow. (pause)   Meet me in the lobby before first period.  (pause)  Okay, see you tomorrow."  (Christine)
She hangs up the phone and starts plotting.  Her friend, Jeremiah, wants her to go to the movies with him.   Christine needs to figure out how to get her mom to say yes.  Just then, the cell phone rings, again.

Christine opens the phone and sees it's her father.

"Hi, Daddy.  (pause)  Just lying here on my bed.  (pause)  This weekend?  Cool!  I need all the lessons I can get."  (Christine)
A few more minutes on the phone with her dad, and another call comes through.  It's her friend, Carla.
"Dad, I got to go.  I'll see you this weekend."  (Christine)

"Hey Carla. What's up?"  (Christine)
She gets so engrossed in her conversation, that she doesn't hear her mom enter her room.

"Christine?"  (Cassandra)
"Ooops.  I got to go.  Talk to you later."  (Christine)

"Hi, Mommy.  How was your day?"  (Christine)
"Horrible.  Did you finish all of your homework?"  (Cassandra)
"Yes.  Me and Yue Sai knocked it out pretty quickly."  (Christine)

"Well that's good to hear.  When are your finals?"  (Cassandra)
"Not until next Thursday and Friday."  (Christine)

"By the way, Daddy called.  He's going to take me driving this weekend."  (Christine)
"Well I'm glad to hear that.  My car can use a break."  (Cassandra)
"Oh, Mom, I'm not that bad of a driver." (Christine)

"Oh yeah, and Jeremiah called to see if I could go to the movies on Friday.  I told him I would check with you."  (Christine)
"Well you don't need to check with me because you already know the answer.  You are 15 and dating starts at 16."  (Cassandra)

"But Mommy, it's not a date.  It's just going to the movies."  (Christine)
"Sounds like a date to me."  (Cassandra)
"It's not a date unless there is food."  (Christine)
Cassandra chuckles and stands up.

"Look dear, I've had a really tough day, and I don't have the energy to deal with this right now.  We have rules for a reason."  (Cassandra)
"Will you at least think about it?"  (Christine)
"I'll think about it, but there's very little chance of me changing my mind."  (Cassandra)

Cassandra turns to leave.  Christine plops donw on her bed deflated.

Her fear is that Jeremiah will lose interest in her and move on to a girl that can hang out with him after school.  She considers asking her dad to talk to her mom, but when it comes to boys he's even more strict than her mom.


  1. Poor Christine I know the feeling, but a lot of times mom does know best! Vanessa fantastic job on her room/wall art especially ahh takes me back.

    1. Valsays - Haven't we all been there? It's horrible being that age and not being able to do all the things your friends appear to be doing.

  2. Hello from Spain, Christine has a very real phone conversation. I really like the pink lamp on the nightstand. I really like Rihanna's songs. In my country is a successful singer. Has just recorded a song with singer Sakira who lives in Barcelona. I think the mother will not authorize go to the cinema. She has exams -. Very real. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - That pink lamp is an air freshener from the dollar store. I love Rihanna. I will have to check out that new song with Sakira. I love Sakira, too.

  3. ´wow, I love that teenager's bedroom! It has the perfect mixture of the left things from childhood, as the bed and the colours, and the new likes of a young girl, like the posters. I love that pose of Christine with her legs up and chatting on the phone. Looks so real!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. She's a pretty good teenager.

  4. Maybe her mom will allow her to sofa sit as my mom did. LOL. I could NOT go out at 15 either. Looking back it was for the better.

    1. AG Lanc - I've never heard of sofa sitting. That's a good one. That was nice of your mom. I don't know that Cassandra will be up for that, but you never know.

    2. My mom used this as a screening opportunity to learn about the boy and his family.

  5. Girl, leave them pissy tailed boys alone - at least that's what my mom used to say, lol.

    Christine should listen to her mom or she's going to turn out like that fast girl in your other story that had that boy come over and he was all up in her room and she was trying to tempt him by being all kissy kissy. Hrmph!

    1. Muff - There was no holding back from your mom. Christine has been a really good teen. I hope she listens to her parents. Hope the rebellious, sneaky thing doesn't rear it's ugly head. We shall see.

  6. I have the feeling Christine is going to plot her way to Jeremiah.
    Muff ainta gots no sense...pissy tailed!!! fast girl! Too too funny!

    1. Grandmommy - Goodness knows I hope she doesn't do anything stupid. She has a really good relationship with her parents. I would hate to see her put that in jeopardy.

  7. Poor baby! Tell her it will be okay. I can only say that because Synquis thought boys were stupid as a matter of fact she still thinks that. Yippie!

    1. Mustiwait - At that age it always seems like the end of the world. Poor Synquis. If she's waiting for boys/men to stop being stupid, she's going to be waiting a long time. Tell her to get a decent one while she' s still young and mold him into what she needs him to be. Especially if she's interested in having kids the old-fashioned way. Once the men get older, they are too set in their ways.

  8. I sympathize with Cassandra. Woman came home tired and there's her teenaged daughter pushing a lost cause.

    I hope Christine doesn't do something stupid like go out with that guy against her parents' wishes. I can almost bet that she will try though. Sad when girls go against their parents to please some boy who's the guy right now. I suppose it's hard to remember that her folks want the best for her when hormones are raging.

    Looking forward to what happens next, Dana

    1. D7ana - I feel sorry for any parent who has a typical teenager. They are usually just very difficult to deal with. Teenagers don't really get it until they become parents and all the crazy stuff they did comes back on them through their kids. It happens time and time again.

    2. That's true ... stuff comes back.

      On reflection, I think I was a little hard on Christine because I felt so sorry for Cassandra. Christine has been a good daughter so far. Her parents did a great job bringing her up. She's human, Jeremiah is human. I look forward to watching the drama unfold ;-)

  9. It's a tough age - tough for kids, tough for parents. I'm sure they will be able to talk about it and, hopefully, Christine will understand her mum's (and dad's) position.

    1. Carrickters - Very tough age. Luckily, Christine is a pretty decent teenager and she and Cassandra have a good mother and daughter relationship. A lot of times that isn't the case.

  10. Hola, eso de las citas, un tema muy importante en la adolescencia, el diorama muy bonito, las fotos muy reales.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Sí, que data de los adolescentes es siempre un dilema interesante. Sé que algunos padres prefieren que nunca suceda.

  11. That was a long year between 15 and 16. All my friends were older than me too by months here and there even though we were in the same grade. They were all 16 one summer while I was 15 and seemed to have so much more fun than me. LOL!

  12. Kenya - I can still remember everything about my first date at 16. Such a milestone! Luckily my best friend was younger than I was, so we suffered together.

  13. 16 was the dating rule in my house too! Hopefully, the year will pass by quickly. You did have to include driving lessons in this story. Smh...girl I hope her daddy is ready! Teaching a teenager to drive...the best roller coaster ride ever.

    1. Sonya - LOL! Your driving escapade reminded me that I too was trying to teach a couple of teenagers how to drive. Must capture this in doll form. Hopefully the professor won't be white knuckling it like you did.

  14. She´s a good girl and she only want to go out with her friend... I hope she can get it! ;)

    1. Ana - I guess her mom is more concerned about the boy she wants to go out with. She trusts her daughter, but she knows how manipulative boys can be.


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