Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Study Time (Photostory)

I am trying to play catch up for all the stories I didn't do over the past three months.  Sorry to bombard you guys.  Just take your time getting caught up.  I am going to continue full steam ahead.

Christine and her friend, Yue Sai, have just finished studying.

"Well that was fun.  NOT!"  (Christine)
"At least it's over."  (Yue Sai)

The girls have been snacking on a pizza they ordered right before they started studying.

"So how much time do we have before your mom comes to pick you up?"  (Christine)
"I think my sister is picking me up.  I think she said 5:30."  (Yue Sai)
"Great!  That gives us another hour." (Christine)
"Yes, but first I have to go to the bathroom."  (Yue Sai)

Christine grabs another slice of pizza while Yue Sai is away.  Just as shes picking up her slice, her cell phone rings.

"Hi mom. (pause)  We just finished our studying.  (pause)  No, her sister's coming to pick her up in about an hour.  (pause)  I ordered the pizza before we started studying.  (pause)  Okay.  I'll save you some."  (Christine)

"Hello Ms. Morgan."  (Yue Sai)

"Mom, Yue Sai says hello.  (pause)  Okay, we won't.  See you when you get home."  (Christine)

"So what do you want to do now?"  (Christine)

"Let's call Justin."  (Yu Sai)
"You have his number?  Since when?"  (Christine)

"He gave it to me last week."  (Yue Sai)
"Does that mean he doesn't have a girlfriend anymore?"  (Christine)
"I don't know.  Let's find out."  (Yue Sai)

We may check back in on these ladies.

I made the daycare kids a few mock wooden puzzles.  I may turn them into real puzzles when I get some time.


  1. Please do keep the stories coming, we've missed them. Cute dio, are these high school girls?

    1. Doll Crazy - Ok, will do. I'm glad you are still enjoying the stories. Yes, these are high school girls. They are in the 10th grade.

  2. Hola. Bonita hsbitacion, me gusta la mini pizza, un beso.

  3. Now this situation was not my life - I did see stuff like it on tv though. My mom did not believe in "having people/kids over," when we were growing up. Well, she still feels that way actually, lol and I have followed suit.

    Christine has a really nice room and it's not messy at all.

    1. Muff - It wasn't my life either, but it wasn't because of my mom. I just didn't have very many friends. I also preferred to study alone. I always admired people who entertained in their homes. Still do today. One of my goals is to host a nice little dinner party at my home.

    2. Hey something weird happened to my comment! Anyway I was saying how I love coming to this blog! And I think I was laughing about Chris Brown's pic with the puppy. I was also thinking I never had money to buy dinner when I was a teen. Maybe I should have had a job I guess.LOL

    3. Grandmommy - And I love getting your comments! Chris Brown in his softer days. That wasn't Christine's money. Her mom left her money for the pizza before she left that morning. She knew Yue Sai was coming over to study.

    4. We miss you over at :-(

    5. Grandmommy - My blog reading is down to 2 - 3 days a week, so it takes me awhile to catch up. I did read your Jan 9th post. There's only one, the 20th that I haven't read yet. I'll go take a look now.

  4. lindaivette - Gracias. Ella ama a su habitación. Abrazos.

  5. Please continue with the bombardment! It's quite a pleasure!
    Have a great day! :)

    1. Indigo - lol. Your wish is my command. Lots more stories are coming soon.

  6. Hello from Spain: I love this room. The bed is fabulous. It is a very real scene. Keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Thanks. We all love Christine's room.

  7. Really cute room, reminds me of me and my childhood friend Jamie, except with Barbies! We would always fall out when she wanted my Cara! I only had two dolls and she had 5!

    1. Brini - Thanks. Wow, was she offering a trade, or did you just want to have 6 dolls?

  8. That canopy looks exactly like the bed my parents gave me at 9! Yay! \(^o^)/ LOL!

    LMAO @ Chris Brown holding the puppy in the picture.

    I see she is a Kelly Rowland fan. She is even look like Kelly Rowland.

    Keep up the good, work Vanessa. I understand how difficult it is maintain a blog. You are doing great. I suck at it. I am so preoccupied on many different things to the point where I can't even maintain a blog past ten posts and I am a WRITER! I hope I do not suffer from ADHD. I worry about that sometimes (sorry if I am having a TMI moment).

    1. KenyaDoll - I never imagined the Chris Brown picture would gather such attention. lol. Yes, she is a big Kelly Rowland fan. As for the ADHD, I feel I have a touch of that too, but in a good way. It allows me to work on 50 million projects at one time. lol! In order to maintain a blog long term, you have to be passionate about your subject matter. Then you look forward to working on it as often as possible.

    2. " In order to maintain a blog long term, you have to be passionate about your subject matter. Then you look forward to working on it as often as possible."

      And don't forget, you have to have your stories or posts planned out before posting. I guess I am better at writing creatively and not on blogs. U_U

    3. KenyaDoll - I rarely ever plan a post ahead of time. I don't really know what's going to happen until after I take pictures. The verbage comes after I pull the pictures into blogger and start writing on the spot.

  9. That pizza just made me hungry. Time for Christine's room is adorable! Hoping Justin does not have a girlfriend. Looking forward to some kissy scenes. ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. Sonya - Now is that what you tell your teenage daughter? That you are looking forward to some kissy scenes. LOL.

  10. "Ok, we won't" - what? Eat all the pizza, ring boys when we're supposed to be studying? How much trouble can you get into in one hour?

    1. Carrickters - lol. Let me guess, you have experience with teenagers. They can be a handful. I must say, Christine is a fairly good teen, considering.

  11. I think they are really good girls, they waited until they had finished studying to have pizza and talk about boys.My students would spend all the time whatsapping...

    1. Rossetti - Luckily for their parents they take their school work very seriously. They are both honor roll students.

  12. They´re good girls and very responsible. I love their clothes and Christine´s bedroom, it has a lof of details!!

    1. Ana - They are good girls. Their parents are very lucky. I'm glad you like the room.

  13. This was cute! I'm getting caught up ;-)

    1. Kenya - Thanks! I know you've been knee deep in your kitchen remodel.


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