Sunday, January 12, 2014

Checking In (Photostory)

I shot these pictures over a week ago.  I almost didn't post them, but figured I would post it before moving on to another story.  

Angelica has arrived to the daycare and she's now checking Nina in.

"Shoot.  Why isn't the password working?  (pause) Duh.  Your mommy is losing her mind."  (Angelica)
Angelica realizes she is using her school computer password instead of Nina's password.

"Don't move.  Mommy is almost finished."  (Angelica)

"I'm sorry it took me so long."  (Angelica)
"It's okay.  I'm not really ready to leave them just yet."  (mother)
"Wow, you have twins.  Is this their first time here?"  (Angelica)

"Oh, no.  They've been here a few times."  (mother)

"They are so cute.  I can't even imagine what having two at the same time would be like."  (Angelica)

Just then, Cassandra enters the lobby.

"I thought I heard voices out here.  Hello ladies."  (Cassandra)
"We were just making our way in."  (Angelica)
"Oh, I'll take her for you.  Did you already sign in?"  (Cassandra)

"Yes. We're all checked in."  (Angelica)
"Hello Nina.  Are we going to have a good day today?"  (Cassandra)
"Amanda, just bring the twins back when you're ready."  (Cassandra)
Angelica gives Nina a kiss goodbye and then heads to school.

Back in the room, Daphne is keeping an eye on everyone.

"Daphne, I'm going to have you take the infants and a few of the toddlers to the other room.  Amanda is here with the twins, and I suspect there are a couple more kids coming."  (Cassandra)

"I'm going to go call Faith to see if she can come in today, since Samantha called in sick."  (Cassandra)

"So what's wrong with Sam?"  (Daphne)
"She has another one of those migraines.  Kurt will be dropping the baby off.  I'm hoping she will be better by tomorrow.  I may have to hire another part-timer to make sure I'm not left in a bind so often."  (Cassandra)

Hope Cassandra gets things straightened out.  The last thing she needs is the health inspector stopping by and seeing she doesn't have the correct teacher - student ratio.  


  1. There is such extreme cuteness in these photos! Love the story, love the rooms, love the dolls (especially the kiddies).

    1. Roxanne - Thanks! I'm glad I posted it, now.

  2. Ditto what Roxanne wrote. Your dios are always extraordinarily detailed. I don't see how you do it, but hope you continue.


    1. DBG - Thanks for the encouraging words. I never tire of the kiddies. It's nice to see others are still enjoying them, too.

  3. Definitely know how terrible it feels to be over ratio for even a short amount of time. Hopefully they get all the extra help they need.

    1. Alura - lol. I imagine that is a scary position to be in. The last thing Cassandra wants is trouble with the inspector.

  4. Hello from Spain: I really like the chair of babies. The nursery is very real. You have many very cute babies. I hope the inpector not give problems. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. The kids rule here in Morristown.

  5. Glad you posted the story. I agree with all the above comments, such detail, the daycare is very lifelike, I love it!

    1. Nymphaea - Thanks for your wonderful comments.

  6. Hi Vanessa, Glad you posted this story everything is so lifelike! I have always said you are excellent with attention to detail and this photostory is no exception! Have enjoyed all your post! Take care...
    Purrs & Hugs from all of us...
    New Additions to the family Izzy & Ino two Tuxies....

    1. Loretta - Hi darling. Thanks! What do you mean new additions. I don't have a clue what Tuxies are. I'll have to do a little research.

  7. Ditto what everyone said plus I love the cute tops Daphne and Cassandra have on! :-)

    1. Grandmommy - Thanks! The clothes are more organized now, so hopefully we will see a lot more cute tops and outfits this year.

  8. Egads, yeah!! Gotta have enough grown ups XD I love the cute outfits going on today. :)

    1. Heather - Thanks. Cassandra is working on that staff problem as we speak.

  9. Thanks for posting the story. I enjoy seeing your dolls and their accessories and seeing the characters in action. Good thinking, Cassandra, regarding the extra help. Hope no inspector drops by before Faith gets there.

    Faith to the rescue ... ha, ha, I could not resist ;-)

  10. I love everyone's outfit and you have so many play sets, it's amazing. It's always nice to see the little ones. :-)

    1. Tracy - Thanks. Part of my goal in 2014 is to show a lot more of the accessories that are just here gathering dust. There are lots of things that I have completely forgotten about.

  11. Ditto to all of the above comments. I love love the kids! Cassandra has her hands filled and definitely needs to hire a couple more part timers. I have a few girls (dolls) looking for a job. Divas who will work for shoes. Lol! Nice photostory Vanessa! I'm glad you posted the pics.

    1. Georgia Girl - I guess my trademark is the kids. I can't seem to get enough of them. So why fight it. Lol about working for shoes. I think the residents here will be a little miffed if we outsource our jobs.

  12. D7ana - I hear the inspector has the nickname, Muff, and I hear she don't play.

    I love that saying...Faith to the rescue.

  13. Boy, the day care center's busy! Perhaps Cassandra should hire two more part timers to help out. I really like Angelica's jean outfit. Is it from a set or did you make it? :-)

    1. Cindi - Are you surprised, with all the kids we have in town? Angelica's outfit was purchased on ebay over a year ago.

  14. OOHhhweeee, that daycare is busy. How does she do it? My hat does go off to you and your kids. I really have to have patience when I want to photograph them. So far Dotsville has enough kids.

    1. Brini - Cassandra loves the kids, so she enjoys her job, even the challenging aspects. That is too funny that you say you need patience to photograph them. Are they trying to move about when you are taking their pictures? lol.

  15. Que bonito post que alegría mira que madrazas que son estas chicas oleee, besosss

    1. carmen - Gracias. Me alegro mucho de que te haya gustado.

  16. Glad you posted this. Daycare issues...the struggle is real. lol Hope Cassandra finds help.

    1. Sonya - Daycare issues are in a category all their own. I don't know how parent's do it sometimes.

  17. Hola, que bueno que la publicaste, es tan tierna, seguro los nenes estaran bien, pero entre mas maestras mejor. Hasta pronto.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Cassandra se soluciona su problema de personal muy pronto.

  18. *shines my inspector badge and starts counting kids heads* I swear, I'm so anal that I literally did try to count how many kids were in the room, lol.

    I cant tell because she's only seen from the side, but is Daphne a SIS Cassandra?

  19. Muff - lol. You are so silly. Don't fret. Cassandra is handling her business. Daphne is a $5 clone. She is listed on the character page as part of the daycare staff.

  20. Nice photos. It´s a good idea that young mother had assistance with their babies. The nursery is so cute :)

    1. Ana - Thanks. Raising kids is a hard job and it's always a good thing when young mother's can get a helping hand.


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