Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Angelica Goes to Class (Photostory)

It appears that I started my "Day in the Life" series without even realizing it.  We've been following Angelica and I figured we'd stay with her a little longer.  After dropping off Nina, she headed to class.

Carmen is already in class when Kim, who is typically the first to class, arrives.

"Hey, Kim."  (Carmen)

"Carmen, you're here early."  (Kim)
"Yes, I'm turning over a new leaf."  (Carmen)

"So what gives?"  (Kim)
"My parents told me that if my grades don't improve, they're cutting me off."  (Carmen)
"Wow.  Well let me know if you need any help."  (Kim)

Just then Liam and Quentin enter the classroom.

Liam immediately approaches Carmen, who he has had a crush on for quite some time.

"What's up beautiful? Are we going to see the Mandela movie this weekend?"  (Liam)

"Liam, how many times do I have to tell you, I have a boyfriend."  (Carmen)
"I'm only inviting you to the movies.  He'll have to go some other time."  (Liam)

"What's up, Q?"  (Kim)
"Hey Kim."  (Quentin)  

A couple more students arrive and take their seats.

Angelica walks in a few minutes later and takes one of the open seats.

She and her classmate, Erin, start talking.

Outside the classroom, Emerald is saying goodbye to her new boyfriend, Guiren.

Professor Morgan glances at the pair and clears his throat, as he heads into the classroom.

"Good morning, class."  (Prof Morgan)

Emerald tries to slip in without too much commotion.

"Nice of you to join us Miss Okada."  (Prof Morgan)

"Sorry Professor Morgan."  (Emerald)

"So class, last time we were here, I told you I was inviting a special guest to discuss the ins and outs of business.  Well that guest will be here in about ten minutes.  In the meantime, does anyone have any questions about their business projects that are due in two weeks?"  (Prof Morgan)

"No questions?  So I guess that means everyone will be getting A's."  (Prof. Morgan)
"I hope you have all at least selected the business you will be working with."  (Prof Morgan)
Angelica starts thinking about her business project.  She needs to get busy.  So far all she had done is a little research.

By the way, Peeta is currently dating, Erin, but he hasn't made a commitment to her.  They have just gone on a few dates.


  1. Man, LIam is pushy 0_0

    And oooooo, Peeta looks great! I love his features!

    1. Heather - Liam knows what he wants, and he's going for it. Peeta will be making an appearance in a story soon.

  2. I love the story already. Carmen is rocking that look! She sounds a little like me when it comes to the fellas, lol. Peeta and Erin look nice together, hmm wonder how that's going to work out. I am going to try to do a story with me co-ed this year....so many families.

  3. Hello from Spain: Carmen is very fashion. I like the sweatshirt she wears. Great glasses. I really like the wedding couple Peeta and Erin. Your collection of dolls is fabulous and varied. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Carmen's sweatshirt is from one of the earlier So In Style doll. Peeta and Erin are only dating at the moment.

  4. Your dolls have the coolest clothes! I need to get my sewing machine out and get busy! LOL Peeta and Erin look cute together. Hope it works out for them. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. There are a slew of clothes here that never even get worn. I'm trying to change that. I have plans to sew a lot more this year. I need to get busy, too. A doll can never have too many clothes.

  5. Replies
    1. Mustiwait - I love Emerald more and more each day. I love her look.

  6. Hehe, it looks like Emerald is getting along nicely over there! Nice to see Guiren popping up again too.

    1. Verona - Emerald is having a ball. She has been getting lots of stares. I don't know if it's just her exotic look, or the fact that she has some meat on her bones.

    2. Yaaaay, Emerald. Good to see her there ;-)

      I laughed at the Professor's clearing his throat. Cute.

  7. ah college life! I guess poor liam has to learn the hard way. I really like Liams shirt. Its cute how you set up all your scenes.

  8. Wow, I like Kim's hair! This class takes me back...wondering their projects will turn out like.

    1. Grandmommy - Kim said thanks! As I was shooting this, I thought of one of my old favorite shows, A Different World.

  9. Very nice Vanessa. Your dio's are always on point and full of details. I love your new dolls.

    1. Georgia Girl - I've been wanting to do college stories for a long time. I'm happy to finally be doing something college related.

  10. Liam is persistent! Sometimes that's attractive, but many times it's annoying, lol.

    And old, modest Muff was eyeing Emerald's belly baring top and thinking it was not appropriate for class. Sometimes I feel like I'm Judge Judy, "And this is what you wear to court?! Where's the rest of that outfit?! Where did you think you were coming today, the beach?!"

    1. LOL, I didn't notice the top at first, Muff. Oh my, Emerald. You saucy girl ...

  11. Perfecta puesta en escena!!!

  12. So, a day in the life of Angelica - sounds interesting. Do we get to meet the special guest speaker?

  13. The clothing is on point, and the professor is buff & polished. Does he work out? Look at me...checking out a male doll. lol Peeta better snatch Erin up. She's a cutie! Liam...give up already. lol

    1. Sonya - Thanks about the clothes. I'm working on my styling. It's usually lacking. I'm trying to change that. I imagine with that body, the professor lifts a few weights here and there.

  14. Brini - Thanks. Peeta is a hot commodity over here, so I don't know how long Erin will be in his midst.

  15. william - I can't believe it took me getting Angelica to finally get some college stories done. The other college ladies are a little jealous, but they will get camera time, too.

  16. Muff - Liam reminds me of Ron Johnson from A Different World. After shooting this, I thought about changing his name to Ron.

    Emerald said if you could see her abs, you would understand her desire to show them off. She also said that she has a limited wardrobe at the moment and she borrowed one of those Barbie shirts and that is how they fit.

  17. Carrickters - Mid 2013 I announced I would be doing a "Day in the Life" series and showing the daily routine of different characters. I didn't get around to doing it, but realized that it was happening with Angelica. The special guest was introduced in today's post.

  18. Bonjour Vanessa,
    I like your classroom for young adult.
    Everything is nice !
    You have a good idea.

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks! I will be doing a post within a few days to highlight the beautiful clothes you sent me.

  19. That classroom dio is very realistic, and I love that new pair (Peeta and Erin) I hope they go on meeting!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. So far so good for Peeta and Erin.

  20. That Stardoll dolly is so beautiful! She reminds me of my teen cousin.

  21. Peeta is a cutie, too. How did I miss that, lol?

    I like Liam. I don't like persistent, but he's another cutie.

    1. D7ana - I saw Finnick in regular clothes, and now I need him, too. They did a great job on this new set of Hunger Games dolls. Liam said stop blockin'.

  22. Hola, todos usan ropa muy bonita y real, bonitas fotos.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Estoy feliz de finalmente hacer algunas historias de la universidad.

  23. I love the way you did the classroom with the riser! It allows you to see all the dolls. I might have to copy that idea. It also set college classroom apart from children's classroom. Smart! Very smart! I just love Peeta! He is on my list for 2014.

    1. Ms. Leo - Thanks. I was going to do the classroom really fancy, but I didn't want to prolong the stories, so I came up with this idea at the last minute. You are welcome to use any ideas you see. I've used plenty of your ideas, so I owe you. lol.

  24. KenyaDoll - Carmen said thanks for the compliments.

  25. Carmen may as well gone on that date. I'm reading these posts backwards and I saw a spark in the last post. I already thought they had something going on.

    1. Kenya - Apparently you haven't seen Carmen's boyfriend. He is fine!

  26. I like this classroom, it´s very nice. I have some dolls in common with you ;)


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