Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Coach Has Arrived!

My Coach Barbie arrived yesterday.  When I saw the box on the front steps, I took a deep breath.  When this doll was announced a couple weeks ago, at the crazy price of $95, I said, I guess I won't be getting a Coach doll.  Due to a BarbieCollector promotion, there was an immediate $15 discount.  I still had my BC $20 coupon, so that put the doll price at $60 + shipping.  I was still on the fence, so I shot our dear friend Debbie, from Black Doll Collecting, an email asking her if I should buy it.  Her reply email was short and sweet, "Buy it!".  I didn't hesitate.  I went back on-line and purchased her.  Afterwards, I read all the blog posts, where most people were not saying the greatest things about this doll.  As a matter of fact, I didn't hear one person say they were buying this doll.  As of a few days ago, the doll was SOLD OUT at  So I guess the people who were buying her, weren't spending time blogging about her.  LOL. 

I've never purchased a designer purse new, but I am aware that they do come in cloth cases.  So it was a nice added touch to put the handbag in a case.

The outfit, particularly the coat, is very well made.  As you can see, the top is a tank.  I don't know what the back looks like because I'm not ready to take her out of her box, yet.  I will also note, the glasses are adorable.

The anticipation builds. 

 La pièce de résistance!

 It does have a snap on the inside.

So the purse can be closed.

It has a Coach tag and tassel.

It also comes with Care Instructions.

So I'm excited to have her in my collection.  Thanks Debbie for pushing me off the fence.


  1. Hello from Spain: wow, wow --- I love Coach Barbie. I read that you already have in your home. I envy! This brand of handbags is very expensive in my country. Is that expensive Barbie in your country??? I really like her outfit. I love the color red., Awesome bag. In my country she is not sale. A pity! Congratulations. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Yes, she is very expensive here, too. I'm glad I was able to get her for a decent price. It was still more than I wanted to pay.

  2. Hello again: I read the price of your new doll. You bought it at a good price. I see it's a bit expensive without discounts ... Great buy, keep in touch

  3. I bought her, I'm awaiting her arrival.

    1. pattidolls - Congrats! I hope they sell the other Coach bags they showed a few weeks ago.

  4. Oh wow, I envy you so much right now, haha. I totaly adore Lara mold, and this one doll has great clothes and bag too. Really wonderful doll!

    1. jewel snake - I really like the Lara mold, too. I like the darker hair, versus the blonds. I just have way too many blonds. She will stay in her box until I get the basement a little more organized.

  5. Congrats! That is a really nice purse, and I'm curious about the lucky gal who gets to use it first.

    1. Verona - Thanks. It will make it's first appearance in Ni'Chalets. So whoever buys it from there first, will be the lucky lady.

  6. What a lovely doll, Shame they don't sell them here either :( It would probably be to expensive for me anyways.
    Are you also gonna but the new Holiday barbie?

    1. Laura - Thanks. She was one of the most expensive Barbies that I've purchased. I have no plans to buy the new Holiday Barbies. Believe it or not, I'm trying desperately to downsize my collection. Hard to do when I'm still buying.

  7. Simply beautiful. Good buy ;)
    See you soon!!!

    1. Ana - I'm very happy she and her handbag are here.

  8. Congratulation on the doll. I never even approached the fence. She very pretty and the outfit is tooooo cute.

    1. Brini - Thanks. LOL about the fence. I felt she would sell out and knew I didn't have a lot of time to make a decision.

  9. Félicitation Vanessa 1
    and I love how you say : La pièce de résistance!
    I'm very surprise that the doll is sold out ?
    But congratulation and thank you to share some pictures with us ! I realy wanted the doll only for the coat.

    1. Shasarignis - I kind of figured the doll would sell out. Everyone seemed to love that purse most of all. Coach is quite popular here.

  10. I'm so jealous. She looks really wonderful. I'm not into bags, but I love her coat and glasses.

    1. Muff - I liked her the moment I saw her. Racquel will be happy to get new pieces for her boutique.

  11. Congratulations on getting her Vanessa!! I received mine yesterday as well. I held my breath until I was able to look inside the box past the soaked shipper. They left her on the porch...yes with all that rain we had yesterday. :0. Whew, she was okay. : )

    1. Georgia Girl - Congrats! I can't believe they left it in the rain! Glad she's okay.

  12. Anytime, Vanessa, anytime. I knew it would be a wise decision to purchase Coach Barbie because I could foresee a quick sell out on the horizon. I love everything about the fashion and as you indicated the Coach bag is "La pièce de résistance!"



    1. DBG - It's always easier spending someone else's money. lol. Initially I thought she would sell out, but I wasn't sure after seeing everone's response to the price. Now if I'm ever asked if I own a Coach bag, I can say yes.

  13. Congratulations on getting the Coach Barbie. And getting her at a lower price - you, go girl!

    Looking forward to seeing that handbag in future stories ...

    1. D7ana - Thanks. At $95 she would have been showing up on someone else's blog. I can't wait to see someone carrying that bag. I wonder who will get it first?

  14. Yeah,

    You definitely did well by getting her!

    1. Grandmommy - You know how excited I was to see those handbags a few weeks back. So I'm glad I took the leap. And I have a hard time turning down a good sale.

  15. Vanessa, this doll is amazing! Her dresses and ohhhhhh that handbag are so well-made and beautiful! I think with the coupon and discount You've made a great deal!

    1. Rosemary Hill - I'm very pleased with the quality of the doll and the accessories. So glad to have her here.

  16. Congratulations! I confess that the first time I saw that doll (the picture didn't have her name) I thought it was a Burberry Barbie. Her coat and the bag are just too pretty to put into words!

    1. V - Thanks. Quite a few people commented that the coat was very Burberry like. My dolls don't have a Burberry coat, so I actually liked the coat from the beginning.

  17. I love the doll and the coat, but $95 is too rich for me. LOL Congrats on getting her for a great price! Will you be re-bodying her? And who will she be in Morristown? :-)

    1. Cindi - She will not be rebodied until I get the basement completely organized. I'm sure by then I will figure out her character.

  18. Very cute! Good to see her non-stock photos. I hope you are happy with her! Can you tell if the outfit is truly a 2 piece?

    1. Vita Plastica - Yes, I am very happy with her. I will get back to you about whether or not the outfit is a one piece or a two piece. I'm almost 100% sure it's a two piece. I'm too lazy to check right at the moment.

    2. Vita Plastica - The outfit is a two piece. The skirt is made of ultra suede and it has snaps. The shirt has velcro and is made of knit. The skirt is much nicer than I expected.

  19. Congrats!! Mine is shipped and I hope will appear this week... I have read so many favorable reviews, and am confident that my first instinct about this doll will be true. I love everything about her. My dolls will surely go gaga for that bag!! Are you going to incorporate her into Morristown? Or will she just be eye candy? Either way, she is definitely a good buy.

    1. Onyyx - Congrats to you, too! I'm sure you are going to love her. For now she will stay in the box. Once I get the basement completely organized, I will rebody her and figure out her character.

  20. Hi Vanessa! I love the purse and coat! Like you, I was on the fence. Even with the 20% and $20 coupon, I still couldn't make myself buy her. Then, the next day at work, a friend encouraged me to get her. She said she'd read an article about Coach barbie and couldn't believe I'd pass up this opportunity. I went ahead and ordered her and am sooo... happy I did. She's worth the $60. I'm not a name brand person, but I do love nice leather purses so I too have my first Coach purse! :)

    1. veda - Thank goodness for friends who pushed us both off the fence. lol. I think you will be happy you bought her, especially now that she's sold out. Here is a link to the other purses they showed.

  21. Btw, where can I find pics of the other Coach purses you mentioned seeing weeks ago?

  22. Que hermoso saco y bolso, ya la habia visto en otro blog y me encanto, que bueno que la tienes, muy bonita♥

    1. lindaivette - Me encanta el bolso! Estoy seguro de que va a empezar a verla en otros blogs pronto. Debo de haber recibido la mía antes que otras personas.

  23. Girl I couldn't wait for you to open that bag. After you wrote you didn't know what the back looked like you didn't want to take it out of the box I was ready to stop reading. LOL! Love it! I think that was well worth it.

    1. Kenya - Well your comment just prompted me to take the whole doll out of her box. So much for waiting until I got organized. LOL. Yes, that bag alone, was so worth it. Everything else was a bonus for me.


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