Saturday, August 17, 2013

Long Lines at Jordan's (Photostory)

As usual, all the shoppers have ended up at the register at the same time.  Roy has started bagging to help get the customers out quicker. 

The McGraws are holding up the line.

"Mommy, I want to do it."  (William)

"Let me help you.  We need to hurry."  (Kate)
Roy, the manager, is on the verge of going over to help speed them up, but he just anxiously looks on.

Meanwhile, Chad is a little distracted.

"Honey, I can't talk right now.  I'm in line at the grocery store.  (pause)  I'll call you when I get in the car."  (Lynn)  

"The doctor said she's fine.  I'll tell you the rest when I get in the car. (pause)   Okay, bye"  (Lynn)

The Jordans have arrived.
"Honey, the best place for her is in the cart, otherwise we are going to be chasing her all around the store."  (Adele)

"What kid doesn't want to drive the car shopping cart?"  (Mike)
"Okay, but you have to keep an eye on her."  (Adele)

"One more thing."  (William)
"Yep, we can't forget the air freshener."  (Kate)

Angelina is more than a little ticked with the McGraws.  I can't tell you guys what's going through her mind.  It's a little R-rated.

"Hand me my purse, so I can get my wallet."  (Kate)

Hmmm, Mike seems a little preoccupied as Sydney takes off running.

We should have known.  Mike better not let Adele catch him looking this way.

"Thank you guys."  (Kate)

"Well hello cutie pie."  (Roy)

Lisa enters the store with her two kids in tow.  Looks like little Chad (what are the odds that both Chads would end up in the same place) has a lollipop.  Probably a way to keep him happy while she shops. 

While Lisa gets the baby situated, little Chad makes a beeline to the red car.

"There you go.  We have to keep those little legs covered.  It's a little chilly in here."  (Lisa)

"Mike, what kind of ice cream do you want?"  (Adele)
Adele notices that Mike has already had to retrieve Sydney, but she doesn't comment about it.  Inside, she is saying "I told you so" to Mike.

Before Mike can answer, Adele turns after hearing her name.

"Hey Adele.  How are you?"  (Lisa)

"Hey Lisa!  I'm fine.  How are you and the family?"  (Adele)
"We're great."  (Lisa)

Mike notices that little Chad has abducted the car cart.
"Mine!"  (Sydney)

I don't think Chad sees it quite the way Sydney does.

"Honey, pick an ice cream, so I can get out of this cold freezer."  
"Get the butter pecan."  (Mike)
"Okay, and let Chad keep that cart."  (Adele)

As you can see, Jordan's grocery store stays busy.  Mike reluctantly let Chad keep the cart.  Angelina finally got checked out, and big Chad was all too happy to wait on her.


  1. Hello from Spain: I love this supermarket. How many people buying. It's big business. I love children and their carts. Your furniture is fabulous. In my real life I do not like to wait long to pay for the purchase. I hate the long lines of people. I imagine how much work you did to create this store. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. My dolls are not happy about the long line or the slowness of the McGraws.

  2. A pennie for Angelina's thoughts. Mike needs to learn the art of peripheral vision. Adele looks like she does not play games!

    1. AG Lanc - You already know what Angelina was thinking. I'm sure you've had those thoughts when the person in the grocery line was taking their good and plenty time checking out. I'm tensing up just thinking about it. lol. You would think Mike would know better.

    2. Peripheral vision....aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha rofl

  3. Fantastica historia, muy de la vida comun, que gran cantidad de accesorios de supermercado.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Creo que tenemos todas las líneas largas con experiencia. Ellos nunca son divertidos.

  4. Funny photostory. I agree, Adele don't look like she would play with him. I love your Angelina doll (Natalia). She is one of my favorite FR dolls. I am not a fan of the real life Angelina. I preferred Jen. : ).

    1. Georgia Girl - That permanent scowl on Adele's face should be enough to keep Mike in line. I love that Natalia doll. I even like the real Angelina, too. How can you not like a woman who opens her heart and home to kids? As for Brad and Jen, sometimes, no matter what it looks like on the outside, it's just not a good fit.

  5. LOL, that happened to me in line today. This lady had completed her transaction but just stood there talking to the cashier like they were the best of friends. The cashier kept working and ringing up my groceries but the lady wouldn't get out the line. I wanted to hit her with my cart! If the lady had been younger I would have been all, "Excuse you... EXCUSE YOU!" But she was elderly so I kept my mouth shut and waited. I was cursing her butt out in my head though.

    My goodness, does Mike have a wandering eye or he just cant but appreciate a fine lady?

    1. Muff - I can just see you running her down with your cart. That is too funny. Mike doesn't have a wandering eye. He's just a little typical when it comes to a beautiful woman. She's also new in town, so he's not used to seeing her.

  6. Cute story. Busy store with busibodied children, customers holding up the line, men checking you or other women out (and I don't mean at the register). I can relate to having witnessed it all.


    1. DBG - I was just blatantly checked out at the store the other day. I was in my gym shorts, so I know that was the culprit. It just dawned on me, I rarely see kids when I go to any of the grocery stores. I guess I don't grocery shop often enough.

    2. The same thing happened to me last weekend, Vanessa, but I was not wearing shorts. The culprit may have been my jeans. "I'm married," I said, (and thought, even if I was single, you and your Jheri curl would not be of interest.)


    3. DBG - Oh no he wasn't trying to get his mack on wearing a Jheri curl. ROFL!

  7. Love how you weave all the different characters into the story. I think Mr. Roy needs to put in another register and hire another cashier. I hate when stores won't hire enough clerks to check everyone out in a timely manner. I have walked out without buying anything many times. Once I got so mad with Target I walked out and stayed away for two months!

    1. limbe dolls - I think you are right about the two cash registers. I was thinking of putting in two, but wasn't sure I wanted to use the space. I think I can make it work. Walmart used to be famous for long lines and very few cashiers. They've gotten better the past few months. Plus reinstalling the self checkouts has helped quite a bit.

  8. Very realistic shopping scene, you captured the chaos perfectly :D
    Looks like Chad, the adult one of course, will have a busy day! He looks quite young, is it his summer job?

    1. jewel snake - Thanks. I was able to address a few of my pet peeves at the grocery store. Long lines is top on my list. People talking on cell phones while waiting in line is another.

  9. All of the comments had me cracking up to tears. Your followers are so cool! lol From peripheral vision to Muff bout to heel crash an old woman LOL Then macking Jheri curl guys? ahaha You gave everyone an chance to vent about shopping.
    Now, two things you forgot. Folks/ kids eating before they buy the item and folks like me reading all of the magazines while I wait and not buying them LOL

    Great Post, Great Post! LOL
    Note: there is a reason parents don't bring their kids shopping...we learned quickly not to. LOL

    1. Grandmommy - Thanks. I guess we all have our pet peeves at the grocery store. I will have to remember the 'eating before buying' for another post. If I ever get time to build a separate magazine rack, I will do the other one, too.

  10. Great story! but where was the fiesty little one named Ciana? She always tickles me in the stories she's in.

    1. A-Lise - Thanks. Believe it or not, Leslie and her two kids were supposed to make an appearance, but I put Lisa in her place at the last minute.

  11. You have done a very good job.
    and curiously I have done the same with my dolls ...

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks. So you made a grocery store? Is it posted yet?

  12. Waht a huge and busy supermarket!

    1. V - Busy is right. Even in doll world grocery shopping can be tiring.

  13. I'm with Grandmommy, I love the comments as much as the story. What do you mean about Walmart reinstalling self-checkouts? They are relatively new in Australia and peope love them. In fact, sometimes there are queues at the self-checkouts while there is almost no-one in the other lines. Maybe Jordan's needs a second line for people buying less than 8 or 10 items.

    1. Carrickters - I always love the openness and interaction with the people who leave comments. Here in my area, Walmart took the self checkouts out a few years ago because of increased incidents of theft. They just recently put them back. It was only Walmart who removed them. Everyone else who had them, kept them. Some of them, like Home Depot, even accept Paypal. Yay.

      I think you are right that Jordan's could use a second line. We will work on that.

  14. Replies
    1. Kendra - Hello fellow Georgian. Thanks for visiting.


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