Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kendra's At The Hospital

I can't believe I am finally getting back to Kendra and her birth.  The main delay was space to set up a hospital dio.  Iniatially, I was going to show her water breaking at home, and then show them arriving at the emergency room.  I cut all of that out in the interest of getting the story done.  Today, I decided to use the area where the Mane Event hair salon was located.  Don't worry.  Kara will get her salon back right after the birth.

I created Kendra a special birthing room. It isn't the typical birthing room, but I think she will be comfortable here.

 Nurse Sasha brings Kendra into the room.  Nathaniel is close behind, carrying Kendra's hospital bag.  The first part of the room has the hospital bed and a couch.  The second part of the room is where the birth will take place.

"So this is where you will give birth."  (Nurse Sasha)

 "Okay.  It's nice that I won't have to go far."  (Kendra) 
"Well let's get you to your room."  (Nurse Sasha)

"Okay Mrs. Burke, let's get you out of this chair."  (Nurse Sasha)

Nurse Sasha reaches down to put the brakes on the wheelchair.

"Honey, take my bag."  (Kendra)
Kendra is noticeably a little snippy.  I guess toting another human being around for nine months can make a person a little irritable.

Once the brake is secured, Nate attempts to help Kendra.
"Honey, you are pulling too fast."  (Kendra)
"I'm sorry."  (Nathaniel)

"How's that?  Are you okay?" (Nathaniel)
"I wouldn't exactly say that I was okay.  But there's not much you can do to help with that."  (Kendra) 

"Well Mrs. Burke, I'm going to leave you to get dressed.  Then I'm going to come take your vitals.  Can I bring you something to drink?" (Nurse Sasha)  
"Do you have anything to eat?  I'm starving."  (Kendra)


  1. I Gasped with so much excitement when i saw this! Good luck Kendra!
    Lovey Dio Vanessa, i'm sure Kendra will feel comfortable in that room. Have they decided on a name yet?

    1. Laura - You can't imagine how excited and relieved I am to finally be getting this done. No name yet. They are going to wait to see what name fits once he arrives.

  2. Oh, Kendra. At least it's almost over, and they'll get to see the baby they wanted for so long. The room she's staying in looks very comfortable. Great Dio.

    1. Verona - You say it's almost over. She feels like it's just beginning. She's hoping she doesn't have one of those marathon labors.

  3. Kendra is having her baby! Yay.... I'm so happy for her and her husband. The room looks great.

    1. william - Yay! Thanks for your well wishes. We are super excited, too.

  4. That beautiful Vanessa, i am excited see these things.I'm looking forward to the baby is born.a kiss.

    1. karmen - Thanks! They can't wait to see the new little one.

  5. Oh, fiddle dee dee, fiddle dee dee! We about to birth a baby! I'm so excited and I don't even like babies, lol. Nathaniel better batten down the hatches because I think a lot of angst is about to be directed his way.

    1. Muff - Kendra said, "What's this 'we' stuff? I'm the only one in pain over here." Boy, she's getting snippier by the minute. I don't think Nathaniel has a clue about what he's in for.

  6. Hola Vanessa, que bien quedo la sala de partos, y la habitacion de al lado muy comoda, espero no sea muy larga la espera y no sufra mucho Kendra, cuando tuve los mios no sufri tanto, espero ella tampoco.

    1. lindaivette - Eso es muy bueno que usted no tiene que sufrir cuando tuvo a su bebé. Estoy esperando lo mejor para ellos. Oigo el trabajo puede ser brutal.

  7. Hope it's a quick and easy labor for her (well, as quick and easy as it can get anyway). It'll definitely be worth it in the end though. :)

    1. Alura - We are all hoping for the best with this delivery. I'm sure she will forget all about the pain once the baby arrives.

  8. I love your dio as always. Yay! Kendra is having the baby! I was wondering when the bundle of joy would arrive. : )

    1. Georgia Girl - You and everyone else was wondering if it would ever happen. This story almost didn't happen. I couldn't find the happy couple here in my studio. I was like, how did I lose a pregnant woman? Took me several hours to find them. lol.

  9. Oh! Kendra is having her baby! Congratulations. The room looks great!. Hugs

    1. Maria - Yes, finally! She's been pregnant forever.

  10. Hopefully the pleasant surroundings in the birthing room that you created will soothe Kendra and make her labor easier. Best wishes!

    1. limbe dolls - I tried to make it as comfortable as possible. I'm not sure she will notice once those labor pains hit.

  11. Hello from Spain: you create this room very pregnant. I see you have very real details. I see that you have a wheelchair. I like the bedspread. I'm looking forward to have her baby Kendra. Luck and best wishes! Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I just deboxed that wheelchair. It's been sitting on my shelf for many, many years. The Becky doll that came with it is quite unique and has wonderful articulation. The bed and the bedspread have been changed. I'll explain why in the next post.

  12. Great scene as usual. Really wonderful!!!

    1. Puck - Thanks! Another episode about Kendra is coming up shortly.

  13. Congratulations to the new mommy and daddy!!! We have all been waiting the arrival of their little bundle of joy.

    Which birthstone barbie is she? I like her makeup vs some of the others I have seen.

    1. AG Lance - They said thanks. Yes, we've all been anxiously awaiting this event. She is the amethyst Barbie. Her lipstick is purple.

  14. OMG, the baby will come soon!!! The room where Kendra rests is very nice, it seems comfortable. Now just wait ;)
    See you soon!!

    1. Ana - Thanks. Yes, the baby will come soon. Let's hope it doesn't take too long.

  15. Yei! Baby is coming! I think it's better for Nathaniel to run away :P Nevertheless they all look very calm.

    1. V. - Nathaniel is a doctor. He should be able to handle a little yelling and screaming. LOL.

  16. Wow, you did a great place with the dio, it looks better than many hospital rooms I've been to...

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.

  17. My ovaries are shuddering at the memories. Have a good birth Kendra!

    1. Vita Plastica - ROFL! I am only imagine what you were like in the delivery room.

  18. Man oh man, Kendra has got it made!!!!

    1. Heather - Any woman going through a delivery should be given the red carpet treatment. Just think, women populate the world. What a thought.

    2. Well, we do need the occasional male, you know. I'm sure Kendra will be glad when it's all over and I hope this stage doesn't last too long.

    3. Carrickters - Yes, the occasional male comes in handy. lol.

  19. I am behind in reading Kendra's story.

    Love the birthing room set up.

    Empathy for Kendra and Nate, who I hope doesn't receive choice words from Kendra during the little one's delivery.

    1. DBG - As you can see, she still hasn't given birth. lol. You are behind in reading, and I'm behind in telling it. I really wanted her to have a handsculpted baby, but between making pianos and baby cribs to sell, I just don't have time to make it happen. She will more than likely be birthing a Mattel baby.

  20. Okay I am reading this one before she "settles in". Poor Kendra. This is the snippiest I've ever seen her. The room is very nice!

    1. Kenya - If you were pregnant for 13 months, you'd be a little snippy too. LOL! She is not happy with me at all. I need to let this poor child give birth.

  21. Lolz it makes me chuckle cause my name is kendra also xD

    1. Kendra - Well your namesake is finally a mother. This is something she's wanted for a long time. She and husband Nate are very happy.


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