Sunday, August 25, 2013

Kendra Settles In (Photostory)

In yesterday's story, we got to see Kendra get checked in.  She is now dressed in her night gown, and resting somewhat uncomfortably in the bed.  Nurse Sasha took her vitals, and has just brought Kendra some dinner, and Nathaniel a cup of coffee.  I changed the bed from yesterday because this one is smaller and the tray fits across the bed.  

"Can I get you anything else?"  (Nurse Sasha)
"That's all for now."  (Kendra)

"Will the doctor be stopping by later?"  (Kendra)
"He will be making his rounds before he leaves for the evening, so chances are he will stop in to say hello."  (Nurse Sasha)
"I'll check on you in a bit.  Enjoy your dinner."  (Nurse Sasha)

"Honey, are you hungry?"  (Kendra)

"There's plenty here to share."  (Kendra)
"No, you eat.  You're going to need your strength.  I'll grab something from the cafeteria a little later."  (Nathaniel)

Just then, William and Camille appear in the doorway.

"Well hello guys."  (Camille)

"Aunt Camille, you came!"  (Kendra)
"Of course I came.  Where else would I be?"  (Camille)

"Come.  You guys have a seat."  (Nathaniel)

William sits, while Camille goes to give Kendra a hug and a kiss.

"So what's going on with your dinner?  You haven't even touched it.  You know you need to make sure you are eating."  (Camille)
"I know.  I will eat it in a few.  I'm trying to let this indigestion pass."  (Kendra)

Camille sits at the foot of the bed and kicks off one of her shoes.

"I'm surprised they admitted you before you were fully in labor.  They don't usually do that."  (Camille)

"The doctor is just being very cautious because of all my issues.  I am having contractions, but they just aren't close enough together yet."  (Kendra)

"So how you holding up, man?  (William)
"I'm hanging in there...."  (Nathaniel)

"Why are you asking him, how he's feeling?  I'm the one who's going to be in excruciating pain."  (Kendra)

"It's not as easy for the dad as you might think.  We don't like seeing our women in so much pain.  Especially when we can't do anything to help take that pain away.  You have to remember, I went through two pregnancies with your aunt.  Man, when she was pregnant with the twins, I thought she was going to kill somebody.  I'm sure I was at the top of her list."  (William)

Camille starts laughing.
"I was a little rough on you, wasn't I?"  (Camille)
"Rough?  Rough is putting it mildly."  (William)

"Nathaniel, just remember, that probably won't be Kendra, your wife, in that delivery room.  Sometimes during delivery we are just not ourselves.  So don't take it personally, dear.  She will return as soon as she lays eyes on that precious baby."  (Camille)   

"Okay Aunt Camille.  Thanks for the advice."  (Nathaniel)
"I like how you guys are talking about me as though I'm not even here."  (Kendra)

The Langfords stay until visiting hours are over.  Nathaniel leaves for awhile to get a little work done in the hospital.  Kendra is finally able to eat most of her dinner, before the nurse returns.

Just a reminder, I have a Kendra look alike doll on my dollpages for sale.  Can you believe I found yet another use for my little white table.  I just recently put those back in my Etsy shop for a great price. The food and tray are from the Rement airplane food series.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. lolol Kendra is too much. she probably cant wait to get that baby out of her. I love her spunky attitude. and I can imagine what camille was like, knowing Kendra!! is she actually giving birth today, or did you write this post before?

    1. coolsinger - I just wrote this post a few minutes ago. She will be giving birth in the next couple of days.

  2. Hello from Spain: I love the food tray. Camille wears a fabulous dress. I'm looking forward to the baby. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I have several of the Rement airplane meals. Camille's dress is from an Etsy seller.

  3. Kendra cracks me up! I think she is in for the long hall and her poor husband. I love how your little table is used. Great job Vanessa

    1. william - Kendra is feeling the pain already. I hope Nathaniel is wearing his big boy pants. He's going to need them.

  4. Hi Vanessa can't read all your post, I know this one is interesting too! Wanted to say hello and to let you know we care!!!
    Hugs, L & J

    1. Loretta - Hi darling. So glad you could stop by. I'm saying prayers that your eye sight will get better. Many hugs to you and James.

  5. Love the green walls of the hospital. Looks calming ... though I don't know how long that will last.

    Hearing William sympathize with Nathaniel - and Kendra's response - made me laugh. No amount of sympathy, guys, can match the pain that woman feels in childbirth. Not that it's a pain competition. ;-D

    1. D7ana - I've never had the birthing a child experience. It's hard to imagine it all. I think William should have had that conversation with Nathaniel out in the hall somewhere.

  6. La bandeja de comida es monisima, que bonita, es verdad que csmbiamos cuando de malestares se trata, pero en cuanto nazca el baby todo estara mejor.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Esas bandejas de comida DECREMENT son muy detalladas. Kendra ha oído decir que ella no va a recordar el dolor cuando todo ha terminado. Ella está esperando lo mejor.

  7. Poor Nathaniel, that thing that William had said must stick in his head (i know it would in mine).
    I Can't wait to meet The new Resident of morristown. Good Luck Kendra!

    1. Laura - Thanks for your well wishes. Nathaniel is getting the better end of the deal, I think. He will be just fine.

  8. They better watch out before Kendra gets all Exorcist up in that room. You cant placate a woman giving labor. Just stand back and weather the storm.

    1. Muff - I sure hope she's able to get the epidural or there could be hell to pay.

  9. Hi Vanessa. What little is left for the baby arrives. Camille bag is fabulous. That good work you do with meals out great. A kiss from Spain.

    1. karmen - It won't be long now. I didn't make this meal. It is from Rement. Until now, I've only used it with the airplane, but there are so many more uses for them.

  10. It's started, run Nathaniel while you can!! I can't even imagine when it happens to me in February XD

    1. V. - I'm so excited for you! I take it this will be your first, since you are saying you can't imagine it. Best of luck to you!

    2. Yes, it'll be my first :) Thank you, I will need it!

  11. Oh my! I've been out all the summer and when I come back I find this!!! I hope everything goes ok with the birth...

    1. Rossetti - Hello and welcome back. We've missed you. Don't worry, you haven't missed much by way of Kendra. I just restarted her story. I was working on so many other things.

  12. Hahaha, poor Kendra... the advice is flying and all of it is saying that she's going to turn into a different creature in the delivery room XD

    1. Heather - Kendra's taking it all in stride. She just wants it to be over at this point.

  13. The food seems delicius, umm. Its very important to have energy when de baby born. I hope everything goes fine, good luck!!
    See you soon!

    1. Ana - Kendra eventually enjoyed her dinner. She will be more than ready to push. lol.

  14. I hope Kendra has a while before she goes into full labour or she is going to be really sick after eating all that food. That white table looks very suited to its hospital use.

    1. Carrickters - They suspect Kendra still has a couple of days before full labor. But I will relay your message to her. lol.

  15. I know your probably busy,but when is Kendra having her baby?

    1. raven - Right after she goes into labor. Now when that happens is totally up to her. lol. In other words, I'm not sure. It won't be long though.

  16. Very nice! You answered all my questions. I was like hey why does she get to settle in AND eat. Poor child. How long has she been pregnant in real life?

    1. Kenya - You know I don't know a thing about being pregnant. It didn't dawn on me that she shouldn't be eating. I think she's been pregnant for 13 months or so. Luckily this is not real life.


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