Thursday, June 20, 2013

Unbelievable Playhouses and Doghouses

Last week when I switched internet companies, I got cable for the first time since 2003.  It was practically free with the internet.  Today I happened upon a channel called the Wealth channel.  The show that was coming on had a segment about kid playhouses and dog houses of the wealthy. Talk about eye opener.  The playhouse they featured was a custom built two story house that was a mini replica of the mansion they lived in.  Everything inside was custom built to fit the kids.  What did such a thing cost?  $60,000!  

The second thing they featured was a $15,000 doghouse that was custom built for two Yorkies, and one other toy sized dog.  The inside was complete with amazing dog furniture and a dresser full of dog clothes.  I immediately hopped on the internet and looked up the company, La Petite Maison.  No, I'm not buying Bruce a custom built dog house.  Below are a few samples from their site.  

This is a kid's playhouse.

Kitchen of the house above.

Living room

Window seat and the little owner.

Another playhouse

Same playhouse, different angle.


Moving on to the doghouses.

Inside the house.

Another dog house.

Dog house #3 

And it's occupants.

They are living the life.

Dog house #4 

Dog house #5

The average playhouse ranges in price from $9,000 to $75,000.  The average dog house ranges in price from $6,000 to $10,000, but can go as high as $25,000 or more.

I may need to get Bruce a new bed.  Look like he's being neglected.


  1. 60,000.00! Now I don't feel bad about the money I spend on dolls! ;)

    1. Ms. Leo - I would love to see a doll collector show up on that channel. I'm sure I would be blown away.

  2. I'm with Ms. Leo...$60,000.00?! Wait, where's my to-do list? Oh yeah, here it is...#3 on my list, marry a contractor. :)

    Seriously, if I had it like that I would definitely have one built for my daughter and I can understand dog lovers doing it too but somewhere there's a cat mad because all they have is a scratching post, LOL.

    Any guy who steps to that little girl when she grows up better be Bill Gates Jr...because her playhouse is flyer than a whole lot of grown up homes I know.

    Cool post!

    1. Tracy - LOL! Your to-do list should say marry a rich contractor. Furnishing those little masterpieces cost a little fortune. I agree about the cat. They would probably enjoy it more than the dogs. You know how much they like being by themselves. The $60,000 one had a floor for the daughter and a floor for the son. He was probably 10 and she was 7 or 8.

  3. Well I guess some people really have money to burn LOL. If I was that wealthy, I'd get my cats a house like that too. You have to admire all the detail they put into those houses though.

    1. Verona - Watching that channel opened my eyes to the kind of money that is out there. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is pinching pennies like I am.

  4. These playhouses and dog houses are incredible! I really love my dog, but $6,000 to $10,000 or more for a house??? Uh no. My Cassie is really happy with her blanket next to my bed! LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - I wonder if Cassie would still be happy if she saw how the other half were living. LOL! She might say, "Well she could have at least bought me a cushy bed".

  5. Paris Hilton has an excat replica of her manor just for her dogs

    1. Sergio - Wow! Thanks for the link. Her dog house is amazing.

  6. $60,000 -amazing. Actually I'm laughing because although we did buy our house a long time ago and house prices in Australia have gone up significantly since then but that is about what we paid for our house and land - and my parents thought it was a lot of money for a house.

    1. Carrickters - With the recent house market crash, you could buy an incredible house for $60,000 here in Georgia.

  7. If I had money to burn and my dog was still with me I would totally build him the biggest baddest doghouse ever. I wouldn't do it for a kid though, lol.

    1. Muff - Now it's been confirmed. You are a dog lover for sure. I would never have imagined you would spend that type money on a doghouse.

  8. WOW... yeah, if I had the money, I'd get my dog one of those houses too... er... when I get a dog (we have serious puppy envy -_- )

    The kids playhouses are very cool... if I had the means to build one, I totally would. (Granted, I don't have kids either... so yeah, that'll be my house, the one all the parents are afraid of because it's the weird, childless, dogless couple with a yard filled with kids playhouses and dog houses. LOL!)

    1. Heather - When are you getting your new dog? What's the hold up? I know you would make a great doggy mommy. Maybe you could have a special house built for you big dolls.

      Ohh, thanks for the Friday favorites.

  9. ps... I featured your wooden signs on this weeks Friday Favorites :)

  10. Wow. All I had was a little wooden tree house, haha. And that's long gone.

    1. Madeline - LOL! Bad parents. By the way, one of my blog readers told me about ultimate tree houses. Another wow! Google them sometime. It might bring back some memories.

  11. Reallyyyy?? first time I see something like that!!

    1. Farbield - It was completely new to me, too. And way beyond anything I've ever seen.

  12. Replies
    1. lindaivette - Y que lo digas! Necesito una nueva vida. En con toneladas de dinero.

  13. I get so conflicted about stuff like this. If they have the money why not? Yet, there are so many hungry people and those thirsting for a glass of clean water.

    1. Grandmommy - Well, I can't assume they aren't doing their part for the people that are hungry or thirsty. I don't believe people should feel guilty about having the things they have, especially if they are giving back in some way. Think of all the food that gets thrown out daily at our local restaurants. There are many ways to solve our hunger issues. We just don't do it. Should doll people stop spending money on dolls and put that towards the hunger problem we have? If I'm enjoying the luxuries that my wallet can handle, why would I not want someone else to enjoy the luxuries their wallet can handle?

  14. To see that kind of things while we're in the middle of an economical crisis makes one think about priorities. I'm not such a big spender after all :D

    1. V. - One thing I've learned looking at that channel, is there is a LOT of money out there.

  15. Eyes pop. Dang.

    Sorry, love my cat, but he doesn't need a thousand buck + house ;-P

    1. D7ana - Did you ask her/him? He just might like a new $1000 home. LOL.

    2. Nope, I didn't ask him, lol. He's keen on having window seats, having a variety of cat treats, and getting petted when he wants it. Can't say he's extravagant otherwise ;-)



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