Monday, April 1, 2013

Nikki and Darius Golfing (Photostory)

 Darius finally leaves his office and heads to the golf course.  Nikki is already there waiting.  They decide to shoot just 9 holes.  It's been a while since Nikki has played and she's hoping her game is up to par.  LOL!

Hole three.

Darius sizing up the hole.

"Come on Tiger.  Show me what you got."  (Nikki)

Darius ignores her and takes his shot.  It's not a bad shot.  The ball landed not too far from where he was aiming.

Nikki grabs her club.

"Let me show you how it's done."  (Nikki)

"If you are so confident in your game, let's put a little wager on it."  (Darius)
"What do you have in mind?"  (Nikki)
"Loser buys dinner."  (Darius)
"You're on!"  (Nikki)

"Not bad"  (Darius)
"I'm just getting warmed up."  (Nikki)

The two continue on.  Nikki played fairly well, considering, but she had a few mishaps along the way.

Nikki is taking a little longer than usual to take this shot.

"You planning on hitting that sometime today?"  (Darius)

Nikki is too focused to give him a smart retort.

She really wants to win.  She has a chance with her handicap.

Darius has his own share of problems.

He's trying to figure out how to get out of this sand trap.

I guess we will have to wait a little to see who won.

Behind the scenes shot.  This was Bruce's first time as my assistant photographer.  He did really well!  He met a ton of new four legged friends and he was the best behaved doggy at the park.


  1. Nice pictures and history! so real, the car is amazing! regards!!!

    1. cyborgdoll - Thanks! I found that car at a thrift store many years ago.

  2. Cute story and cute assistant.

    Love the golf cart and Nikki wears the new Barbie golf fashion well.

    I am glad she didn't allow Darius' comments to affect her game. Hope she won!


    1. DBG - The dolls and Bruce garnered a lot of attention at the park. One lady came running over, "Is that Barbie and Ken?". She told me she still has all of her Barbies from when she was little. I'm hoping she will visit the blog. I would love to see her collection.

      Nikki is very competitive. I hope she won, too.

  3. WOW! The first picture confuses! Little people seem real! Lol! You made great photos outdoors! Congratulations! I really liked their golf outfits.

    1. Farbield - Thanks. They had a wonderful time golfing.

  4. Hahaha, very cute, but Nikki and Darius should consider switching golf courses... the greens at this one are in terrible condition... downright brown! XD


    I like to think that the pup is the employee from the clubhouse bringing drinks around! XD

    LOOOVE the little golf cart and the outfits :)

    1. Heather - I know. They didn't go to the course Darius normally goes to. Apparently the upkeep at this one is lacking. LOL.

      I like the idea of Bruce the bartender.

  5. I'm still in awe of that first shot. These are awesome. I'm glad Bruce was such a good assistant for you. My dog attempts to eat my dolls if they're anywhere near her--and forget going anywhere that isn't our yard.

    1. Alura - Thanks. My last dog ate the legs off of this little girls Barbies when he was a puppy. Every time I went over there, they would laugh about it. He never touched my dolls. Bruce just loves other dogs and people. He was so friendly to everyone. Such a charmer.

  6. Nikki looks great in that golf outfit! Fun story.

    1. limbe dolls - Nikki loves her new outfit. Especially the shoes.

  7. Great shots Vanessa! I have especially love your assistant! LOL I have some ideas for some outdoor shots/stories for Moreville, but it won't stop raining long enough for me to get out there and do it. Perhaps in the summer. LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. Funny you should mention rain. The ground was very wet. Hopefully it stops raining long before summer arrives.

  8. Replies
    1. Shasarignis - I found that golf cart at a thrift store many years ago. I paid $1.51 for it. It's from a company called Nylint and it was made in 1998.

  9. The green hasn't greened up but it still was a terrific golf game (despite sand traps). Love finally seeing the Barbie Look golf outfit being worn - looks lovely on Nikki. And that golf cart rocks!

    1. Roville - I knew I wanted that outfit the minute I saw it. The golf clubs are pretty flimsy, but still cute. That cart is one of my prized thrift store finds.

  10. Well I was wowed by the realistic shots, laughed at Darius in the sand and then seeing Bruce making them look small made me laugh hard!

    1. Kenya - Your man was not happy about that sand trap. He got sand all in his hair. Bruce and I got all sorts of strange, curious looks, while we were shooting. I lucked up on the sand area when Bruce and I were leaving. I almost passed it up, but turned back around. Darius was not happy.

  11. Replies
    1. gigi blaszt - Thanks! Nikki is wearing one of the new Mattel outfits called Barbie Looks. It came with golf clubs and two balls.

  12. Well. at least they didn't end up in a tree or in the water like the golf competition shown on our TV stations in the last few days. I think I want Nikki to win too - but it sounds like they had fun anyway. And your assistant is a sweetie and he obviously had a fun time.

    1. Carrickters - There was a large body of water not too far from the sand, but it was completely fenced off. I was trying to get a shot near the water, but couldn't.

  13. Fun post! I was really into it. LOL Now I want to play with Brucie! lol

    1. Grandmommy - Bruce can't hear you right now. He was too busy staring at the poodle walking nearby. He was in doggie heaven with all the dogs passing by. He wanted to play with everyone. I'm glad he's so friendly. It makes our time out very enjoyable.

  14. This post made me giggle. At first I assumed this was your back yard but knowing you were at the dog park makes me admire your moxy. Does your assistant wear a vest to carry your equipment?

    1. Muff - It's one of our local parks that is very dog friendly. I had never seen that many dogs there. My big dog Simba could have carried my equipment, but short legged Bruce acts as promoter. He was good at bringing people over. I have to remember to take business cards next time. Luckily Darius' golf clubs are writing pens. I had to use one to write down my blog address for a couple of people.

  15. This is such a cute story. Love the photos!

  16. I love your accessories! Where did you get that car? *-*

    1. V. - Thanks. I lucked up on that golf cart at the thrift store many years ago. I paid $1.51 for it. It's from a company called Nylint and it was made in 1998.

  17. Great pictures background was wonderful. Hope she won lol!

    1. Tinisha - Thanks for stopping by! I left the game early, so I don't even know who won. I'm sure we will find out soon.

  18. Everything looked so real! It seems Darius and Nikki had a great time, and she looked so gorgeous in her new outfit! The last picture was the best, though LOL!

    1. Rossetti - I see you are on team Bruce (dog). We all had a great time.

  19. Hello from Spain: I like the realism of this game of golf. The outfits are perfect. I love the mini car. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. They had a good time spending time with each other.

  20. Very nice pictures! Every time I see that golf cart, I think lucky her. I love the pics especially the one of your little Bruce. He is too cute!

    1. Georgia Girl - I agree, lucky me on that golf cart. I can't believe what a sweetie pie Bruce is. He is so friendly and wants to play with everyone. The dogs and their owners. I may have to let him go to doggy day camp one day.

  21. I would love to know who won! It looked very real. I love Nikki in the outfit too. That Bruce is a scene stealer.

    1. Ms. Leo - You will soon find out the winner, if you haven't already. Wait until you see Bruce in his Halloween costume. It was posted over a week ago.


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