Saturday, March 30, 2013

Shantavia and Bruce Together Again (Photostory)

 After Jason picked Jada up, Shantavia called Bruce and invited him over.  It had been a couple of weeks since they had seen each other and she was anxious to spend some time with him.

After taking a tour of the new place, Shantavia and Bruce ended up in her bedroom....relaxing.

"I've missed you.  Seems like you have been avoiding me."  (Bruce)

Shantavia averts her eyes from Bruce's.  In a way, she had been avoiding Bruce.  She really likes him.  Maybe a little too much.  The thought of getting hurt again caused her to retreat a little bit.  

"Hello?  Earth to Shantavia." (Bruce)
"I'm here."  (Shantavia)

"I guess I have been pulling away a little.  I'm sorry.  Things were getting so serious and I just didn't want to get hurt."  (Shantavia)

"Look at me.  I have no intentions of hurting you."  (Bruce)

Lynn and the girls have dropped Jason off at the shop.  He wasn't scheduled to work today, but Kevin called saying he really needed a haircut.  Jason tried to get him to wait, but Kevin insisted.  

Jason is getting his tools ready.

"Heyyy Jason."  (Kevin)

"Hey Kev.  Come on in and take a seat."  (Jason)

"Thanks for letting me come by today."  (Kevin)
"No problem."  (Jason) 

"So you doing alright, man?"  (Jason)
"I'm alright.  I just got a lot on my mind."  (Kevin)

"Actually, I was hoping to talk to you about it."  (Kevin)
"Go ahead.  Shoot.  What's going on?"  (Jason)

"I'm thinking about taking the plunge."  (Kevin)
"The plunge?"  (Jason)
"Yeah, you know....getting married."  (Kevin)
"Really?  Are you sure you're ready for that?"  (Jason)
"I don't know.  That's why I wanted to run it by you."  (Kevin)

"So you down for having a little fun, today?"  (Shantavia)
"Wasn't that what we were doing, already?"  (Bruce)

 "Not that kind of fun.  It's such a nice day outside, I wanted us to get out and enjoy it."  (Shantavia)
"I'm down.  What do you have in mind?" (Bruce)

Soooo, Kevin is thinking about popping the question.  In case you forgot, he is Grace's boyfriend, and father of her daughter.  I sure hope Kevin knows a good Justice of the Peace.  I'm not doing any more weddings!  Oh goodness.  The Langfords would want their daughter to have a big wedding.  Especially since none of their daughters are married.  Hopefully Jason will tell him that marriage is overrated.  LOL.  Sorry.  I know it would be great for Grace and her daughter.  So don't pay me any mind.


  1. LOL! Your doll stories so much remind of Theater Playhouse on GMC. I loved the 1st wedding you did. Kevin & Grace should get married. I know it's a lot of work. Scale it back a bit. Let them elope to Vegas or an Island. Have a Hap-Bee Easter!

    1. Sonya - Scale it back? So you haven't met my over-the-top, don't know when to quit, personality? LOL! I do like your idea of a Vegas wedding. But then I would want to recreate the whole strip. Make a few casinos. Have a Celine Dion show, etc. See what I mean? Just over-the-top! Hap-Bee Easter! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hello from Spain: beautiful pictures. Shantavia and Bruce are a very attractive place. wow, wow ... A wedding is always fun and very stylish. For you a wedding is too much work .... We keep in touch. Happy Easter!

    1. Marta - Thanks! I like this couple. I hope they can make it work. Happy Easter!

  3. Gah! If Kevin's not sure, then her shouldn't be even considering popping the question! And poor Shantavia. Feeling all conflicted. When she said 'getting hurt again", did she meant her past relationship with Jason?

    1. Verona - I'm not sure who Shantavia was talking about. I do remember that she and Jason parted on good terms. At least that's what she told me. Maybe she wasn't very truthful at the time. I know she dated a few guys over the past five years and they didn't work out so well. LOL about Kevin. If women waited for men to be sure about marriage, no one would be married. I think more than 80% of men are not sure when they pop the question. It's just a natural tendency for them to have a little fear about marriage. That's why they have a whole thing about 'getting cold feet'. I'm not sure if he's thinking about it because he feels pressure from her parents, or if he just has normal fear. If it's pressure from the parents, he definitely should wait. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.

  4. I'm with Verona - marriage is a big commitment and you need to be really sure. Give Kevin some time to make up his mind (and by then, you might be ready for another wedding too - or they could fly out to Las Vegas or Italy or something).

    1. Carrickters - Please see the messages I left for Verona and Sonya. I like the Italy idea, but I think Paris would be even better. It's a place I've always wanted to go. You guys are giving me some great ideas.

    2. Well, one of my wedding dress clients did the Italy wedding. Another couple flew to Port Douglas (in Australia) and got married on a dawn balloon flight. The balloon came down at a winery for a champagne wedding breakfast. Very romantic.

    3. Carrickters - Wow, that balloon flight does sound awfully romantic. I may have to make you a consultant here in Morristown for all romantic related activities.

  5. Love the sets, especially the barbershop. Maybe Kevin and Grace could ask her parents to give them the money they would have spent on a wedding as a down payment on a house. Then they could have a smaller, more relaxed house-warming party. :-)

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. That's a good idea about buying a new home. I guess we will wait to see what Kevin decides.

  6. Another wedding!!!! Maybe it could be more intimate than that of Rod and Danielle, but anyway I'm sure it's worth preparing it! And I totally understand Shantavia. When I met my husband, I kept from going out with him because I didn't want to be hurt (again) by a man. Luckily he convinced me he wouldn't...

    1. Rossetti - If they opt for a wedding out of town, it will more than likely be a lot smaller. I think Shantavia is feeling what a lot of women go through as they are getting to 'the one'. Sounds like you found 'the one'. Congratulations.

  7. Come on Van, what about a small intimate wedding with a select few family and friends....that wouldn't require a lot. Lol! Pretty please. : ) I guess of course it is based on how Kevin feels or whether or not he will pop the question.

    Happy Easter!

    1. Georgia Girl - This from the woman who hasn't posted in months. Thanks for the encouragement. I think.

  8. Awww, no more weddings? Coooome on! Christie is so excited to attend! Haha!

    I can't wait to see what Shantavia and Bruce are up to :)

    1. Heather - You guys are hilarious! I may be open to doing a small intimate wedding. We shall see.

  9. Shantavia should take it slow if she's feeling unsteady - aint nothing wrong with that. But everything is wrong with Kevin wanting to run his possible proposal by his barber. Dude isn't ready if he's got to get a consensus on getting on marriage.

    1. Muff - LOL about Kevin and his barber. Okay, that's my fault. I didn't refresh everyone's memory about Kevin and Jason. Jason is not just his barber. They are really good friends, now. Last year they met when they double dated. Since that time, these two have become really good friends. So he's not confiding in his barber. He's confiding in his friend. Kevin feels that Jason and Lynn have a good marriage, so he just wants a little advice, encouragement, discouragement, or whatever else Jason has to offer.


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