Thursday, April 4, 2013

Caution: Cute Puppies Ahead!

Yesterday, I found these cute little puppies and a couple of cats at Walmart.  They were in the toy section along with all sorts of animals.  All of the animals I got were $2.88.  The other animals ranged from $2.88 to around $24.  I couldn't get good pictures of them, because the camera with the macro setting is MIA.

Monica is our resident animal caretaker.  

She was all too happy to rescue these little ones.  She decides a bath is in order for everyone.

She puts three of them on the floor to play.  Luckily for the kitties, they aren't paying them any mind.

Monica tries to get the new little pup acclimated to the bathing idea before adding any water.  She wants his bathing experience to be a good one. 

Later after all the baths are given, the animals and Monica make their way into the living area.

The cats have settled on top of the fireplace next to the second of six woodworking projects I'm currently working on.  It's not for my dolls. This one is dedicated to our wonderful troops.  I'm still trying to decide whether to stain it or paint it. 

The four pups are all clean and ready to play.

Now Monica has to figure out what to do with all of these wonderful creatures.  She would love to keep them all, but that's just not feasible.


  1. Hello from Spain: I envy Monica. These dogs seem real. I like them all. She has to stay with everyone. You always find great finds. I have to go to America and go shopping with you .... Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I envy Monica, too. I would love to have a lot of little pups roaming around. I would love to go shopping with you.

  2. How adorable! As much as they are cute, you right, Monica can't keep them all. I'm sure she might be able to find them all good homes.

    1. Verona - I'm sure there are lots of people around town that would take them off her hands.

  3. If Monica will open some adoption for them, count me in :)

    1. Sergio - I will let her know you are interested.

  4. The puppies and kitty's are adorable! I love your wood work on the fireplace as well. May I suggest staining it? There's a great color stain called Cabernet if you like a deep, rich red/burgundy. It's sold at Home Depot. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. I'm always looking for nice stains. I will check that one out.

  5. Very nice Vanessa...the piece you created...we like! So many puppies, she will have to think of something quickly or keep them all! Wouldn't that be something... XO

    1. Loretta - Thanks. We know you would keep all the puppies and kitties. LOL!

  6. Isn't it great Walmart has this line of animals? Ben Franklin had them but they were more expensive. I purchased the chickens and the same cat stretching you did. The puppies are adorable and your woodwork project is wonderful!

    1. Lisa - I saw the little yellow chicks. I wanted to buy them and so many more, but I had to refrain. Couldn't spend my whole dolly budget on animals. I hope to go back and get a few more items.

  7. How cute! I love it! Gonna have to check out Walmart !

    1. Chynadoll - They had a lot of cute little farm animals, too. So many to choose from. I may hope to get more soon.

  8. The puppies are so cute! The little German Shepard is the cutest! Maybe I'll get a few for my doll Officer Olivia to train or for future cop Jamie to play with then train when hes older! I hope all the pets get put into families soon :)

    1. Leandra - Welcome to my blog! Yes, the German Shepard would be perfect for your officer. I'm sure Monica will find good homes for them eventually.

    2. Thanks Vanessa and that's great! :)

  9. Cute n great find! I like the one that looks lika hound dog :) your wood working is excellent !

    1. Tinisha - Thanks. Isn't the hound dog adorable? But I say that about all of them.

  10. Hi Van,
    Um the rumor is the puppies want to come home with me. They heard I love adorable doggies.
    That Veteran project is lovely! I love it!

    1. Grandmommy - Thanks! LOL! I'm sure Monica would gladly adopt them out to you. She hears you are great with animals.

  11. Those little animals are so cute. I remember seeing a selection of them at Walmart last year but the next time I looked for them they all were gone!

    You sure know what you are doing with that saw.

    1. Muff - Well head back to Walmart. Looks like they have restocked the animals.

      Me and my saw are having a ball! Can't wait to show the next project.

  12. those little puppy critters are so cute!! i think minica will do a great job taking care of them. do you think she might adopt one puppy fo herself?

    1. coolsinger - Monica has two dogs already. That doesn't mean she won't be tempted to adopt one. We will have to wait and see what she does.

  13. Those little animals are too cute! I really like them all. Very nice find~!

    1. jewel snake - As you can see I had a hard time choosing in the store, so they all came home with me.

  14. All the puppies look so cute! And you have a real bunch of of them LOL Monica has lots of work, for sure. And your wooden work dedicated to the army is perfectly done, you'll have to show when it's totally finished!

    1. Rossetti - Animals are Monica's passion, so she is thrilled to be caring for them, even if it's only until they find new homes. I will definitely show you guys all the finished pieces.

  15. Sooo cute... I love these, they have been sprouting up around here all over... we have them at our local grocery store too 0_0 and local book store, haha!

    I've been meaning to buy one, but haven't yet.
    Although, have you seen this tutorial?

    (the sheep one shows step-by-step) ... you could make these pups even MORE awesome 0_0

    1. Heather - Thanks for the additional info about the grocery and book stores. That site is wonderful. I may give that a try. Not that I need any more projects on my list.

  16. I love the puppies! they can all come live with me. :-)

    idea for the beautiful wood work you did: poly the back part to keep the natural wood color, and then stain the frame and silhouette dark. beautiful work btw, I am in awe.

    1. queen - Good to see those puppies won't have any trouble finding new homes. I love your idea for the woodwork piece. I am going to give that a try!

  17. Awww I used to collect those (dogs). Before we left Florida in 2004, I sold them in a garage sale.

    1. Kenya - Really? I would never have pictured you as a collector of mini dogs.

  18. They are lovely puppies!!! Sure you will find a new home for everyone!

    1. Farbield - Yes, I am sure they will all have loving homes, soon.

  19. Monica is a sweetie. Go girl! Nice to see people treating animals well.

    Those are adorable puppies, but I really love that stretching cat. I better make sure that Tee Hee doesn't see this post or he'll be wanting more kitties. He cannot get enough of them ;-)

    1. D7ana - I think you need to get Tee Hee the stretching cat. It's adorable and cheap! Do you know what the Rement cats go for? Yes, they have wonderful accessories, too, but still.

    2. You can pick up rement animals on ebay for around $5-6 with shipping unless they're really rare... usually, lol!

    3. Heather - Yes, but shipping usually makes it not worth it in the end.

  20. You are lucky to find these toys in WallMart. I was in WallMart this morning and I didn't find interesting toy today.

    1. Shasarignis - I'm so sorry you didn't find anything great at Walmart. Keep looking.

  21. Very cute little animals, Monica will find it hard to let them go and I'm sure she will want to know they are going to good homes. Your picture is wonderful - will be good to see it in its final form.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. Monica will make sure they only go to good homes.

  22. The puppies are cute.

    I vote for staining the salute to our troops piece.


    1. DBG - Thanks for the vote. I have decided to try the two toned staining suggested by queen

  23. Well you learn something new everyday. I never knew there were re-ment cats or that they might be pricey. I didn't see these guys at Walmart either. They are all very cute.

    1. Ms Leo - Rement put out a set of cats and accessories. I don't remember the year. It had a cute litter box and I think a cat posed in the popping position. You know those retired sets can get quite pricey.


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