Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Back From Vacation (Photostory)

Rod, Danielle and the kids arrived back in Morristown yesterday.  Rod has left to take Nicole home.  As you can see, their home has been slightly redesigned since the move to the basement.

Danielle is having some breakfast and catching up with the girls.

She's having one of my faves, cottage cheese and pineapples.  She did way too much eating on vacation, and plans to cut back for the next few weeks.

Jacob is playing with the new tricycle he got for Christmas.  His little legs are too short to reach the pedals, yet.

Julian is playing with the Buzz Lightyear toy he got at DisneyWorld.

"Girl, we had a ball, but I'm glad to be back.  (pause)  Yes, my mom is doing good.  She's anxious to come visit again.  (long pause)  Well, we thought we would all get together around noon.  That will give me time to get myself together.  

"Mommy, I want some juice.'  (Jacob)
"One second, Jacob."  (Danielle)

"Mommy, can we go outside and let Buzz fly?"  (Julian)

"Julian, you need to say excuse me when you see me talking on the phone."  (Danielle)

"Girl, let me get off this phone.  I'm being summoned by the little ones.  I'll see you in a couple hours."  (Danielle)

"What's this, mommy?"  (Julian)

"Cottage cheese and pineapples."  (Danielle)
"I don't think I like cottage cheese."  (Julian)
"I don't think you do either." (Danielle)

Meanwhile a couple houses down Antoinette is preparing an apple tart to take to Danielle's.

"Mmmm.  Something smells good."  (Tony)

"You need me to taste it now to make sure it's okay?"  (Tony)

"Sorry honey.  This is for the girls." (Antoinette)
"What girls?  Our girls?"  (Tony)
"No.  Danielle, Leslie, and them."  (Antoinette)
"You didn't make one for the house, too?"  (Tony)
"No, I didn't. You are the one complaining that your pants are getting too tight.  I'm just looking out for you."  (Antoinette)
"Awww.  That's cold."  (Tony)

I've been wanting to make an apple tart for awhile.  I can finally cross it off the list.  It will be in the Etsy store by tomorrow.

I saw this picture in a cake magazine I was reading.  

They called it a checkerboard cake.

I gave it a try.  Made a few mistakes, so this one will go to my dolls.  If I get around to doing one for the store, I'm going to call mine the Neopolitan cake.  It reminds me of neopolitan ice cream.  I'm feeling a little hungry now.  


  1. Hello from Spain: I like the pictures on the walls of the house. Breakfast is very appetizing. I like the picture in the foreground of the phone. I like Jacob's tricycle. Very cute. The apple pie looks good. I also get hungry with your cake ... Great job. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I just noticed you can't see the picture above the sofa. I will have to show it next time.

  2. Lovely apple tart!!! Hehehe, I love how she used his own complaints about gaining weight against him... those never hold in the face of fresh baked apple tart XD

    I think the checkerboard cake looks awesome too! I see no flaws. XD

    1. Heather - Thanks! I bet Tony won't complain from now on. Most of the flaws on the cake are with the cut slices. I will have to make another one for the store.

    2. Ahhh, yes... the piece we don't see.

      I suspect, strongly, my girls would still eat it, hehe.

      Also, just a heads up, but I'm trying my hand at a "lifestyle" Barbie blog if ya want to check it out. It could be... a disaster, LOL.

      No need to... but it's a Barbie thing, so I thought you might be interested.

      Also... do you have any recommendations for good sources on learning how to make miniature food? I've always wanted to learn how!

  3. Ok! I know I'm out of order but I had to agree! I love the checkerboard cake too and see no flaws! I also agree with Julian about the cottage cheese. I would like a piece of the tart. I love the toys the boys have and their little table and chairs.

    1. Ms. Leo - Thanks. The cut slices show most of the flaws. I'm not used to working with 3 layer cakes and I made a mess when cutting it. Buzz is from the Dollar store a few years ago. It was still in it's package. I got Woody and the dinosaur, too. The table and chairs are from the miniature store.

  4. That tart looks too real Vanessa, but that cake, Oh my...I'm craving sweets now knowing I can't have it! Ugh! XO

    1. Loretta - Thanks. Oh goodness. I hope I didn't start something. I don't want to hear about you cooking a cake over there. Behave.

  5. Mmmm Tart. I'll have to get some now! I feel sympathy for Danielle : Vacations always have a tendency to make you eat things you shouldn't. And LOL at Tony, thinking that the tart was for him. Typical guy LOL!

    1. Verona - Vacations are the worse when it comes to food. Somehow we think we won't gain weight because it's vacation. Tony was ready to chow down. Poor thing.

  6. OK now I'm hungry! LOL That tart and checkerboard cake look so yummy! It would take most all of my willpower to steer away from the cake and go toward the cottage cheese instead. LOL Fortunately, I really like cottage cheese! :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. I don't think Danielle's going to be happy to see that tart come through the door. I love cottage cheese, but it's so high in sodium, I can't eat it too often.

  7. These kids are really cute! And please, I want Antoinette at home to make me those desserts! My God They are looking good! Great job! I was amazed!

    1. Farbield - Thanks. I will send Antoinette your way so she can make you a few desserts.

  8. I love the redesigned home, it's very nice. This kids are so sweet ! Jacob have great articulated legs. I like his tricycle. You have done great job with the apple tart and the cake, looks so good !

    ps : before, when I clicked on a photo I was able to see all the photostory photos in big but now when I click I just see one big photo maybe it's my computer who doesn't work well...

    1. Claude - Thanks. I rebodied Jacob from one of the Charlie Angels Kelly dolls. I think the picture issue is a glitch in blogger. The same thing happens with me on my blog and other blogs. Hopefully they will fix it soon.

  9. Everything looks delish, but I agree with Julian; cottage cheese is a no!

    1. Muff - LOL. Cottage cheese is not for the faint at heart.

  10. Amazing. I love your wood furniture and I cannot believe that cake.

    1. Duke of Swann - Thanks! I'll put a piece of the cake to the side in case you drop by one day.

  11. Danielle and the girls will probably have a fabulous gathering. Her boys are too cute. Julian always manages to make me smile.

    Your Neapolitan cake looks delicious. Antoinette's apple tart does, too. Poor Tony... maybe she'll make one for the family later.


    1. DBG - Danielle is anxious to catch up with the girls. Seems like forever since she's seen them. Tony is not hard up for desserts. Antoinette is always baking, which is why his pants are getting too tight.

  12. the cake is amazing, I see nothing wrong! My dolls would love it! The apple tart is very well done! Love your office space, great work!
    My dios evolve the same way...a couple of my poppies want to do a scrapbook......and another doll needs more seems stories simply write themselves around the props the dolls demand from us- at least that is what happens with me!lol

    1. Lisa - Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I like it better when the stories write themselves. Makes my job a lot easier. I'm sure you can relate.

  13. I really like Danielle's blue outfit. She looks relaxed and refreshed after her vacation.

    1. limbe dolls - Danielle is so happy just to be home slumming, as they say. DisneyWorld was fun, but vacations can be very tiring. She's not too thrilled about putting on real clothes to entertain, but she's excited to see the ladies, so she will do it.

  14. Both cakes look delicious! I'm sure the girls will have a fantastic time together, and Julian and Jacob look as cute as always!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! The ladies always enjoy each other's company. It will be nice for some of the kids to get together, too. Sort of like a little play date.

  15. I love the cake! Im glad to see the family back from vacation. Jullian is such a little stinker!!

    1. wiliam - Thanks! I'm so happy they are back in town so things can get back to normal. Spreading my time between Morristown and DisneyWorld was crazy.

  16. The cake is really nice good job

  17. Danielle is such a sweet mother. I always enjoy seeing Antoinette (she's my favorite!). The apple tart looks delicious, I'm sure the girls will enjoy it! Sorry Tony. :( Great job on the cake. :)

    1. Adrian - I didn't know Antoinette was your favorite. I have a hard time picking a favorite over here. But there's no denying who my favorite is at the Waverly's. LOL.

  18. The apple tart and cake look good. great story!

  19. The cake and apple tart looks delicious! Great job on them both! Love Danielle and Rod's new home.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. You know I want to make them a sectional, but that might be awhile.

  20. Yum, apple tart. And cake! Is that for get-together too? Danielle will have to delay her diet for a day or two by the looks of things - they look way too delicious for her not to have some.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. The cake is not for the get together. There will be other treats, so it's a good thing Danielle had a light breakfast. She may have to hit the gym.

  21. I have make the checkerboard but only with 2 flavors or colors - love the 3 flavor option. My girls need this cake. The frosting is so real - you rock!

    1. DeMari - Thanks! Every time I see this cake, I want some ice cream. My mom used to buy the neopolitan ice cream when I was a kid. Now that I think about it, she still does it. So nostalgic for me.

  22. What a delicious looking cake. I want to have some in real life. The Danielle doll, what kind of doll is she originally? She is such a sad looking doll. :( Her eyes always look like they are tired or she's depressed. I guess they just wanted to paint her that way. LOL!

    1. KenyaDoll - Thanks. Danielle is a Cali-girl Lea mold doll. She does have sad eyes. I like to think of her as intense.

  23. Tony is like my grandfather: always ready to taste the cakes! XD

    1. V. - Tony is like me, too. I love warm cakes and pies right out of the oven. Mmmm. Mmmm.

  24. hi i like your beautiful doll furniture what shop do you buy them.

    1. Nuria - Thanks. Which doll furniture are you talking about? I buy doll stuff from local thrift stores, regular stores like Walmart and Target, and sometimes I make my own furniture.

    2. thats good thank you for responding


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