Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day....Again!

I say, again, because I already did my Valentine post for the day.  Leave it to me to not be able to keep my word, and stay off Blogger, today.  But, I got a new follower in the past few hours and I wanted to see if they had a blog I needed to check out.  They didn't, but I decided to look at the past few followers and I ran across one named, Barbie Weddingss.  He doesn't have a blog, but he has produced six Barbie weddings over the past year and posted them on You Tube.  This is the latest that was posted just two weeks ago.  So this is me, showing one of my followers some love on Valentine's Day.  I'm sure many people will be getting engaged today, so this is right on time.  

I haven't checked out the other weddings, yet, but I plan to.  Aren't those teal dresses beautiful!

P.S.  To see my earlier Valentine post, with a peek into the basement, CLICK HERE!


  1. How awesome! Not only is the wedding fabulous...but her dolls stand and pose without doll stands!
    Somebody tell her she needs a blog. Like I need one more blog to get caught up in. LOL

    1. Agree! We should write a petition

    2. Grandmommy and Sergio - I'm glad you enjoyed the wedding. There's a good chance there are stands there, she has just hidden them really well. Hopefully she will leave a comment, if she sees this, and know that you guys are asking for a blog. LOL!

  2. Great job for this wedding ! it's beautiful. I can feel the particular atmosphere of it and it's true the dress are very pretty.

    1. Claude - She did a beautiful job! Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Hello from Spain: Thanks for sharing this wedding for your follower. I hope that in the future she believes her own blog. The wedding dress is gorgeous. Happy Valentine's Day again .. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Isn't that wedding dress beautiful! All the dresses are gorgeous. Glad I could share her work with you guys.

  4. OMG!! Really beautiful!! Thanks to share it with us.

    1. Farbield - This video makes a person want to consider getting married. I have to be careful watching these type videos, but I'm happy to share it with you guys.

  5. This is beautiful! I love it! Thanks for sharing Vanessa! Happy Valentine's Day friend! : )

    1. Georgia Girl - So much dolly talent out there. Keeps us all on our toes. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day!

  6. Thanks for letting me know about this. I will have to check it out! Happy V-day!

    1. Brini - Happy belated V-day! I hope you got a chance to see the video(s).

  7. I'm just catching up on my blog reading. Great video and very romantic and I loved the bloopers, particularly the cat's tail picture. Happy belated Valentine's day, I hope you enjoyed your romantic break.

    1. Carrickters - Glad you enjoyed the video. I've since discovered that these videos are done by a man, not a woman. Quite impressive.

  8. Wow! Thank you all for the positive feedback especially Vanessa!

    1. I'm still trying to learn about making blogs.

    2. Barbie Weddings - You're so welcome. You deserve it. Your work is amazing.


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