Monday, February 11, 2013

Chicken and a Movie

Last weekend I was in the mood for some really good wings.  I rarely ever eat them, so I was going to splurge.  Well, when my bf and I went out to dinner, the wings were overpriced and I quickly changed my mind.  A few days later I received a customer request for dolly wings.  How ironic!  Well I finished them last night and will be shipping them off soon.

Sometimes making the food in dolly form is enough to satisfy my craving.

This was so going to be me, last weekend.  Mmmm, mmmm.

By the way, last week I finished the video where the Taylors arrived to grandma's house.  I will be working on the Cafe Mickey video soon.


  1. Hey Vanessa, I was reading your post and so interested in your saying you went out for wings...I miss read...I thought the wings showing were the ones you bought! Me and my eye-sight, huh! I watched the was very nice. You do such a great job Vanessa...loved It!
    Loretta xoxo

    1. Loretta - So glad to see you are well enough to comment. Hope you are really better and not pushing yourself too hard. No, I still haven't had those wings I desired. I may not get them for awhile, but some lucky doll will be enjoying some wings, soon.

  2. Those wings look so great! Or,as Mary Poppins would say, they look supercalafragilisticespialidocious! LOL

    1. sisilovessing - Thanks. I'm impressed. You spelled that correctly. You must be channeling my next story. Mary Poppins is already in place and ready to make her first appearance.

  3. That doll is about to throw down on those wings!

    1. Muff - She is feeling the same way I was feeling.

  4. I love chicken wings and yours look super cool

  5. Mmmmmmm....wings! They look really good!:-)

  6. The wings looks delicious! Now where is the hot sauce? Lol! Great job Vanessa as always!

    1. Georgia Girl - My bad. I don't use hot sauce on my wings, so I forgot. Next time.

  7. Hello from Spain, i like very much your chicken wings. I like Taylors arrived to grandma's house. They look is good. Well done. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I'll be working on the next part of the Disney show in the next couple of days.

  8. Those chicken wings look edible!

    It was good to see another video from you, Vanessa. Julian, as always is my favorite, with those long legs. I would be like Danielle's mother, staying behind while the "kids" went to Disneyland.

    BTW, the comment immediately above mine is why many bloggers choose to moderate their comments.


    1. DBG - Thanks. I don't blame grandma. Disney ain't no joke.

      Yes, occasionally a spam comment will get through, like the one above. I've only had about three spam comments get through in a year. Personally, not that big of a deal to me. I would rather get the couple of spam comments, versus what I have to go through, sometime scrolling through the robot 5 or 6 times to get something I can read. Sometimes it is very stressful for me to leave comments on some blogs. I'd much rather see the once in a blue moon spam comment. Of course I could just choose not to comment, but I hate not commenting when I see something I want to comment on. We seem to have a little community here, and I want people to know I am reading their blog. That spam comment would have more than likely gotten through even if the robot was enabled. As for MODERATION, the only time I will consider turning that on is if there is adult content that gets through. That happened to another blogger a few times and they had to go to moderation. Totally understandable. For me MODERATION sometimes takes away from people interacting with each other and commenting on each other's comments. That is what I like to promote on my blog, the feeling of a community. I, for one, never go back and comment on what someone said after the moderator releases the comments. I did discover ways to reduce the amount of spam a person gets. I will do a blog post about that soon on my new blog entitled, "Wow, Who Knew." No posts there as of yet. Too busy getting this doll room done.

  9. Though I just eat them from time to time, I love chicken wings, and yours look delicious! And as for the video, as always Julian was my favourite, he is so cute!

    1. Rossetti - My dolls were not happy about seeing those wings shipped off. I will have to make them some once the move is finished.


I love receiving your comments. Posts older than 5 days will require moderation until I can get the scammers under control. Thanks for your understanding.