Wednesday, January 30, 2013

While Prepping the Basement, I Found These Goodies

 Guess what?  Morristown is moving!  Yes, it's time to take back my family room, and lately, my dining room.  Morristown and all things fashion doll related, will be moving to the basement.  The basement used to be my porcelain doll studio from 2003 - 2006.  Since that time, it's turned into my storage area.  So I've been working on it the past week to get it ready.  Yesterday, as I was moving some tables around, I found two boxes of miniatures I bought back in early 2000s.  Wow.  I remember that shopping trip, well.  It was two days of me losing my mind, throwing all caution to the wind, and buying things without caring how much they cost. I won't tell you how much I spent, but it was a lot!  Unfortunately, it still didn't motivate me to finish a miniature house.  But NOW, with my hopes of finishing the Victorian House I blogged about last year,  these pieces are perfect!  Below are just a few of the pieces.  I had to laugh at some of the prices.  Today, I would never pay what I paid for some of these pieces.  I would more than likely, make some of them myself.  Please excuse the dirt and dust.  They've been in this basement an awfully long time.

Sorry this is so blurry.  I was more focused on trying not to get me in the mirror. 

I've always loved this file cabinet.  When I opened it up, 

I had this pack of file folders.  I paid $6.50 for this pack.  Ha ha.  Not a terrible price, but I would definitely make them myself, today.

Three of the kids I have.  The little girl and the boy with the ball, were very cheap.  The other boy was very expensive.  He still has his little price tag attached.

This bed and chairs will probably end up in a fashion doll house.  Maybe my daughter, Alicia, will enjoy it.

She is so adorable!  I couldn't stop taking pictures of her.

So that is a small glimpse of what I found.  I am super excited to get Morristown moved.  Yesterday, I moved Danielle and Rod's house.  It will be nice having enough space to spread out.  The lighting is great down there. Not the best for photo taking, but it's nice and bright.  


  1. Hi Vanessa,
    you are lucky to find all these stuffs
    Wow !
    It's so cute.
    Parfois on a juste besoin de fouiller dans nos anciennes choses pour réaliser tout ce qu'on a déjà.

    1. Shasarignis - I was very surprised when I saw them. I sort of forgot I had purchased them. This will make doing the miniature house a lot easier.

  2. Replies
    1. Male Doll World - Thanks! Now I'm glad I bought them when I did.

  3. It all looks so realistic! If you not for stuff in the background giving away the scale, you couldn't tell the difference.

    1. Muff - That's probably why I spent so much money. I got caught up in the realism. They did a good job. I definitely had a theme going on here. Not like me to stay with a theme.

  4. There all so cute! It's the kind of thing I would carry around and make people look at it and admire it LOL! Good luck on moving Morristown!

    1. Verona - LOL! I can see you now, whipping out miniature furniture to all that will take a look. Moving Morristown is a little daunting, but I'm excited about it.

  5. Vanessa I really like all the pieces, and the little one is adorable! Morristown was growing and still doing was time to move for more space. Don't work too hard. Luv

    1. Loretta - Some of these pieces look like pieces I've seen in the pictures you've shared with us. Yes, it will definitely be nice to have a different doll space. The family room was getting pretty full.

  6. Hello from Spain: all furniture is very elegant and luxurious. In my country also are some very expensive furniture. The girl on the bed is very cute. I also I have all my houses and my Barbies in a room next to the garage of my house. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Miniature furniture is quite expensive! I've found some nice Etsy stores with reasonably priced items. I will probably buy pieces online from now on.

  7. Wow girl those pieces LOOK expensive. They are BEAUTIFUL!! I can't wait to see it all put together.

    1. Kenya - I see you approve of my choices. Glad to see it. I hope I can do them justice when decorating the house.

  8. Those children are adorable, especially the baby. She looks so sweet sitting on the canopy bed.

    I love all these pieces which would probably make any dollhouse collector salivate.

    It's good that Morristown will free up space in your real living areas.

    Ah the good old 90s... those were the days when I too threw caution to the wind and spent mega bucks on dolls without any regard to cost. It was nothing for me to spend $1000 a month on dolls multiple times a year. Time has definitely changed that pattern of spending. We grow or go broke trying.



    1. DBG - All my new doll purchases have forced me to make that move. It will be nice to see and use my fireplace again.

      Yes, the good old 90s. Such a great prosperous time. I'm glad I bought these pieces when I did. I would never be able to splurge like that today.

  9. I ignore dust, but I love to see the boxes in the background. Boxes full of playscale goodies ;-D

    Best wishes for a fun time moving Morristown to the basement. You did tell the denizens that the move was to give them dedicated space, hmmm? LOL.

    1. D7ana - The boxes in the background aren't playscale goodies. A couple of them are, but most of that is porcelain doll supplies, scrapbooking supplies, etc. The playscale stuff is still in the family room. LOL! I was in the clearing out stage at this point. Or shall I say, the moving things around stage. The denizens aren't too happy about the move. Something about it being cold in the basement. It may take them awhile to see all the benefits of being down there.

  10. I love all those pieces you found, and, yes, they look expensive! It's amazing the treasures we find when clearing out a room. Good luck moving Morristown. I know you'll love all the extra space you'll have to spread out, and I'm sure the residents will eventually get used to it. They can always put on warmer clothes! LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - That is the best part of cleaning. You know you are bound to find something you've been looking for. Yes, the residents can finally wear all those coats I've purchased for them.

  11. I love everrything pictured in this blog post. They are all so cute!

    1. sisilovessinging - Thanks! I can't wait to get them in the house.

  12. I love the little ones especially the boy with the tag he kinda reminds me of my little one! Is there a manufacters name?


    1. AG Lanc - I love the kids, too. I will check for a company name when I return to the basement, and get back to you.

  13. Very nice miniatures Vanessa! I can't wait to see your Victorian house. Do you already have the house?

    P.S. Good for you moving Morristown, I am also in the process of creating two spaces for my "stuff" instead of having them all over the house per se. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - You must have missed the two posts I did about the Victorian house. I put a link in this post where it says Victorian House. Below are two links to blog posts that show the outside and inside of the house. I bought it fully assembled for an incredible price.

  14. It´s wonderful find them after so long, sometimes almost forget these treasures saved! These furniture are beautiful! and the little girl is so cute! Keep in touch!

    1. Farbield - Thanks! It was nice to see them again. I had forgotten what I actually bought.

  15. The furniture is all very handsome. When I shoot mirrors, I hold a piece of card stock or scrapbooking paper up in front of it and shoot from the side. That way the reflection in the mirror looks like the wall on the other side of the room.

    I'm sure that Morristown will prosper in its new location.

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. That's a nice idea for the mirror. I will keep that in mind for a day when I'm not being lazy. In this case, I was being a little lazy. The thought of getting up from my quick photoshoot to deal with the issue was not very appealing.

      It will be nice to have more organizing options. Not to mention, a lot more light.

  16. Much luck moving Morristown to the basement. It will be heaps of work but the result of having your family room and dining room back will be worth it. :)

    1. Roville - Oh how I wish I could snap my fingers and have this move done. I want to take my time and do it right, but on the other hand, I just want it to be over.

  17. I hope all the moving goes well and Morristown gets to its new location safe and in perfect conditions, I would love to see how you organize it in your basement, I have to start with a little room I have for storage, I want to make half of it a space for my dolls and I would thank any organization ideas. And the furniture is beautiful, you showed style and good taste in choosing them!

    1. Rossetti - The moving is going slow at the moment. I want to make sure I do it right the first time. I will definitely show the finished product when it's done.


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