Thursday, January 10, 2013

Organizing At It's Best

This is not a doll related post, but it's a post about something that is very dear to my heart, organization.  It's dear to my heart, but something that I haven't mastered quite yet.  I am partially organized, with the desire to be completely organized.  A couple weeks ago I ran across a blog that has blown me away.  It is called IHeart Organizing.  Now this lady, Jen, is a master at organization.  Not only is everything organized, but it's all soooo pretty.  I am now going on record and calling 2013 my year of getting organized.  It's not a resolution, it is a goal.  With this goal in mind, I feel I will accomplish much more than I set out to do.

I am envisioning my newly organized doll room, with everything properly in it's place and labeled.  Can you see it?   Awww, it's going to be magnificent.  I hope to have a picture of it for the 2013 blog review.

I encourage you to take a look at Jen's blog.  She must be doing something right.  She has over 18,000 followers.  That is the most I have seen to date.  She just started a new monthly organizing challenge.  For the month of January, the challenge is the home office.  Don't forget to check out the free printables tab.

By the way, her blog has over 41 million views.  I was watching the pageviews at the bottom of the page, and the numbers were flying by.  Great job, Jen!  (Chances are she will never see this post.  She doesn't even know I exist).


  1. OMG! My mouth is still wide open. Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!

    1. Rossetti - You are welcome. Her site and her skills are amazing. Have fun!

  2. Thanks Vanessa! This is just what I needed. My room that I titled "Obsession" has been a work in progress for a long while...okay a few years. : p. I am practically spending my vacation (this week) working on it. Whew, I still have a long way to go and tomorrow is Friday. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Georgia Girl - Sometimes it takes some major support to get organized. I hope this helps. I am going to spend some time on her blog just gathering ideas before I start. I am going to use all those scrapbooking tools I bought years ago to try to make it look pretty. Good luck!

  3. Hello from Spain: Thanks for reporting. I will visit Jen's blog. If your recommend I'm sure it's a good blog .. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Enjoy your visit to Jen's site. It's very awe inspiring.

  4. Oh Vanessa, what a find...I need this sooo much! You should see me place!
    Thanks Luv

    1. Loretta - Hope you find the insiration you need to make magic.

  5. I find the problem isn't getting organised - that bit is easyish. The problem is staying organised - that's a lot harder.

    1. Carrickters - Once i get things organised I'm pretty anal about keeping it that way. My problem is getting the right systems.

  6. What a pretty bunch of girls creating a bunch of pretty spaces. Makes sense, it must be their hobby. I can’t help but wonder what happens when they have to use something, or dust and polish - the inordinate amount of time it must take to restore all the fresh, new prettiness of it. I think that’s what Carrickters was saying (above post) and I agree with her/him wholeheartedly. I’m highly organized in the hobby room and have found a system that works for me and my budget (including using fresh, new, color coordinated storage boxes). In some ways it makes my hobby life easier and in some ways it’s a tedious process to keep up. After all, we 1:6 hobbyists have to clean up after multiple dolls with multiple 1:6 areas – much harder than keeping just one 1:1 area in shape. Surprisingly, having a clean and organized area and the peace it brings, sometimes discourages me from tackling a new project – the tediousness of cleaning and reorganizing it all after I’m done makes me procrastinate (i.e., the reason I haven’t updated my website yet this year). But still, if you’re going to have a lot of 1:6 stuff, being organized and losing the chaos of tons of tiny pieces all over the place will provide satisfaction and sanity. Good luck with your project and I’m genuinely looking forward to seeing photos of your progress.

    1. Roville - My 1/6 items are fairly organized. If they weren't, there would be no way I could do as many dios and stories that I do. You are right it gets tedious to put it all back, but I always take the time to put things back where they go. It may take days or weeks before it gets back to it's proper place, but I don't loose sleep over it staying out until I have time to get it all back. Jen's blog is perfect because anyone can pick up little tips that can help with whatever level of organizing they are at. I am excited about organizing the rest of my spaces, i.e. kitchen, bathrooms, and crafting area. I've already made some changes in the kitchen after seeing their kitchen tour. There is nothing like having a space for everything and being able to put it right back in that space. My biggest challenge for the dolls is clothing. I've had several systems and I'm not completely happy with any of them. I'm hoping to have an A-HA moment about that while perusing Jen's blog. P.S. STOP PROCRASTINATING! LOL.

  7. This is exactly what I needed! My room looks horrible and with more organization!

    1. sisilovessinging - My bedroom looks horrible too, because I've turned it into another studio. My goal is to turn it back into a bedroom and move all the sewing and crafting stuff out. Jen's blog is motivation for me to make some changes. They won't be as pretty, but at least my spaces will be a little better.

  8. There is also a show that airs on HGTV called Clean Freaks that some people goes over-board with organization skills.

    1. Kat - I've never seen or heard of that show. I will check it out one day.

  9. Thanks, Vanessa!

    I am long overdue some doll organizing so this site will be inspiring. Think I will pin it to my Pinterest board.

    I look forward to reading your organizing updates.

    Thanks again.

    1. D7ana - I went to the Dollar Store yesterday and bought several clear plastic containers or the kitchen cabinet. All my sugars, flours, rice, legumes, popcorn, etc are out of those awful looking bags. YAY! One small step for me. One giant step for my kitchen. I find myself opening up the cabinet regularly just to look at it. Next I want to tackle the spice cabinet. I may have mislead you guys into thinking it was my doll room I was tackling. It will get tackled too, but that's not my primary focus. The rest of my house is.

  10. vanessa I'm waiting to see Disney World

    1. caroline - It's coming, but you will have to wait a couple of days. I had to run back to Morristown to check on the residents there.

  11. I have the same problem as Roville does. Cleaning up and organizing after every little photo shoot I do tends to make me put off my next project. My studio is in my bedroom and space is tight. I went to Walmart and bought a plastic, 3-drawer, rolling unit that fit into my closet. I've put some dolls in there along with their clothes, so that has helped, but I still have other dolls, furniture, and accessories scattered around in different totes in different places. I have to reorganize again! LOL Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I've sent it to my roommate also since she's in the process of reorganizing her room as well.

    1. Cindi - I don't like cleaning up after each photosession either, but it's a lot easier because most of the little stuff and the big stuff has a place to go back to. All the Rement stuff was recently taken out of their boxes and put in clear locking containers. Whenever I do a scene with Rement stuff, I carry the small containers to the scene and put the Rement stuff back immediately and put them back in the bottom drawer of a rolling tote. My doll room is 80% organized and putting stuff away is very easy now. I can sit in my computer room and tell someone exactly where to find most things in my doll room. This site will help me make things even better. The one thing that frustrates me the most has to do with my doll clothes. I know that's because I don't have a system that I like. Once I do, that will be easy peasy, too. Even making little changes can make a big difference. Don't strive for it to be perfect. Strive for it to be better.

    2. Cindi - I almost forgot. The most frustrating, even more than the doll clothes, is FABRIC! I can't for the life of me get that stuff organized so I know what I have. I am now banned from going to fabric stores until I straighten out that problem.

    3. So, no trips to Joanne's for you anytime soon! LOL Right now, what little fabric I have is in a tote with other accessories. I got a new sewing machine for Christmas and have yet to pull it out of the box and use it! LOL I've been focused on posting photos of late, but I hope to start making my little friends some new clothes soon. I also hope to start my blog soon if life would just leave me alone so I can, at least, start it! :-)


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