Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Halloween Treats

We are steadily preparing for the Halloween party.  We added a couple more treats to our menu.  They will both be offered in the Etsy store within the next two days.

First up is my favorite Halloween candy.  Candy corn!  Pure sugar to put you over the edge.  

They will be loose.  I want to make a different bowl before listing them.

Ciana wanted to be the taste tester.  

"Mommy, what's that!" 
Ciana has caught a glimpse of the "fingers and dip".

She didn't want any part of this party treat.

This cute little lidded polymer clay basket hit the Etsy store yesterday.

The display table is now painted and will be hitting the store soon, too.

Can you believe Christmas is just over 2 months away?  It sneaks up on me every year.  So I am in the process of getting the store properly stocked for the season.  

The stories will continue, albeit a little sporadically for the moment.  Lots is still happening behind the scenes. Stay tuned!


  1. Ooohh!! Can I join to your party?

    1. Sergio - You know you are always welcome! Don't forget your costume.

  2. Love those treats, I didn't know them but I googled them and they look so real! I would love to try them (size 1/1 hehehe), they must be yummy! Here where I live we don't celebrate Halloween, but "Tosantos" (it means "all the saints"), and though we don't ask for treats, it is common to eat many kinds of nuts, dried fig cakes, baked sweet potatoes... during these days.

    1. Rossetti - I love hearing about different celebrations in other countries. Tosantos sounds a lot healthier than our Halloween. We celebrate with a lot of candy.

  3. The candy corn looks delicious!!! Love it!

    1. A-Lise - I usually treat myself to one bag of candy corn for the holiday. I don't indulge in any of the other candy.

  4. So cute! Just love adorbale Ciana, and how she wants some of the treats!

    1. Verona - Hopefully Ciana doesn't eat too much of the candy corn. She will have a sugar high for sure.

  5. The candy looks great! I don't like candy corn, but it looks really real. The finger prop is interesting. Lol! Love the little dish.

    1. Georgia Girl - They are fingers and dip. Just think of them as vienna sausage fingers. Hmmm, hmmm, good.

  6. LOL, I want to eat those fingers! The basket detail is amazing.

    1. Muff - Those fingers are totally edible. Made from the same stuff as potted meat, spam, and vienna sausages. All those things that should be banned from store shelves. LOL!

  7. That candy corn looks yummy and the basic so realistic.

    Good luck with Etsy store sales.


  8. Oooh, those little candy corns are fabulous! I can't buy them, or I'll sit and eat the whole bag... and then feel sooooooooo sick.

    1. Heather - It is hard to put down the bag once you stop. Even though your jaws start tightening up from all the sugar. And yes, the tummy ache is inevitable.

  9. Lovely party treats! Can't wait to see the costumes.

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. Yes those costumes are going to be interesting. LOL! They may all be ghosts, or invisible. I'm excited to finally use some of those Halloween kids that have been untouched for years.

  10. Hello from Spain: I already see that in your country the Halloween party is very famous. I really like your goodies. The clay pot is beautiful and fingers ... how original and gives me scared. keep in touch

    1. Marta - Halloween is big here. I don't really celebrate it myself, but I think the dolls will have a little party.

  11. What are the fingers supposed to be? Gummies or something? I love the candy corn! It's making me really hungry!

    1. sislovessinging - I considered putting hot dog buns out with the fingers. They are the size of hot dogs, but more resemble the color of vienna sausages because I wanted them to look like real fingers. That's "ketchup" on the nails and in the bowl.

  12. Ciana is just adorable. Can’t say I blame her for shying away from the fingers and dip. Very spooky! You did an awesome job making those.

    1. Roville - Thanks. Halloween isn't Halloween without a little spookiness.

  13. Halloween isn't very big here - it's mostly for kids - so we don't have a lot of special Halloween treats like these. Yours look great. But ssh about Christmas - I don't want to know just yet.

    1. Carrickters - Adults tend to go all out for Halloween, too. Parties and haunted houses are very popular. Okay, I won't say another word about that big holiday coming up that will mark the end of yet another year. Yikes!

  14. Ciana looks adorable. The candy corn and fingers look edible, too. (Good thing my poison is chocolate ;-D)

    1. D7ana - Chocolate, you say? Let's see what I can do about that.


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