Friday, September 7, 2012

Meet Ninimomo

Are you familiar with the company Ninimomo?  They are a husband and wife team, I think, that have been created OOAK dolls for about 16 years.  They do amazing work!  I found out about them while reading Marille's Outfit blog.   

This video is worth watching just to see the organization alone.

To see more extraordinary dolls, go to their website.  For a quick peek at some of the 2012 creations, go here:  2012 Finalist Dolls


  1. Wow! Now those are some outstanding OOAK dolls! Thanks for sharing their URL.

    1. D7ana - Aren't they just gorgeous! I have to go back and spend some time on their site and look at as many dolls as I can.

  2. Ok immediately after commenting I need to go back over and start deciding which doll I want or if I can think of my own theme.
    Now, they are absolutely uh...does gorgeous say it? mm mmm mmm
    For me the best part is the husband and wife team! How many men do you know would be able to be that involved that much into your Barbies? What partners! Luv it Luv it luv it!

    1. Grandmommy - I assumed they were husband and wife. I have to go back and look at their story. Did you pick out the doll you want yet? LOL!

  3. Their work is amazing. I've heard of them and seen photos of their OOAK dolls online before, but never knew until now who made up the team NiniMomo. Thanks for sharing the Youtube video which gives a glimpse into their fan-tab-u-lous creations.


    1. DBG - I felt it was important to show the creators. I have to go back and see every doll there. They are mesmerizing.

  4. Hey Friend!!
    What A Great Post!!
    This is so so amazing I can't stop looking on it!
    Thank You For Share It With Us On "DOLL PASSION".
    Congratz Also For The Idea Of A Disclosure To The NINIMOMO Art Job!!

    1. Jorge - I'm glad you are enjoying the beautiful dolls. Each doll is just incredible!

  5. What spectacular dolls. My jaw dropped. Thanks for sharing the photos.

    1. Roville - I was in awe, so I wanted to share them with my friends.

  6. I am inspired! Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Chynadoll - You are welcome! I was inspired, too, to step it up in my own field of expertise. Sure wish my workspace was as organized! Maybe I should start there.

  7. First off, what a beautiful couple they are. I've seen a few of their dolls on flickr, not sure if it's their account or someone who purchased the dolls but they were gorgeous!

    They do amazing work! After reading Ms. Leo's interview and seeing this couple, I've wanna a guy who shares my collecting interest, LOL.

    Great post.

    1. Tracy - I love when I come across husband and wife teams in the doll world. Any world for that matter. Those guys are a little hard to find. I feel lucky because my new guy is very supportive of what I do with the dolls and he reads all my blog posts. I'm very happy about that.

      I can't wait to spend some more time drooling at their dolls.

    2. That's so good to hear, Vanessa. I mean, if anyone takes the time to view your videos, dioramas, and photo stories, it's a given that they would become a fan. I mean, what you've created is a production, really.

      My older sister views your blog and videos from time to time, and she really enjoys them and she's not a collector at all.

      She says, she can't get over your furniture making talent, LOL.

    3. Tracy - Please tell your sister I said hello and thanks!

  8. I knew them, but I had not seen this video, it's amazing how they organize all their materials... They make wonderful OOAKS, it's a pity they're out of my budget...

    1. Rossetti - I would love to have one of the TV shows come and do a couple of my rooms with organization in mind. That makes sure a huge difference. Don't feel bad, they are out of my budget, too. But at least they have lay-away. LOL!

  9. thank you to share with us. They do a very good job !

    1. Shasarignis - You are welcome. Glad you enjoyed seeing their work.

  10. Hello from Spain: I knew the work of these artists. In Europe are well known. All creations are gorgeous. Glad I also succeed in America. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Nice to hear that they are known worldwide. They do such incredible work.

  11. Isn't their work amazing??? I own 4 of their creations, and am always astounded by how detailed and beautiful each one is. I hope to add another to my collection in the future.

    1. In A Dolly's World - Will you adopt me? LOL! Congrats on owning some of these beauties. They really are incredible!


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