Sunday, September 9, 2012

Katniss and Other Target Discoveries

 Friday I ventured into a Target....just to look.  I wanted to see if the Tim Gunn dolls were there.  I had no intention of buying them yet, but I wanted to see them in person.  They were there!  The outfits and accessories are nice.  I can do without the dolls, although the brunette isn't bad.  They had the Katniss doll.  I had no intention on buying her yet, either, but Target's price for this doll is $24.99, which is cheaper than  Not to mention, she is fully articulated, wrists, elbows and knees.  So she was allowed to come home with me.

I really like this doll.  She can stand on her own with her boots on.  She does have arched feet, to wear heels if she ever needs to.

Remember I showed you guys this picture a few days ago?  Well, IT"S NOT TRUE, at least not for the playsets at Target.  There is not a black and a white baby in this set.  There are only two white babies.  I checked it out in the store yesterday.  What a bummer!

But I could have sworn that Jessica said she had this set and hers did come with a black baby, too.  I am so confused!  Is there a set out there somewhere with both babies?  Does anyone know? 

Speaking of babies, the crib is finally listed in my Etsy shop.  It can fit infants up to Kelly sized dolls. 


  1. Hello from Spain: I have the same white crib you sell. I'm sure your fans will like. You're right that both Shelly as babies enter it. I love the Barbie you bought. I want to buy the collection Barbies Tim Gunn. They are wearing some wonderful clothes. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Did someone make your crib? The crib I am selling is handmade and designed by me. You are going to enjoy the Tim Gunn fashions. See you soon.

    2. Hello from Spain again: I thought it was the white cradle Mattel. Your doing a great job with this crib. Sorry for the mistake. Keep in touch

  2. That crib is too cute. I'm sure it won't last long.

    Congrats on Katniss.


    1. DBG - Thanks. I hope the crib finds it's way to a nice home. It sure helps when Mattel puts the doll on an articulated body. As I see it I saved $17 on this doll. $5 off retail and $12 on a new body.

  3. I'll have to go venture to Target soon too! Shame about the playset though.

    1. Verona - Maybe by time you get to Target they will be having one of their sales.

  4. I do love the Katniss. Is she considered "barbie collector"? TRU is having a bogo/50 off this week but "Barbie collector" is excluded:/

    1. Miss Lola - According to BC, she is part of the Black Label Collection. Thanks for the heads up on TRU. I will make sure I stay away. LOL!

  5. Hi Vanessa, told did a great job on that crib...I know quality when I see it!!!

    You Rock!

  6. Congratulations on getting the Katniss Barbie! She's on my list, too. And that was neat getting her at a lower cost, too.

    Your crib will sell soon as DBG predicts. Wish I could get it but not possible now. Eh. Some other day.

    Thanks for sharing this news! Looking forward to your Halloween party.

    1. D7ana - After missing out on Barbie Basics 2.5 Metallics brunette doll, I definitely wanted to buy this one. She does not disappoint.

      I guess I better get started making some Halloween treats.

    2. I missed ALL the Barbie Basics - wah! - so I know what you mean. Hope I do not miss her.

      Oh yes. Looking forward to your Halloween party ;-D.

  7. Katniss is so awesome. Mine finally came in the mail yesterday, although unfortunately I'd already ordered her on Barbie Collector before I saw the Target price. But I love her regardless.
    The crib looks great.

    1. Alura - I agree. She is very nice. They did a really good job on her.

  8. Sorry if I got you confused but I had two AA babies

    1. jessikaj - So do you have an older nursery set that had the AA doctor and babies? Or do you have this new set with an AA doctor and babies? I haven't seen the AA version of this set anywhere, do I didn't think it existed.

    2. It was older set but it looks exactly the same but all the dolls were AA

    3. jessicka - Oh okay. I have that older AA set already. I would like to have the new baby in this set because she is different. Thanks for clearing it up.

  9. Great job on the crib. I hope you will make more. I am on no doll shopping right now....well kinda sorta lol! If it is a steal of a deal and a must have then no doll shopping is off. Lol!

    Love the Katniss doll. She is on my wish list. Congrats on getting her.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. Yes I plan to make more, soon. I was supposed to be on no doll shopping, but needed a little pick me up, and buying doll stuff is great for that.

  10. Congrats on the savings, Vanessa! I think Katniss is really pretty. I've decided to pass on her but she is gorgeous.

    I will keep my eyes open regarding the playset. It makes sense to have an AA and Caucasian baby. Haven't they done that with past playsets? Hmmm...

    1. Tracy - I can understand passing on her especially when your new Stardolls are coming down the pipe.

      I know one of the playsets I bought had a lighter skinned AA baby and a darker skinned AA baby. I don't know if I've ever seen a white and a black baby together. Would have been nice.

  11. I saw her at Target too, and was tempted! I was bummed about the info on the Dr barbie playset, that would have been nice to have two different babies.

    I saw the Tim Gun sets at Target and they have the dolls for $34.99!!! So the dolls are cheaper on BBC, if you do not mind paying shipping, but the fashions and dolls are nice. I especially love the brunette one. I missed out on the metallic basics myself and most of the first ones in the little black dress.

    1. Lisa - Luckily I already knew the Target Tim Gunn dolls were going to be $34.99. So I wasn't shocked. Oddly enough, they have one of the dolls marked to $24.99 online with free shipping over $50. Not a bad deal if you wanted a doll and an accessory pack.

  12. I would love to have Katniss in my collection, it's a pity she doesn't come to Spain, and if she does, I cannot afford her price (around 70-80 dollars!!! in change). The other set is very cute too, a pity the two babies are the same!

    1. Rossetti - That is a shame that Katniss won't come there. I still don't understand how Mattel decides which dolls can be sold internationally and which can not.

  13. I'm planning to make my own Katniss doll

    1. Sergio - I hope you will show her on your blog when you finish.

  14. The more I see Katniss, the more I like her. The fact that she can stand on her own two feet is an added bonus (doll stands are hard to find here). Interestingly she is for sale here but so far I have only seen her at one store - sometimes whether a doll is sold internationally and where depends on licensing agreements and that is listed on the Mattel site.
    Your crib looks great and I'm sure (like everyone else) that it will sell quickly.

    1. Carrickters - You know my motto..."It you have an inkling of interest, buy!" I don't think you will be disappointed with Katniss.

      As for Mattel, I know where they sell is based on licensing agreements. Do licensing agreements explain why they don't sell to certain countries? That's what I'm interested in, the why behind these decisions.

  15. I saw 3 Katniss at Walmart in the clearance section. I was like, "Oh, wow, they've priced them wrong!" I went running to the scanner and the dang thangs were $24.97! Tricky, Walmart!

    1. Muff - This is one of Walmart's new unscrupulous selling tactics. They do this all the time, now. They put regular priced items in the clearance section to get people to think they are on sale. They know some people will buy without batting an eye. I confronted a manager about this late last year. He had nothing to say. I've considered reporting them, because it's no accident that it is happening.


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