Monday, September 10, 2012

$15 Bieber Playsets at Big Lots

I stopped by Big Lots yesterday.  They had both Bieber playsets for $15 each.  I picked them up, then I put them down.  Then I picked them up again and took them to the register.  When I looked at each set carefully and analyzed what I was getting, I felt $15 was a great price.  They are sold on average between $29 and $33.  Which still isn't bad, considering what you get.

The first set is on the Onstage playset.  It's mostly nicely made instruments.

I already have a keyboard, but this one was hard to pass up.  Chris will probably have this in his studio.  You can also see the drum sticks in this picture.

The drumset and the guitar are again, well made.

Getting an articulated doll with a nice outfit is always a good thing.  I may do a repaint and complete hair change since I already have a Bieber doll.

The microphone, headsets and the heart chair are in this corner.

Here is a picture of the back, so you can see what the chair looks like. 

The second set is called the Backstage playset.  I only took one picture before my camera battery died.

This picture is from  You get the cool dressing table and chair (not pink).  On the dressing table is an IPOD with a docking station.  The controller for the video game is also there.  The video system has the large screen and the gaming box is mounted to the side.  You get the boxed pizza, a can of soda, the cute dog, a water soaker, and the articulated doll, with a very cool outfit.  It will come with the tuxedo style t-shirt.  Not the purple shirt pictured here.  The water soaker is priceless.  This is the first time I have seen a 1/6 water soaker.  

So when you look at all that comes in this set, it is well worth the $15.  I'm glad I came to my senses and picked it back up again.  I would have regretted leaving these in the store.  Great props are hard to come by.


  1. Oh cool Vanessa...the instruments look so real!

  2. I have the first set and I still love everything in it. $15 really is a great deal for all it comes with. The second set looks awesome too.

  3. Love them, I have them both. That supper soaker is cool!

  4. Thanks Vanessa, i will put this on my totally buy list. I love justin bieber but i really hadnt thought about buying until now

  5. I would have done what you did if I get that same offer here. But that doesn't happen in our part of the world which is a good thing since I spend less. Hehehe.

  6. All man I hope they get those at my big lot I have the first set got it from marshalls I would so love the second one you got that super soaker does look really cool, 15 was a great price.

  7. That set polls great but I don't like Justin Bieber so if I paired it with a different doll would it still work?

  8. Oh wow, great haul. I don't think I've ever seen all that set #2 comes with. The super soaker is really cool. I'm oogling the IPOD and video game set! I think I'm diggin' this drum set over Liv's set...don't know why but I like it.

    I hope my Big Lots is on board. ;)

  9. hey Vanessa thanks for the heads up. I bought a bunch of instruments off of ebay in a lot, but wanted this set but it was running at the prices you mentioned- had no idea Big Lots had them in. Going out today so will check and see if my big lots has them.

    Walmart has all of their justin dolls on sale for about $10 now, and one had a super soaker with it, the other had the cute dog with it too.

  10. Ooh Oooh!! And I need a drum kit! Thanks for sharing!

  11. To All:
    Good luck to those trying to find this set. Sorry to enable, but always happy to share great deals. We can always use more props.

    SisIlovesinging - This set will work with any of the fashion dolls, so maybe you can just sell or give the Bieber doll away.

  12. The question is... do I *really* want to give the Neemos musical instruments? I'll never sleep again... ;_;

    1. Heather - With that group you have over there, instruments are probably not recommended. LOL.

  13. 15$! Cool! I got the drum set at TJ Maxx for $19.99. I'll have to go to Big Lots and get the Backstage one too. Thanks for the heads up!

  14. Congratulations on getting both sets at a decent price.

    I like the dog - soooo cute - and the darker outfit. Teen-sized, articulated male figure and those musical instruments are also Wanted ;-D

    Sigh ... we all enable at some time or the other ;-)

  15. Hello from Spain: I like musical instruments that are in the pack of Justin Bieber. The musical instruments are very real. You can use them in at The Den. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - This set has some of the nicest instruments I've seen in this size. I'm looking forward to getting them in the hands of some of my dolls.

  16. Great buys! I hope they are still around after Wu Con.

    1. Georgia Girl - You are going to be so tired of buying dolls after Wu con, you won't think twice about these sets. LOL.

  17. Thanks Vanessa! I've been wanting a drum set. I appreciate your being an enabler! Lol

    1. veda - You are welcome. Just call me Vanessa Enabler Morrison.

  18. Great purchases! I haven't seen these sets here, and for that prize they are just perfect! I also love the water soaker, I wouldn't expect that in a Bieber set.

    1. Rossetti - I can't wait to use some of these great props. I guess Bieber is a big water gun guy. That soaker shows up with a few of his other dolls, too.


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