Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Family Fun Day Preview

This past Labor Day, which was celebrated on Sept 3rd, the Morristown community celebrated Family Fun Day.  Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of what took place.  There are many more pictures that I will share with you by tomorrow.

The college crew was chllin' at the beach.  Our friend Kim (in the blue and yellow), got the second Disney Tatiana body.)

Kurt and Sean are renting out jetskis and mopeds.

Most of the families are hanging out in the picnic area with the kid activities.

David, Leslie's husband, has organized a 3 on 3 basketball tournament.  David is loving his new Ken outfit.

There is a concession stand on the premises.

The kids are enjoying the bumper cars....

the merry-go-round and the playground in the back.

A couple of the college kids decided to rent some mopeds and go riding.  Faith is flying!

Hope you enjoyed the preview pictures.  Come back tomorrow to see the rest of the photos and perhaps a little story.


  1. Family fun day looks like a lot of fun! Can't wait to see more!

    1. Vita Plastica - If I could do half the things my dolls get to do, I would be in heaven!

  2. It looks like everyone is having a blast! I'm excited to see the rest.

    1. Alura - They had an incredible time. They are such a close community.

  3. Real sand and bumper cars! Your dolls have the best fun ever and lead such active lifestyles! My poor dolls just sit around staring at each other. Cant wait to see more of the basketball game.

    1. Muff - My dolls are so spoiled, but they know how to have a good time. Send your dolls over here when they want a little activity in their lives.

  4. I am hearing the Brady Bunch's Sunshine Day playing - lol. Bc it's families. What music is really going on over there or does that depend on which family we are near?

    David looks great in the basketball outfit. The basketball court looks good, too.

    Glad to see the people chillin' before the Fall frost.

    1. D7ana - That is a good song for Family Fun Day. I watch the Brady Bunch every Sunday. That episode played a couple of months ago. Sometimes a handsome guy can make a so so outfit pop.

  5. Hello from Spain: I see that these families are really enjoying Labor Day ... I like a lot of the boat and motorbikes. The basketball court seems real. I love all your attractions. The photos are gorgeous. I Can not wait to see more pictures ... Baby sitting on the table is very cute, is Mattel? keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. The families are having a really good time. The baby on the table is Mattel. It is from the Happy Family series. It's Shopping Day Nikki, or something like that.

  6. They all look like there having a blast! Oh, how I wish to have a moped (an actual one)!

    1. Verona - I remember when mopeds were all the craze. Those were the days. The closest I've gotten to riding one is through Faith, Jasmine, and Kim.

  7. Spectacular! I love the bumper cars! Only you could find them. I bet you had them in the basement! I also love the merry-go-round. Go Faith! Put the pedal to the metal! A good time was had by all!

    1. Ms. Leo - You are psychic! The bumper cars were in the basement. LOL!

  8. Looks like lots of fun in the sun!

    The kiddies looked so cute in those bumper cars.

    Tell Ian to take off those flip-flops before trying to shoot some hoops... wouldn't want him to trip and damage that handsome face.


    1. DBG - Yes they had loads of fun! Ciana was a holy terror on those bumper cars.

      I think all the men changed into sneakers before actually playing. LOL! Last I checked, all handsome faces were in tact.

  9. Wow! I don't even do stuff that cool! I'm so jealous!!!

    1. sisIlovessinging - Don't feel bad. Neither do I. Luckily I can pseudo experience through the dolls.

  10. You have the coolest props ever...wow! I have never seen the bumper cars nor the basketball goals. Very nice! I look forward to seeing your other pics.

    1. Georgia Girl - The bumper cars came out in early 2000, I think. Mattel had some great playsets around that time. That is also when I got the arcade games that I showed in an earlier video. The basketball goals came with the WNBA basketball dolls. The dolls were just regular Barbies, They are able to shoot the ball and everything. I hope to show them one day.

  11. What a fun day, all your dolls looked like they were having a ball. I'm looking forward to the story.

    1. Carrickters - By the time you read this comment, the story should be up. So go take a look. They had way too much fun.

  12. What a beautiful day it was outside! The photos are awesome, and everyone looks like they really enjoyed themselves. I love the way Marisa's kicking back with her shades and hat on, soaking up the sun...too cute.

    The kid's bumper car set, it's too cute! The guys look serious about their game. :)

    Can't wait to see all the action.

    1. Tracy - Faith (Marisa) could use a little sun. LOL! Aren't guys always serious about their game. I think they made it through without too much arguing.

  13. C'est trop chou ! Surtout les activités pour les enfants. Tu as toujours de très bonnes idées. Félicitation !

    1. Shasarignis - Merci. Les idées à venir, je vais donc continuer à créer.

  14. It's so amazing how real everything looks, you really have a gift in creating the most wonderful dios...

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! What a sweet thing to say. The full blown story is up and posted now. Hope you will take a look.


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