Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Family Fun Day - Jetskiing!

If you saw my post yesterday, you know that Morristown had Family Fun Day this past Labor Day.  I will post that photostory later today.  After a lot of the activities, some of the residents took to the water on the new jetski.

After the fun these three had mopeding, Faith convinced them to go jetskiing.  They realized they didn't have bathing suits, but they didn't care!

"Faith, aren't you going a little fast?"  (Jasmine)
"You're supposed to go fast."  (Faith)

I now realize that Faith is a little dare devil.

After Diego's win on the basketball court, he and Halle even ventured out on the water.  No real surprise here.  After all he is a motorcycle rider.

"That's it, honey.  Now give it a little more power."  (Diego)

"There you go!"  (Diego)

Finally, Sean, Shannon's dad, took her, Nikaya, and Todd out for a ride.

Tyler was having a great time.

Raven arrived after most of the activities were over.  She had a prior family engagement.  Ian tried to convince her to go jetskiing, but she didn't want any part of it.  So they just took a walk.

"So how was the luncheon?" (Ian)
"It was nice, but I would have rather been here."  (Raven)

"Well, I spent most of the time playing basketball.  We had a 3-on-3 tournament." (Ian)
"Did you win?"  (Raven)
"Did I win?  What kind of question is that?  Don't I always win?"  (Ian)
"Oh boy.  You better kiss me before your head explodes."  (Raven)

[Ian has basketball hair.  LOL!  I need to reflock him. His hair came off when I first got him.  Mattel sent me a refund.  Now that I have flocking material, I will take care of him.]

These pictures were taken at my boyfriend's complex.  I was fortunate enough to have the pool all to myself.  I'm sure I was getting some interesting looks from some of those windows as I was doing the photoshoot.  I felt like one of the rap artists who rent out houses with pools, to do music videos. LOL!  

How much do I love you guys and my dolls?  Well, I haven't put on a bathing suit and gotten into an outdoor pool in ......  Let's just say it's been so long that I can't even remember.  The last time I remember being outdoors in a pool, I was about 12 yrs old.  I did swim a few times in the pool at my gym.  That was four years ago.  I must say it felt good being outside in the water.  

The jetski is very nice.  The tube that Todd was riding in has two holes in it.  I had to make sure the tube didn't fill up with water, otherwise it wouldn't float for long.  Todd and I figured it out, though.   It is a wonderful prop.  As you can see, it can hold three adult dolls as well. 


  1. Great Pics,Vanessa!
    Lovely Story!!
    Thanks For Share It With Us On "Doll Passion"

    1. Jorge - Thanks for sharing the day with my dollies.

  2. How awesome to have the pool to yourself!!!

    This is a cute one, although in those first couple of pics I worried for Todd, I couldn't tell he was floating on his back, LOL

    1. Heather - It was great having the pool alone. Todd was just fine. He only went under a couple of times. He is above water in all of these shots. Vanessa was on the side ready to jump in to save him if necessary.

  3. I'll comment on the photos later! I just wanted to say " Vanessa's got a boyfriend, Vanessa's got a boyfriend!" Lucky Him!

    1. Ms. Leo - You silly! Thanks. We are both lucky. He is quite the catch.

  4. LOL! You know that people were staring out their windows at you going, "Honey, HONEY! Look, look at this lady. OMG, get the camera phone!"

    I was actually feeling a little anxious for Todd's safety myself and then you say he only went under a couple of times, lol. Kids are adventurous though.

    1. Muff - I can imagine I will be showing up on someone's FB page as the crazy lady playing with dolls. I would have dove in to save Tyler if need be. After all, he is my son.

  5. These are such awesome shots. It must have been nice to have the pool all to yourself and your dolls!

    1. Alura - Thanks. It was nice being alone at the pool. I don't think I would have taken the pictures if there had been people there.

  6. Don't you just love getting funny looks while you play! I just smile and tell my self they're just jealous. Thanks for getting in the water the shots were great!

    1. Mustiwait - Well, there has only been one time when people actually saw me. That was when I did the golf shots at the park. There was a class of high school kids there. I'm sure they thought I was a little wacky, but they didn't say anything.

  7. Wow Vanessa, j'aimerai beaucoup être à leur place. c'est génial !

    1. Shasarignis - J'aimerais être à leur place, trop. Mais je me suis amusé la prise de photos.

  8. Hello from Spain: I like the aquatic weed. Your girls will have a great time in the water. What a laugh with Todd swimming. I love Ian. I also I have him in my collection. My Ian also lost some of his hair .... The pool looks very inviting for swimming .. Your swam in the pool??? I see that you have a very good weather. In my country still is sunny but summer ends and autumn begins soon .. We keep in touch.

    1. Marta - I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. Yes, Ian is a nice one to have in the collection. Yes, I got in the water. I didn't do any swimming. I just wanted to take the pictures. We still have nice weather, but it will soon be autumn. They will close the pool at the end of September.

  9. Great shots! It's great you got the pool all to yourself. One of the reasons I don't go much to the pool anymore: to avoid all the people who hog the pool :).

    1. Verona - Thanks. During the summer there were lots of kids running around the pool. Luckily they are all back in school.

  10. Thanks for getting in the pool and taking these cool photos. Looks like the Morristown crew had lots of fun whether on water or on land.

    Congrats on having the pool to yourself and your new beau.

    1. D7ana - Thanks! My dolls have such a fun life. I'm trying to keep up with them.

  11. Love your pics! As I've said before, you have the coolest props. That was really great that you had the pool to yourself. Really loving your Fun Day pics.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. The things we will do and the money we will spend for our dolls. For $26 that jetski was getting into some real water. Even my props have to earn their keep.

  12. Ooh, you did all that just for us, wow. Looks like it was great fun and I'm glad to hear that Todd only went under a few times and wasn't harmed in the process.

    1. Carrickters - Yes all for you guys! I also had to justify buying the $26 jetski. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do my swan dive and save Tyler (Todd) from the bottom of the lake.

  13. You answered my question. I was like that looks like a real pool - how did she do that?

    1. Kenya - Real pool, fake chocolate cake. LOL! Isn't dolly world fun?

  14. Great location shots. I bought a small plastic pool summer before last intending to shoot my dolls in it but I haven't used it yet. My big fear of shooting around water is that I will drop the camera in!

    1. limbe dolls - I had the exact same fear about my camera and this pool. I am always dropping something. I was on high alert. I don't even have a wrist band on my point and shoot camera. But it turned out great and the camera survived.

  15. Wonderful pictures, thanks for doing them (in spite of your dislike of pools and swimming) because the look just great! Congrats!!

    1. Rossetti - Oh I don't dislike pools and swimming. I really like them. I am prone to sunburns. Glad you liked the pictures.


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