Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Danielle is Upset! (Photostory)

Rod, Danielle and the boys have returned  from dropping off Nicole  Rod told Danielle the meeting didn't go well, , but he didn't discuss the details in front of the kids   Danielle headed upstairs to put a sleeping Jacob down for the night. 

"How you doin', little man?  I'm sorry about earlier, when we dropped off Nicole."  (Rod)
"Why didn't Nicole come sleep here?"  (Julian)

Danielle returns to the living room and takes a seat.

"Julian wants to know why Nicole didn't come back with us.  This is probably a good time to have that chat we discussed."  (Rod)
"Come here, Julian."  (Danielle)

"Remember we talked about Nicole having a mommy, just like you have a mommy?  Well, her mommy has a house and Nicole has a room at that house where she sleeps sometimes.  She loves her mommy and her mommy loves her, so they need to spend time together, too.   Sometimes, she will sleep here with us, and you guys will get to play together,  eat together, and do all kinds of fun stuff."  (Danielle)

"Mommy, I don't think her mommy likes me."  (Julian)

"Honey, that can't be true.  She was probably just having a bad day.  How can she not like you, of all people?  You're so cute and adorable and the best little boy a person could ever ask for.  Give me a hug and don't think anymore about it."  (Danielle)

Danielle gives Julian a hug.  She notices that he is squeezing tighter than usual.

She shoots Rod a look as if to say, "What the hell happened?"

"That was a good hug.  Your hugs always make me feel better.  Did my hug make you feel better?"  (Danielle)
"Yes. I feel much better."  (Julian)
"Let's go get ready for bed and I will read you a quick story.  Give Rod a goodnight hug."  (Danielle)

"Good night, Julian.  I'll see you in the morning.  I love you, man."  (Rod)

When Danielle leaves the room, Rod sinks down into the sofa.  He is anticipating the conversation he will have when Danielle returns.  This is not how he envisioned spending his first night back from his honeymoon. He considers having tea ready for her when she returned.  But thought arming her with hot tea was probably not a good idea.  He was still getting to know his new bride, and he didn't want to make any assumptions.  He had heard horror stories about wives, husbands, and hot drinks and food.

When Danielle returns, he can feel her anger.
"What the hell happened when you were in there with Melanie?"  (Danielle)
"First, I need you to come closer to me.  I don't like the distance you have put between us."  (Rod)
Danielle gets up and heads to the couch.  Rod pulls her into his lap before she lands on the cushions.

"Now that's better."  (Rod)
Rod proceeds to tell Danielle what happened.  She is getting redder as the story goes on.  By the end, she has hopped up and she is fuming.

"What is wrong with that woman! Why would you attack an innocent child?  I treat her daughter with nothing but respect and love, and she wants to treat my son like he's nothing.  I didn't break up her marriage.  Julian's not a child you fathered while being married to her.  She has no right to lash out at us."  (Danielle)

"You know, I've been going along with you, and waiting until you felt the time was right for us to meet.  Well, I'm not waiting anymore.  She has crossed the line, and the time is now.  As a matter of fact, call her right now.  I want to talk to her and straighten out a few things."  (Danielle)
"Honey, I understand you are angry, but calling her now, will not solve anything."  (Rod)
 "Maybe I don't want to solve anything right now.  I just want her to know that what she did was just wrong.  And did you say anything to her about her behavior?"  (Danielle)

"Honey, I am just as angry about it as you are, but if we get out of control and try to deal with this when we are angry, we are playing right into her game.  She is not trying to hurt you or Julian.  She is trying to hurt me.  So tomorrow we will deal with this together.  Okay."   (Rod)
"I guess so, but I am still so angry."  (Danielle)

"Well let's go upstairs and shower.  Then I will give you one of my famous back rubs.  It is guaranteed to calm you down."  (Rod)
"What if I don't want to be calmed down."  (Danielle)
"Oh honey.  Come here."  (Rod)

"I just don't understand how people can be mean to kids for no reason.  They are such innocent creatures and all most of them want is love and attention."  (Danielle)
Rod can feel her tensing up again.  Whether she wants it or not, she is getting that back rub.  The last thing he wants to sleep next to is an angry woman.


  1. she have to be angry becouse that melaine is so mean i hate her if i was danille i was going to kill her.

    1. jassica - Well I hope they will all work it out, so their is no animosity in the end.

  2. I get why Melaine was treating Jullian like that but it doesn't give her the right to. I hope everything gets resolved.

    1. Barbie's Generation - No, I don't get why Melanie was treating Julian like that. Not when she is the one who wanted and filed for the divorce. She didn't want a blue collar man in her life after he had stuck by her and supported her while she sought out a partnership in her law firm. No, if you are leaving because you think it will make you happier in the end, then for heaven's sake, root for the good man you left to find happiness too. She should be happy that he finally has more kids in his life since she didn't want to give him more kids. Nope. I don't get the animosity, but unfortunately things like this happen all the time in real life. By the way, thanks for stopping by. I hope my response doesn't run you away. I just like keeping it real.

    2. Haha, no it doesn't run me away! Nothing from this show can. Not even if something bad happens to my favorite character! I think she still likes Rod, I can be wrong though

    3. Barbie's Gen - Thanks for hanging in there. If you believe what she told Tina, the psychiatrist, she doesn't want him back. She's just not happy about the marriage. You can revisit that episode here. After reading that episode again, I see I need to get Melanie back in to see Tina.

  3. Melanie has been so RUDE! She has a child herself so she should know not to treat kids like that. I hope Nicole doesn't become anything like her mother and much more like Rod.

    1. sislovessinging - I am really hoping that Melanie will come around. The fact that she reached out to see a counselor in the recent past, tells me that she is trying to get through this.

  4. I don't blame Danielle one bit for wanting to talk to Melanie, but I guess it's good that Rod didn't let her do it right then. Hopefully they're all able to work it out in a civil manner.

    1. Alura - The good think is neither one seem like fighting women, so I have my fingers crossed that they will make it through.

  5. Danielle's reaction doesn't surprise me. I think she will get a chance to set Melanie straight in due time. Doing so while she 's angry is not the proper time. I 'm glad Rod was able to diffuse the situation for the time being. They do need to have a civil, one on one conversation so Danielle can put Melanie in check.


    1. DBG - Doing it while angry rarely ever results in anything good. It usually ends up on the 10 'o clock news as lead story with someone getting hurt or worse.

  6. Isn't that always the case....the poor innocent children always get hurt in adult situations. Danielle did a great job of making Julian feel better. Looking forward to Danielle talking to Melanie....after a good nights sleep and one relaxing backrub. : )

    1. Debbie - It is always the case and it's so sad. Adults always think, oh they will be okay. That's not always the case. For some kids it just takes one little incident to change who they are.

  7. Melanie needs a man to help her chill out and stop hating on Rod. Period. LOL

    1. The grandmommy - That would resolve a lot of issues. If she had found her man first, I imagine she would be handling this situation a lot differently. She's probably gone out a few times and realized what she had was pretty good considering. I hope she finds Mr. Money Bags soon.

  8. Danielle 'bout to go Mama Bear up in this piece! My money is on Danielle. But seriously, Melanie needs to deal with her issues. There is no reason to be nasty to some kid who obviously loves your daughter and sees her as family.

    Although, every time one of my sister's boyfriends or husbands called my mother "Mom," I wanted to sock them in the face! That's my mother you ahole, not yours. Soooo, maybe that is what Melanie is feeling, a sense of possessiveness that she cant control.

    1. Muff - I can always count on your for a laugh out loud moment. You take me back to my high school days with some of your sayings.

      We have learned over the past few posts, you are controlling and possessive. We appreciate your honesty. I love when people call my mom, "Mom". I know it makes her feel good, too. My friends still do it today. But sometimes possessiveness runs deep and it's hard to control. Since that's Melanie's only child, I can see why she would be possessive. But if she looked at the positive side, here is a little boy, that loves her daughter, and who would probably bring a little joy into her (Melanie) life. But it's all kind of fresh and new now. She just needs some time to come to terms with HER DECISION to move on.

  9. Gah!!! Oh, I knew this was going to boil up. Hopefully Melaine will get over her issues, or find somebody else. She's the one who filed for divorce, not him.

    1. Verona - I think she needs to deal with her issues, first. She doesn't want to take that baggage into a new relationship. I'm rooting for her to get it together.

  10. but i want to ask something how do you make the dolls eyes close and you return them to its real face they came with that's weird

    1. jassica - Whenever you see closed eyes, it is done in a image editing software, like Photoshop. The one I use is called Microsoft Imaging Pro. There are some free ones out there. GIMP is one that I know of, but I don't know what it can do. If I get a chance, I will take a look.

    2. GIMP does pretty much everything you can do in Photoshop plus you can download it for free. Both programs allow you to "paint" images. You can use colors and brushes to create a completely original image or you can use the tools to manipulate a photograph and make changes like "closing" a doll's eyes.

      Great story!

    3. lime dolls - Thanks for the overview of GIMP. Now I can mark that task off my 'to do' list. Glad you liked the story.

  11. Hello from Spain: Julian is always adorable. I agree with Rod and his ex-wife wants to hurt him and not Julian. You state your a very real ex-wives ... keep in touch

    1. Marta - Why do exes always want the other to hurt? Thanks for keeping in touch.

  12. Van, I love how (in one of your comments), you are as dumbfounded by your dolls' personalities as we are (about our dolls too sometime!) I hope Danielle does not tear out Mel's hair as THIS Danielle would like her to, but handles herself like the lady we know she is. I'm sure nothing would make Mel angrier than Danielle holding her own with confidence and Grace! Dani

    1. Vita Plastica - They do leave me dumbfounded at times. My plans are rarely adhered to. My plans included Melanie falling in love with Julian, like the rest of us have. She had other plans. Maybe Danielle will call on some of your peeps over there to do her dirty work. LOL! Oooh, I should make Danielle and Rod tshirts that say, "I'm With Him", and "I'm With Her." These would be their talk to Melanie shirts. LOL!

  13. Oh that was GOOD and so realistic. I would have glared at Rod over Julian's shoulder too. Poor baby, I was hoping Melanie's vibe was over his head.

    1. Kenya - Thanks. Kids may not understand words, but they are pretty good at picking up on vibes. I have to give Rod props for moving closer to Danielle after that glare. Most men would have retreated.

  14. Well done. I hope Rod plans to take Danielle to see Melanie because if I was her I'd be going with or without him.

    1. Mustiwait - Thanks. Danielle made it very clear that she was going with or without him.

  15. After what Melanie did, I understand Danielle and I don't know if I could have stopped from going to her place at that very moment... It's a pity they start their new life like that...

    1. Rossetti - Believe me, she was ready, but a cooler head (Rod), prevailed. It's important not to play her game.

  16. I think that Danielle, though her anger, will manage to discuss with Melanie, as the handsome and lovely lady she is

    1. Sergio - I hope you are right. Danielle has surprised us before though, so I will not put anything past her.

  17. I don't see Melanie or Danielle as "Meeting in the Ladies Room" types, but this last action of Melanie could have taken it to that level. I love seeing Danielle in fierce momma mode.

    On one hand, I can understand Rod's probably unconscious desire to "show off" the charm of his new family, but on the other hand, I think bringing Julian in unexpectedly was not his best move. Shrug.

    I am interested to see how Nicole reacts to her mother's treatment of her new step-brother. Melanie was so busy getting at Rod through Julian, I bet she didn't consider that aspect. Nicole is older than Julian. Not only would she have registered the snub, she might feel disappointed or even angered. Serve Melanie right if she got unexpected backlash from that corner.

    Thanks for sharing this story. Love your characters ... even mean ole Melanie (scowl). Especially Julian ;-D

    1. D7ana - I don't know what Rod was really thinking. Was he just positively responding to a little boy who wanted to go with his sister? Did it even dawn on him that Melanie might be upset about seeing Julian? Was he punishing Melanie for changing the plans yet again? Girl, I don't know. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

    2. Hunkering down to watch it all ;-D

  18. Hi Vanessa! I watch your videos and my name on there is 15daboss, I'm excited on how this confrontation will play out, but hopefully, Melanie will get a better understanding of how her actions affect others.

    1. A-lise - Thanks for stopping by the blog. There is so much that goes on here in between videos. I am just as anxious as everyone else to see how this plays out.

  19. I hope they are able to make peace especially for the sake of the kids.

    1. Georgia Girl - Usually there is some semblance of peace in the end. I just hope it doesn't take them too long to get there.

  20. I guess the question that I have is at what point before something happens should everyone one meet and talk about what they want this to look like? I don't know if talking it out leading up to the wedding would help. Do that come up at all in pre wedding counseling. Is there an app for that! LOL! As they say, we can put a man on the moon but working out the human side of things is a bit hard.

    That said, it wouldn't hurt to have Melanie wake up with Danielle sitting on her bed with a warning followed by a don't make me come back here! No one would believe that she would do that. Butter won't melt in her mouth! They would think Melanie was crazy! Maybe I'm projecting. Dolls do make you do that!

    1. Ms. Leo - There must be an app somewhere for that. Now is the time to meet. If I am the husband to be, that meeting is not taking place right before the wedding, if I think my ex is going to try to sabotage the wedding. A lot of us know that getting married is easy. Getting out of a marriage is hell-a-hard. So if I really love that person, I am not taking a chance that my ex is going to screw that up. We will talk after the "I Dos."

      Personal experience - I didn't meet the ex until after the wedding with my husband. Once divorced, years later, and I dated another man I considered marrying, with two kids. I met the mom within a month of dating him. It was my decision to do so (he fought against it), because I wanted to do 'the right thing'. She wreaked havoc all over the relationship, harming her own kids in the process. I then thought hmmm, maybe he was right. So the moral of the story is.... I don't have a clue. Each situation is different, but as long as humans are involved there is bound to be some drama.

      I like your Danielle-Melanie scenario. I think we underestimate Danielle. It's those quiet ones you have to be concerned about. The loud ones are usually the insecure ones, who talk alot but don't do much.

  21. Wow Danielle has gone a little to far with her anger but I understand. Melanie is just plain old RUDE!!! Will Melanie ever be the " nice guy"

    1. CA Carlson - Welcome to the blog. Mamas tend to get angry when someone is hurting their baby. Happens all the time. It may take Melanie a little time to be the nice guy, but I think she has it in her.

  22. Yeah me to. What kind of doll is rod? I would like a doll like that. Oh also dou have any American Girl Dolls?


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