Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nicole Goes Home (Video)

Well the new video is here.  Hope you enjoy!

Double-click on the YouTube logo to see it fullscreen


  1. I just love the Heart dolls! Have at least one of all of them. They have them for sale now at JoAnn Fabrics too.

    1. pattidolls - I love them too. I have so many, I am in the process of turning some of them into boys.

  2. Phew! At least Melaine was somewhat cordial. Poor Julian though.

    1. Verona - I wouldn't use the word cordial. I think she was tolerant, but definitely a little rude.

  3. Awww poor Julian, Rod and Danielle will have to explain a few things to him. I remember having to have that chat with my kids when they were little. I think Melanie needs to visit the doctor again. If Julian wasn't cute would she have said that out loud too! LOL

    1. Mustiwait - I'm just glad she held back on the comment about the comb. I remember my stepkids calling their mom, excited about me and their dad. All they got back was, "She's NOT your stepmom!" Poor things. She stomped all over their happiness.

  4. Hi,
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    Marille from Poland

    1. Marille - You're welcome. I enjoy doll sewing blogs. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Replies
    1. Sergio - I really thought she would warm up to Julian.

  6. What comes around goes around,Melanie has a daughter thats loves (rod,danielle,julian-ect.) the whole family.Melanie should becareful about what she says.

    1. drupay - I agree. I would like to think she wasn't trying to be really mean to Julian. It was just her reacting subconsciously and that's the way it came out. Rod had tried to get her to have another child quite some time ago. So maybe she is just thinking of what could have been. But I could be wrong. I really wanted her to like Julian, but it just didn't happen.

  7. Wow, poor Julian. I hope most of it went over his head. He just about broke my heart wanting Nicole to come with them though. Hopefully Melanie will learn to come to terms with this.

    1. Alura - At the end of doing this video, I had to take a moment. Him wanting Nicole to come broke my heart, too. It made me think of all the kids that are separated from their real siblings, for whatever reason. Also made me think of the kids in foster care that are split from their siblings. So heart wrenching.

  8. Wagging my finger. Mean Melanie. Cute as Julian is, too. And even if he weren't cute, he's a child. I wonder what Nicole thinks about her Mom's attitude?

    It goes against me to say this but ... you make me like the Only Hearts dolls. Nicole is perfectly cast as Rod's daughter.

    1. D7ana - I think you should add one Only Heart doll to your collection. TJMaxx and Marshalls may still have them for about $5 - $7. I know people don't like the cloth bodies, but those dolls can pose like no one's business.

    2. Thanks, Vanessa. I will ;-D

  9. "I guess you would think that". Wow. He is just a baby. Bitter much. What's her problem. (Well, other than the obvious). Poor Julian...

    1. Onyx - "Bitter much"...LOL. She needs a man, since she decided this one wasn't good enough for her and her friends.

  10. See there! Melanie is going to make Danielle get out of the car! If she had an idea what was said she and her mom would be in the hotel restyling Melanie's hair! Rod would have his hands full then!

    The boy did need and introduction! Told who he was and to say hi. That might have defused things. Sometimes men think that things will just happen without setting the stage. It normally doesn't!

    1. Ms. Leo - I got an ear full from Danielle last night. And so did Rod. Stay tuned for that interchange.

      I agree. Introductions were necessary. I think Rod was thrown off that she was still working at 8pm at night, and not willing to wait for the next morning to get Nicole. He was a little ticked and I think for a moment he forgot Julian was even there, until Julian started talking.

    2. Maybe... anyway lets talk about the video and the dio setup! Great video, of course! I love the menu/placemats! Nice touch. Where did you get those little foil pans... they are so realistic! I really like the buffet. The rice bowls allowed you to not have food all over the place. You could see things well! Nice!

      Granny is kickin' it in that dress and that color looks great on her!

      The price for the food is about right! We eat out once a week. I will pass on the Danielle what my friends told me. Make it a point to eat out once a week. The way you start out is the way it will be!

      Nicole is wearing her earrings from the wedding...awe! They make her look like a big girl! I'm sure they will become her favorites. Did Rod and Danielle give them to her as a gift for the wedding? If so, they will hold a special place in her heart!

      Is Melanie work in a law office or a liquor store. There was a lot of wine there! Case doesn't go well... have a drink? hmmm!

      Jacob needs a little brother! He He!

    3. Ms. Leo - I had to get a cup of tea before answering this comment. All the placemats and menus were just printed from the internet and glue to heavier paper. Cardstock in the printer is another option. The foil pans are Rement from the GoGo Market series. That is not Melanie's office, even though she has a similar credenza in her office. This is the lounge area in the hotel where Rod and Danielle got married. She intentionally had her meeting there as a little dig on Rod. No one really picked up on that. Granny's dress is from WhiteSquirrel on Etsy. I featured her on my blog over a year ago. http://www.etsy.com/shop/WhiteSquirrel.

      You have to remember Nicole has not been home since the wedding reception. Which is video time has only been two days. They were a gift from Danielle. I hope Melanie allows her to keep them.

      Not you too on the 'are they going to have a baby'.

      Also remember that Rod is a great cook. Danielle will get lots of relief from having to cook all the time. For the first two years of my marriage, my husband had dinner waiting for me when I got home because I got off from work an hour later than he did. But I will pass on the information about eating out.

  11. Great episode! Melanie is a real $&@:#! She should have kept Rod when she had him. Hopefully, she will not even think about keeping Nicole away from her new extended family. Julian is too cute and still my favorite character in Morristown.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. It's hard for some women to see their ex happy, even if they didn't want to stay in the marriage. I think she needs to go find that man she's been dreaming of. You know, that well paid, high powered executive.

  12. As usual Julian stole the show. I was about to cry for him!

    But on a side note - $27.50!!! What the heck did they eat?! That much for 2 adults and a kid. Is that what a buffet costs now? Wow.

    1. Muff - I have to admit, at the end, I almost cried for him to. His little face showed so much disappointment.

      It has been awhile since you've been to a buffet. This isn't your Shoney's buffet. It's a little more upscale. But even at Golden Corral (not upscale), and most Chinese buffets I've eaten at, dinner is $9.99 and up. Kids usually eat for a few dollars or free. Add in the cocktail Kara had, and the other drink, and $27.50 is what you get.

  13. Oh, poor Julian, maybe Rod thought he would make things a bit easier with Melanie. These situations are always difficult. I had to laugh at Muff's side note - I was thinking how cheap the meal was, obviously eating out food prices vary a lot from country to country.

    1. Carrickters - Those situations really are very difficult. In time they usually work themselves out, but there will be some bumps along the way.

      As you can see, Muff hasn't eaten out at a buffet in quite some time. I didn't even tell her about the $25 and up Sunday brunch buffets. I didn't think she could handle hearing that.

  14. Framing the drama through the child's eyes was very effective. It amplified the impact without having to escalate the nastiness. Julian is a resilient little chap. I think he will be o.k. I also think he will eventually melt Melanie's heart like he does everyone else's. Great video!

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. I'm not sure Julian understood the words, but as with most little kids, they can feel bad vibes from people. I may have to send him to D7ana to get some lovin'.

  15. Too funny that you fit them all in that bug.

    1. mrscarissa - It's not unusual for large families to squeeze into cars. Been there. Done that.

  16. Hello from Spain: I love the yellow car. You also have a large collection of cars. Poor Julian. He breaks my heart ... When he grows up will learn the behavior of ex-wives .. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I love the cars even though I don't get to show them often enough. Julian is already learning the ways of ex-wives.

  17. Awww poor Julian. Kids are so sweet and innocent. You know I noticed Melanie's iPad ;-)


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