Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Did I Say No More Dolls? What I Meant Was....

No more that day.

Me with more Stardolls.  I know that's quite the shock. But most of them were on clearance for $7.48 at Target.  Get out!  I'd pay that for the outfits.  And since the LIV bodies can fit the shoes.  All is well.  The AA doll was $10.48, but still a great price.  The two dolls on the left will get LIV bodies for sure.  I'm still on the fence about a Fashionista or LIV body for the AA doll.  All three will be part of the college crew.  

Finally saw the new Artsy at Walmart.  I needed another body to paint. 

 Someone else here needs a new body and I love the little outfit.  Perfect for my college crew.

I bought a couple of the LIV outfits from Target. There were a couple more there, but I left them.  So funny, when I was at Walmart, they had the NEW ITEM sign still on their LIV stuff and regular prices.  Ha!

Found these cuties in the Fisher Price aisle.  They may come in handy if I ever do the DisneyWorld trip I have planned.


  1. Wow! Those are fantastic prices on the Stardolls! They'll look great in the college crew. The LIV outfits are cute. And I'm a Disney addict so I especially love the Minnie Mouses at the end.

    1. Alura - I love Disney, too. I hope I can pull off a Disneyworld trip. I'm thinking they will spend more time at Epcot and SeaWorld than on the rides.

  2. I will have to go back to Target and see if the Stardolls are on sale. I didn't notice when I was there..

    1. Frannie - The doll in the yellow top and jeans was $10.48 and the one with the Paris shirt wasn't on clearance, but still only $14.99. I didn't check any of the other Targets.

  3. I'll have to over and check my Target to see if the Star dolls are on sale. I agree, the fashions are worth at least that much.

    1. pattisdolls - Hello. I've been to your blog a few times and now I am a follower. I just saw that Celine Dion remake doll you showed. Whoever did her did a wonderful job. Good luck finding the Stardolls on clearance.

  4. I saw that the Liv dolls were on sale, but I didn't notice the StarDolls going for that price here. Congratulations on those finds. Those are GREAT prices. Need to call the Targets here in Philly and find out if that sale is here, too.

    Glad that you were able to take advantage of that sale. Thanks for sharing, too ;-D

    1. D7ana - Most of the Stardolls were not in their normal location. They were placed near the Basic dolls, which is why they caught my eye. I may not have noticed them if they had been in their right location. $7-$10 vs $22. I'll take it.

    2. I love how people put (hide?) dolls all over the toy section, lol. Ms. Leo's story about her Walmart deal has to be the best recorded tale.

      Seven-ten dollars? I'll take some at that price, too ;-D

      As for Walmart ... don't they have a policy where if you find an item priced lower than what Walmart charges for the item, you get that item for the cheaper price? Or is that me being delusional?

      Oh and I am glad to see you got some StarDolls ;-D Yay! And you'll have those points, too!

  5. Great catch.

    I saw the Star Dolls at my Target last week, but I don't believe they were on clearance. Maybe they are now. Great price for the outfits and the heads to rebody. What will you do with those stationary bodies?

    Wal-Mart can be a trip with some of their prices on just about everything. You have to be really careful when shopping there.

    Congrats on all your goodies.


    1. DBG - Racquel may be able to use a couple of those stationary bodies in her new location. IF Terrance can work it out. Walmart has resorted to trickery to get some of their things sold at regular prices. Example: Mixing regular priced items in on the clearance table and just changing the color of the sticker, but leaving the price as is. Making the sticker red on the shelf to make people believe the item has been marked down. Walmart I am on to you!

  6. Great finds Vanessa! The blonde and the AA Stardoll are my favorite of the bunch. The AA doesn't really match the Liv body all that well. The Liv body looks like it has more pink undertones but she looks perfect on a Nikki/Artsy body. But, it's not a terrible match.

    Can't wait to see how you fit them in with the other Morristowners. ;)

    1. Tracy - Thanks for the body information. I will probably put her on a fashionista body so there can be a slight height difference in the college crew.

  7. Great deals! My Target has them all for $10.48. That's interesting how they vary in price store to store. I have the AA doll on a Artsy/Nikki body. I think she matches pretty good.

    Congrats on your great sales. I love the cute outfit on Summer.

    1. Georgia Girl - Yes, I saw your doll in your last story. I loved both your Stardolls. The way you styled them made them look quite different than what I was used to.

      Thanks for the birthday wish. My special day is Sunday.

  8. Oooh! They have never really done much for me, but I'll go check them out at my Target one of these days. Great Buys!

  9. Verona - They never did much for me either. But when the price is right, I adjust. I've always liked their accessories and the clothes are cute.

  10. You are SO lucky! :O I play Stardoll AND I love Barbies! I am so jealous because wherever I go, they're like $20.00!

    1. Isabel - I know I lucked out on this one. I usually see them at $20-$23. I couldn't believe the price!

  11. Hi Vanessa! I also got caught up in Target this week! So I understand. I went to the target in Tucker and found all the stardolls were $10.48. I was able to limit myself to only one, but I did buy several LIV clothing packs earlier this week. We'll both do better next week! lol

    1. veda - We really have to meet up one day and NOT go doll shopping. What do you mean we will do better next week? We did great! I was not complaining about these doll purchases. I think you should go back next week and see if that Target marked them down to $7.48.

  12. Great score! How could you not buy more dollies. :D

    1. Roville - Apparently this addiction runs deep. I just ordered 4 articulated Disney dolls. But they are a birthday gift to me, so they don't count. I also have an unopened doll that arrived a few days ago. Don't know where I put that box. Hmmmm. Send help! Quick!

    2. Happy Birthday Vanessa! When is your special day?

  13. Hello from Spain: congratulations on your purchases. I bought last week the new fashionistas too. I needed articulated bodies and clothes I like. keep in touch with blog blog

    1. Marta - Yes some of the new outfits are really cute. I will come visit soon.

  14. Congratulations on your purchases. Looks like Morristown will need to expand even further or maybe you could build up or build underground. I'm glad you explained exactly what you meant when yous said, "No more dolls".

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. The underground comment made me chuckle. No, I have figured out how to make Morristown work without additional building. I give up on the "no more dolls". It's hopeless.

  15. I finally have some Stardolls too! Couldn't say no to that low price.

    1. Muff - Exactly. Great thrifty minds think alike. "I don't like you to pay that for you, but for the right price, you are looking mighty fine."

  16. Hopefully I'll get to go today.

  17. With those prices it's too difficult to resist... I would have bought them all, too... Here we don't have Stardolls, and just three of the new fashionistas. It's a pity, as I'm looking for the new Raquelle to get her body for my Fashion Fever Teresa... You're lucky, great purchases!!!

    1. Rossetti - What no Stardolls there either? I have a feeling that line isn't doing so great. I don't have proof, but they haven't brought out anything new since their first release. Maybe it would do better if they opened it up to more countries.

  18. I went to Target this weekend and no clearance on Stardolls at my Target...BOOO. I really want the AA dolls face and clothes. My Target did have the SIS Rocawear dolls though, I want Grace from that series.
    I left Target empty handed.

    1. mrscarissa - Sorry to hear that. Keep checking though. I can't imagine GA is the only one discounting them. I have that Rocawear Grace. I bought her for the dress, but she has since become the main Grace in my stories.


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