Monday, July 2, 2012

Racquel Prepares Dinner for her Mom and Sister

When we left Terrance and Racquel they were having breakfast and a heated discussion about expanding her shop, Ni'Chalet's.  Click here to see that post.  Well it's close to dinner time and Racquel is expecting her mom, Lauren, and sister, Faith, for dinner.

Terrance has taken it upon himself to cut the sweet potato pie Racquel baked for dessert.

"Terrance!  That pie is for dessert."  (Racquel)
"I was just sampling it to make sure it was okay."  (Terrance)

"Here.  Taste it."  (Terrance)
"I know what it taste like.  I made it."  (Racquel)

"Fine. That just means more for me."  (Terrance)
"Can you please refrain from sampling the food until after the guests arrive?  (Racquel)
"You know sweet potato pie is my weakness."  (Terrance)
"Well I'm going to check on dinner.  Do you mind getting Shay dressed?  Her outfit is on the changing table."  (Racquel)
"Okay."  (Terrance)

Racquel grabs the oven mitt and checks the oven.

The chicken parmesan is done.  The doorbell rings.
"Perfect timing."  

Racquel greets her mom and Faith at the door.
"You guys are right on time.  Come in, come in."  (Racquel)
"Hmmm.  Something smells good."  (Lauren)

Lauren and Faith get comfortable in the living room.
"What do you guys want to drink?"  (Racquel)

Racquel gathers the requested drinks and joins her family in the living room.
"So where's my granddaughter?"  (Lauren)
"She'll be out in a minute."  (Racquel)
"By the way, I brought your old rocking horse.  Your dad finally got up to the attic to get it.  It's in the car."  (Lauren)
The ladies continue to chat, then Terrance appears with Shay.

"Hello Momma Lauren.  Hey Faith."  (Terrance)
"Hello Terrance.  There's my preciousness!  Bring her on over."  (Lauren)

"Honey, can you go get the rocking horse out of mom's car."  (Racquel)
"Sure.  Is the car locked?"  (Terrance)
"No. I left it unlocked."  (Lauren)

"Oh my.  Look at you.  You get more beautiful every time I see you."  (Lauren)

"Mom, let me hold her."  (Faith)
"Say, no auntie Faith.  I'm with my granny."  (Lauren)

Terrance returns with the rocking horse.
"Where do you want it?"  (Terrance)
"Just sit it right there for now.  Let's see how she likes it."  (Racquel)
Racquel hands Shay to Terrance who sits her in the rocking horse.

Everyone waits to see how Shay is going to react.
"Looks like she likes it.  Go ahead Shay.  Move.  Make the horsey go."  (Terrance)

Shay is not completely sure of this new contraption, but at least she is not crying.
"I guess I better go get dinner ready."  (Racquel)

Racquel fixes the plates and starts setting the table.  She is serving chicken parmesan, with spaghetti and peas.  To see more closeups of her dinner, click here.  Dinners are available in my Etsy shop.

"Dinner is served."  (Racquel)

The family is seated. 

"So Faith, how's school? "  (Racquel)
"So far, so good.  I decided to take a class this summer to try to get ahead."  (Faith)
"Well if you get some free time, and want to work at the boutique, let me know."  (Racquel)
"Great!  I can always use the extra money."  (Faith)

"So Terrance, how's your new job?"  (Lauren)
"It's tough.  The days can be very long, but I'm really enjoying it."  (Terrance)
The family continues their dinner and conversation.  After resting a bit after dinner, Racquel serves dessert and coffee in the living room.  Lauren and Faith leave shortly after dessert.  

After the company has left, Racquel and Shay head back to the rocking horse.  Shay seems to be a little more comfortable with it.

"Do you like your new horsey, Shay?  Mommy's going to fix it up real pretty for you."  (Racquel)

Terrance has reentered the living room after changing back into his robe and PJs.  He's quietly watching his wife and daughter.  He knows with the busy week ahead of him, he won't get to spend much time with Shay.

Racquel joins him on the couch.
[Love those new fashionista legs!]

"You know, I've been thinking about our conversation this morning... about your store."  (Terrance)
Racquel's eyes get a little wider.

"And, I've decided to see what I can do to possibly make that happen for you."  (Terrance)
"REALLY!"  (Racquel)
"I can't make any promises, but I will do what I can."  (Terrance)

"Oh, thank you, thank you!"  (Racquel)
"Don't thank me yet."  (Terrance)
"I'm thanking you for believing in me."  (Racquel)
All of a sudden there is a shriek coming from Shay's direction.

"Oh my.  She sure knows how to get our attention.  Sounds like someone is ready for bed.  Okay Shay.  Here I come."  (Racquel)

Racquel gathers up Shay and heads for the nursery.  She is smiling all the way thinking about the possibilities of an expanded boutique.

Note:  That is a trial run on the rocking horse.  The real one will have ears.  LOL!  I am experimenting with how I will decorate it.  I'm thinking of antiquing it.  We shall see.  Kelly and the slightly larger Kellys (like my Ciana doll)  can also fit in the rocking horse.  Rocking horses will soon be available in my shop.

An assortment of pies is due to hit the Etsy store this week.


  1. wow its great and i really enjoyed it and the food looks yummy

  2. and thanks for making the pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The rocking horse is very cute and brings back a lot of memories. I'm looking forward to seeing them finished (antiqued sounds good)- and the pies too.

    1. Carricters - I remember rocking my little brother in one of these rocking horses. I wonder if I was ever put in one?

  4. Dinner looks delicious. And I love the baby rocker.

    1. Roville - Thanks. That rocker was right on time. Shay is outgrowing the red and blue swing in the corner. They grow so fast.

  5. LOVE the dio, everything looks sooooooooo real!!!! You did an awesome job with them, the story and the pics, congrats!!!!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! You seem as excited as Racquel was about the potential store expansion.

  6. I'm glad Terrance is backing Racquel up on this! I think she really needed his support in this.
    The rocking horse is so awesome. It looks great so far.

    1. Alura - You know how men can be sometimes. Eventually they see things our way. Glad it didn't take him too long to come around.

  7. How cute! The rocking horse is adorable!

    1. Verona - Thanks! Every fashion doll toddler needs a rocking horse. It is one of the staples of childhood. LOL!

  8. I don't know how you keep all your stories straight in your head. I would never be able to do it. Love the Rocking Horse. Paint them in all pastel colors!

    1. Frannie - I think I should have been a fiction writer. There are always stories in my head and I can rattle them off as though they are really happening. Sometimes I scare myself then think people must think I am looney. Thanks for the pastel idea. The possibilities are endless.

  9. The table setting looks great. All of the food look tasty and I love the way you pose Terrance. So realistic!

    1. Grandmommy - Thanks. I wish I could really pose Terrance. That would be fun!

  10. Loved it! Everything looked delicious. I'm glad Terrence came around. Between the pie and keeping her in suspense about what he thought about expanding, he minds me of my husband.

    1. Kenya - Thanks! From what I gathered about your husband, it would take him too long to decide if he was going to cut the pie or not, and it would take him more than a day to come around and figure out how to make the expansion work. I sure hope he isn't reading this. If so, take him back to the Rod and Danielle wedding night story. He will forget all about this story.

    2. He is no where near when I open the "doll blog". LOL! No there would be no hesitation about eating the pie. But yes a BUNCH of ins and outs research on the expansion.

  11. The food looks perfect as always I like the rocking horse and thats cool that different size kids can fit into it great job.

    1. mustiwait - Thanks! I wish I was eating as well as my dolls do. When I finish the rocking horse, I will take pictures of the other dolls, too.

  12. Doing a Happy Dance for Raquelle 'cause Terrance is going to look into a larger place. Even if it cannot be found or implemented, it is nice that he believes in her dream and that he's backing her so. Yay!

    The rocking horse is cute. Without ears, it could be rocking hounds ... (dodging the trash thrown in my direction, lol). Will be cool to see them in your shop.

    1. D7ana - It's always nice to have your man being supportive. I was thinking the same thing about the rocking horse. I was thinking a Greyhound dog.

  13. Shay looks precious in the rocking horse. I bet they could use several of those at the day care center!

    1. limbe dolls - Ummm, have you seen that daycare? There is nothing else fitting in the daycare. But if some space opens up, I think that would be a great idea.

  14. Hello from Spain: the wooden horse is a classic toy. All children have one and it is always a favorite toy. I love it. I am also glad that Racquel can expand her store. Terrance is very attractive with his gown. The salon is beautiful with all your furniture. Dinner with the family is very real. I also love the new bodies fashionistas. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks for your lovely comments. They are keeping me busy in Moristown. I'll be visiting soon.

  15. Yay! I'm glad Terrance decided to back Raquel. They are such a beautiful couple and a great team!

    Great job on the horsey rocker, it's darling. I also love the pie. I don't blame Terrance for slicing a piece. :)

    1. Tracy - Terrance probably thought of how appreciative his wife would be if he stepped up to the plate. I like this little family. But I guess I say that about most of my families. Girl, when he put the pie up to his mouth, I swear I could taste it. Sweet potato pie is my favorite.

  16. Great story! I loved this whole set up. The rocking horse is too cute. Shay's little outfit is adorable. Oh and of course I love your food.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I'm looking forward to making some really nice decorated rocking horses.

  17. I thought I told Raquel before Terrance can do what he wants. I have a few ladies in my town offering to make him some
    I will purchase my own Terrance one day.

    1. mrscarissa - Apparently Racquel didn't hear you. There are ladies right here in Morristown who would make him some pie, too. Good thing he enjoys the pie at home. LOL!

  18. I want one of those dolls and I will get one.


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